Урок «Вчені, відкриття, винаходи»“Scientists, discoveries, inventions” 10-11кл рівень В1, В2

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови з теми "Вчені, ввдкриття, винаходи" для учнів 10-11 кл. профільного навчання рівень В1,В2. До уроку є додатковий матеріал
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         Відділ освіти Покровської міської ради Донецької області

         Красноармійський міський ліцей «Надія» м. Красноармійська





        Розробка Уроку : «Вчені, відкриття, винаходи»

                  “Scientists, discoveries, inventions”

                              10-11 forms –  level-B1, B2.

                                    (with supplementary material)






                                                                Підготувала: вчитель англійської мови

                                                                    Великоредчаніна  Тетяна Яківна    







                                            м.  Покровськ   -  2022р.


               Тема уроку: Scientists, discoveries, inventions.

                                         Мета уроку:

  • вдосконалювати знання лексики за темою та активізувати її у нових мовленнєвих ситуаціях
  • тренувати учнів у читанні та аудіюванні за темою
  • практикувати учнів  в використанні  Соnditionals
  • розвивати зв’язне усне  мовлення
  • розвивати комунікативну, пізнавальну  та соціокультурну

 компетенції учнів;

  • розвивати логічне мислення учнів через проведення таких операцій як аналіз, порівняння, систематизація;
  • вдосконалювати творчу уяву,розвивати творчі здібності учнів
  • прищеплювати вміння думати, висловлювати свою точку зору
  • виховувати пізнавальний інтерес, натхнення  до розвитку мислення через особисто - орієнтований підхід

 (Equipment: conversational formulas, quotes, pictures, the scheme of Conditional mood I, II,II, flash cards with video-interview,  video about Einstein capabilities, text with gaps about the Internet, a workbook, the tree of Knowledge for feedback)

1.  Greeting, warming -up

 T. Do you feel like studying today?

      Ps- Of course, because, knowledge helps me get progress in life.

     - Really, school opens the door into the world.

     - No doubt, knowledge is power, it broadens our outlook, enriches our life.

     - Knowledge we get at school will help us make our future career.

     T.- Thanks for your sincere answers. Yes, knowledge is always the discovery      

      of   some new ideas, things and experiences.

2.  Цільова установа уроку . Читання та переклад  цитат Эйнштейна.

      T.-Please, look at the picture and tell, if you recognize this renowned man.



     T. -Well, be ready to read some of his quotations, which are endless and

      original or even extraordinary, to my mind. (pupils read and translate the












If you want your children to be intelligent read them fairy tales.jpg

   T- Can you guess about the theme of our lesson?

        P1,P2,P3- share their opinions.


     T.- Which of his 10 amazing lessons attract you most and why?

       (pupils choose and explain).

3.  Watching video" 7 FUN FACTS ABOUT EINSTEIN" and doing the "after- 

      watching" task

     T.- Watch, listen and be ready to choose TRUE or FALSE to the statements

       (pupils watch the video).


4.   After- listening task "TRUE or FALSE"

      -The term "Einstein syndrome" had to describe bright people whose

        speech was too fast (F)

     - Einstein had a lot of bad habits (F)

     -He failed his entry exam to Swiss University at the age of 17 (F)

     -His mum taught him to play the violin at 5. (T)

     -Einstein was offered the position of a president of Israel, and was satisfied

      with it. (F)

     -Einstein could have lived longer. (T)

      T. a-Which fact from Einstein's biography has impressed you most?

     b- Have you changed your impression about Einstein as a person or a


5Watching the interview:

      T. - Now after having some intellectual warming-up let's get down to the

       topic of our lesson. I suggest you watching the interview and making your

      choice of the greatest inventions of all times (watching interview)

  6. The interview in the class (taken by the pupil)

      The pupil-Valeria N. takes the interview with the pupils. (group 1, 2, 3)

    - Can you think of any other inventions that are important in our current life?

    - What is the most beneficial invention to your mind?

    - Which inventions would you find the most difficult to live without?

    - Are there any drawbacks in using these inventions?

    - If you were an inventor, which device would you design to improve people's     

        life?      (Group work

 (you have a number of inventions in the pictures, discuss and choose the most    valuable from your point of view, prove your idea.) (there are some word-combinations for help      

Helpful  Speaking Hints

to make life easier/ more convenient       household chores

 to give people more leisure time              a fast/slow/ frantic pace of life

to get your own entertainment                  to make people lazy/dependent 

to rely on technology


7. Revising the Conditional I,II, III :

    T -You see, in some Einstein’s quotations we can even come across grammar  material. Look at this quote and name the type of the Conditional.

       IF I were not a physicist, I would try to be a musician...(Einstein).

 Now let's revise the Conditionals- one of you starts with the Conditional I, the other continues with Conditional II, the  next   with the Conditional III.

    (Pupils work in groups). The example is on the screen :

    (They express their own opinions about the most wide-spread inventions of

    humanity, valuable and beneficial discoveries).

         1.- If people unite their resources, they will solve the problem of hunger.

         2.- If the problem of hunger were solved, the people would be happier.

         3.- If the people had been happier, our life would have radically


 8. Fill in the gaps with the correct word, making it up from the letters given     

      in brackets. 

       T.- Now look at the screen, work in groups and fill in the gaps.

      The Internet has changed (1) .... (cmuiainomncto)-“communication” as we know it. From   education to (2) .... (vinsagttoein)-“investigation” this new (3)...(tleacchingool)-“technological” advance has affected (4) ....(lypraclacit) –“practically” every aspect of our life.

       Magazines, newspapers and even books are "online" and can be read on the computer. You can find  (5) ....( mraotfinoin)- ‘information” on any topic - (6) ....(bipoesislisti)-possibilities” are (7) ....(essndel)-“endless

       The Internet can (8) ....(yinsltstna)- ‘instantly” connect you to other computers, allowing you to "chat" with people all over the world. It's actually, very easy to learn how to use the system, and once you're online, you'll never want to turn the computer off!

      The (9) ....(dvlpetnmoee)-“development” of such technology has come a long way. These (10) ....(mnagaiz)- “amazing” electronic devices have changed many people's lives forever. 


9.   "Scanning» the text.

      T.- Open your workbooks at page 51, ex.4.scan the texts and filling in the 

      table, give a short review of these inventions.  (music background -Kleiderman  “Spring melody”)

10. Representation of the greatest inventions of the time, using the material of the text. (group work).

       T.- If you're ready, please welcome. (pupils tell about the greatest inventions)

11.  Relaxation time. (an English song) with elements of flash- mob with the video accompaniment- "We will rock you")

12.  Quiz.  (group work - to guess the name of the inventor or invention)

        T.-Now you have to exchange and guess the descriptions of devices, and

        inventions (pupils work in groups and guess the meaning of the


13.  Presentation of group projects (home task)

        T.-Each group has done your own presentations about your favourite

        inventions, reproduce your projects and you, dear jury choose the best   

       group to be nominated for the «Nobel Award». Dear students, (3 persons)

you’re welcome to be the jury now and choose the best invention to be awarded the “Nobel prize”.

        T. 1.- What is the greatest plus of this device?

          2. - Can you advertise your widely-spread gadget?

          3. - Is the invention of the internet a benefit or a drawback?)

     (Each group presents their projects and the jury chooses the best


     The jury chooses the winner .

14. Feed-back.

       T-Thank you for being creative, intelligent and smart.

       Now look at this Tree of Knowledge. You remember- The Roots of

       Education are Bitter, but Fruits Are Sweet. Take the "apples" and write

      down your impressions of the lesson, the new information you've got,  

    maybe your new ideas and decorate the tree with your fruits, reading

   aloud. Let fruits be sweet.

   (Pupils decorate the "tree of Knowledge" with their ideas, impressions and

   descriptions about the lesson, written on the "apples from the tree of

   Knowledge» and read them aloud)

    Now photo for our memory.

15. Teacher's summary of the lesson and marks.

16. Home task.   Please write down your home task for the next lesson- (on the screen)

        -Find the most curious invention of all times.

        -WB. p. 53. ex. 3, 4. (read, translate and fill in the gaps.).

17. The end of the lesson (on the screen)-

    "Science is organized knowledge.

      Wisdom is organized life." 

                                                            Immanuel Kant.

      Make your own discoveries!!!

C:\Users\Татьяна\Desktop\Новая папка\IMG_8139.JPG



























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