Урок "Welcome to London"

Про матеріал
«Сьогодні на уроці» - Удосконалюємо навички читання, говоріння по темі. - Тренуємось у вживанні лексичних одиниць по темі «Транспорт», «Лондон» в усному мовленні. - Ознайомлюємося з визначними місцями Лондона, з новим лексичним матеріалом теми. - Розвиваємо комунікативні вміння, стійку увагу, наочно-дієве образне мислення, оперативно-смислову пам'ять, творчу уяву та естетичні почуття. - Виховуємо повагу до традицій Великобританії, інтерес до життя людей в інших країнах, працелюбність, самостійність. - Перевіряємо знання, набуті під час вивчення теми.
Перегляд файлу

Тема:        Discover the UK.

Підтема:   Welcome to London.


Удосконалювати навички читання, говоріння по темі.

Тренувати учнів у вживанні лексичних одиниць по темі «Транспорт»,   «Лондон»       в усному  мовленні, прийменників «by» «on».

Ознайомити учнів з визначними місцями Лондона, з новим лексичним матеріалом теми. Розвивати комунікативні вміння. Розвивати стійку увагу учнів, наочно-дієве образне мислення, оперативно-смислову пам'ять,  творчу уяву та естетичні почуття. Виховувати повагу до традицій Великобританії. Виховувати інтерес до життя людей в інших країнах.   Виховувати працелюбність, самостійність.

Обладнання: мультимедійна презентація «Welcome to London», тематичні малюнки, ілюстрації, роздавальні картки по темі «Транспорт», «Лондон», таблиця «You can travel…», картки з деформованими реченнями, таблиця з новими лексичними одиницями по темі «Лондон», роздруківки - текст «Лондон», тест «London Quiz», вікторина «What famous places can you see?».

Хід уроку:

І. Початок уроку:

  1. Організаційний момент (привітання, приведення учнів до готовності співпрацювати, повідомлення цілей уроку) Introductory talk.

T: - Good morning children! I’m glad to see you! Today we’ll talk about the sightseeing of  London. «Welcome to London!» - it will be the topic of our today’s lesson. Today you will get a lot of new information about this wonderful city. You’ll visit a lot of places of interest.

You will have an unusual lesson. It will be a kind of trip.

  1. Настройка слухового та артикуляційного апарату на іншомовне спілкування. (Мовленнєва зарядка.) Актуалізація опорних знань.

а) Conversation. (Бесіда за певною ситуацією.)

T:  - Do you like traveling?

     - How do people travel?

 - What kinds of transport do you know? Name them, please.

 - What kind of transport you prefer for your travel and why?

Use the words from the box.


зручний, комфортабельний













 (Start with: I prefer…)

 b) Work with cards.

 - Look at the pictures. Match the pictures with the words.



























































T: - What kind of transport do you want to choose to go to London?

     (Start with: I want to go to London by …)



You can travel

by plane.

You can travel

by train.

You can travel

by bus.

You can travel

by bike.

You can travel

by car.


You can travel


on foot


- What places would you like to visit in London?

(Start with: I would like to visit …)



T: - OK! We are going to travel to London. Imagine that you travel by bus.

-         What can you see trough your windows? Listen, read and learn the poem.


      Trams and cars in London town

               Run up and down

                 Up and down                      

            Stop! Look at the light

              First, look to the left

                Then to the right.


ІІ. Основна частина уроку.

Station 1. Тренування у мовленні.

T: - First of all you need listen and repeat some new words after me:

(Read the words with the translation.)

The Thames


Westminster Abbey

Вестмінстерське абатство

Tower Bridge

Тауерський міст

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Собор Святого Павла


Tower of London

Лондонський Тауер

Regent’s Park


Big Ben

Біг Бен

Buckingham Palace

Букінгемський палац

The Houses of Parliament

Будинок Парламенту


Лондонське метро

Piccadilly Circus

Площа Пікаділлі

British Museum

Британський музей



Station  2. Перегляд мультимедійної презентації «Welcome to London».

T: - So, look from the bus window and say what tourists can see there. Look the presentation «Welcome to London». (Перегляд презентації)


T: - What can you visit places of interest in London?


Station 3. Робота з текстом. Work with text «London». Read the text about London and answer the questions:

-         What is the capital of Great Britain?

-         What river is London situated on?

-         What is the center of London?

-         Where does the English Queen live?

-         What is the name of the biggest clock in London?







     London is the capital of Britain. It is one of the most interesting and beautiful places in the world. About eight million people live here.


                                   There is a big river in London – the Thames.  

                               There are a lot of bridges over the river.

    Tower Bridge is the most famous. It is more than 100 years old.



There are lots of places of interest in London.

                                From Tower Bridge you can  see the Tower of London.

                                It is a museum now. There are hundreds of interesting          

                                collections in it.


There is a famous clock in London called Big Ben.          




Trafalgar Square is the main square in London.



       You can see splendid churches in the city. Westminster Abbey is one of the oldest royal churches. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the most wonderful classical church in Britain. 




Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. More than 50 thousand quests visit the palace every year.



London’s park and gardens are really beautiful. In Regent’s park there is the Zoo. It is one of the biggest and most famous zoos in the world.

There are about 10 thousand streets in London with a lot of shops and cafes, cinemas and theatres, galleries and museums. Big red buses run up and down the streets. The oldest metro in the world, called Tube, is here in London, too.


Station  4: Узагальнення та закріплення вивченого.

T: Agree or disagree the statements below.

(Start with: I agree with statement that…

                   I disagree with statement that…




Agree / Disagree


London stands on the river Thames.



Kyiv is the capital of  England.



The most famous bridges in London is Tower Bridges.



There is a famous clock in London called Ben Big.



There is a big Zoo in Regent’s Park.



One of the oldest royal churches is Westminster Abbey.



The population of London is about 7 thousand people.



Station 5: Complete the sentences.


( Робота в зошиті. Учні складають з деформованих речень - правильні речення .)


1. the capital, London, is, of, Britain.

2. here, interest, of, places, a lot of, are, There.

3. London, in, river, big, a, is, Thames, The.

4. bridge, famous, the most, is, Bridge, Tower.

5. now, museum, a, is, London, of, Tower ,The.

6. clock, famous, a, is, Ben, Big.

7. church, royal, the oldest, is, Abbey, Westminster.

8. Britain, in, church, classical, wonderful, the most, is, Cathedral, St. Paul’s.

9. The, in, metro, oldest, called, the world, Tube.



Station 6:

Match the words with the pictures:











                  Match the words

                   with the pictures:


Trafalgar Square



Big Ben






Tower Bridge



The Houses of Parliament



Tower of London



Buckingham Palace



St. Paul’s Cathedral






Regent’s park





















































Key: 3, 1, 5, 6, 9, 2, 10, 7, 4, 8


Station 7: Now we check up How do you know London?

Our last task is test «London Quiz». Choose the correct variant a? b? c?



     1.   London is the ….. of Britain.

  1.     centre
  2.     capital
  3.     part


  1. The famous clock in the London calls…
  1.     Big Boll
  2.     Big Doll
  3.     Big Ben
  1. More than… live in London.
  1.     5 mln
  2.     11 mln
  3.     8 mln
  1. From Tower Bridge you can see…
  1.     St. Paul’s Cathedral
  2.     The London Zoo
  3.     The Tower of London


  1. The Queen lives in…
  1.     the Tower of London
  2.     Buckingham Palace
  3.     Westminster Abbey
  1. Westminster Abbey is famous…
  1.     museum
  2.     royal church
  3.     circus


  1. In Regent’s Park there is the biggest… in the world.
  1.     metro
  2.     clock
  3.     zoo
  1. There are… streets in London.
  1.     6
  2.     1 mln
  3.     10 thousands
  1. Big … buses run up and down the streets.

            a) red

            b) blue

            c) green

10. The oldest metro in the world, called …

            a) Khreschatyk

            b) Tube

            c) Petrovka

     11. The main square in London is…

                 a) Piccadilly Circus

                 b) Trafalgar Square

                 c)  Regent’s Park

     12.  London stands on the river…

                 a) Dnipro

                 b) Thames

                 c) Nil



     KEY: 1b, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5b, 6b, 7c, 8c, 9a, 10b, 11b, 12b.



ІІІ.  Підсумки уроку. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

T: -   Our trip is over. At last we have arrived to London.

-         What places of interest do you like most of all?

(Start with: I like …..)

T: -  I am satisfied with your work today, you were active and helped me to conduct this lesson. Thank you for the lesson.

T: - Your homework:

  1.     I think that you ready to talk about London, so the next time you’ll tell me about it. Summary about London.



    2) Do the Quiz! «What famous places can you see?»

C:\Documents and Settings\X\Pulpit\lo.JPG


Name: ……………………………………………………

Class:  ………………




What famous places can you see?   Read and match.


London Eye     A double ducker      Piccadilly Circus     Westminster Abbey     Beefeaters     A phone box       Buckingham Palace     Houses of Parliament       

The British Museum       Madame Tussaud’s       The Tower of London     Tower Bridge




1. …………………………………………….

The official home of the British royal family in London, containing almost 600 rooms.

2. ……………………………………………

A famous building which contains a large and important collection of ancient art, writings, coins, drawings.

3. …………………………………………….

It is the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe, and the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom.




4. ……………………………………………

A fortress, built in the 11th century. Early in its history it was a royal residence and prison, now it’s a museum.

5. ……………………………………………

A bridge which crosses the River Thames, just to the east of the Tower of London. Often used as a symbol of London.

6. ……………………………………………

A very large gothic church in Westminster. Almost all British kings and queens have been crowned there.





The building in which the members of the British parliament meet.

8. …………………………………………….

It is a famous road junction, built in 1819. It is situated close to major shopping and entertainment areas in the heart of the West End.

9. …………………………………………….

A museum that contains models of famous people, both living and dead, made of wax. It was started in 1802.



10. ………………………………………….

Guards at the Tower of London, who wear a traditional old-fashioned red uniforms and guard the crown jewels.


11. ………………………………………….

A typical British bus with two levels. Some of them specialise in short sight-seeing tours for tourists.

12. ……………………………………………

A small building containing a telephone for use by the public.








- Our lesson is over. See you later.

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