Урок з англійської мови

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Конспект уроку на тему "Іжа" можна використовувати у 7-8 класах як протягом теми так і підсумковий.
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Theme: Food


-          To activate the information and vocabulary on the topic;

-          to develop pupil’s listening and speaking skills;

-          to develop pupil’s communicative skills;

-          to develop pupil’s socio-linguistic skills;

-          to widen the pupil’s outlook.


Equipment: pictures, tasks for pair and group works, proverbs, scrambled words, route of the lesson.


I. Introduction.

- Good morning, Dear pupils! I'm glad to see you today. I hope you are fine and ready to work hard at our lesson.

- Now look at the blackboard. You can see a poster with a route of our today's trip. We'll have a long trip from the foot of mountains to its top. You will have to overcome a lot of obstacles. Let's start our journey.

          -Look at the blackboard, you can see some scrambled words. Try to read them.






/pudding, tea, meat, fruit, borshch, salad, butter, sweets, bread/ (*)

-         So, what about are we going to speak at our lesson?

-         The topic of our lesson is "FOOD".



II.  Speaking T – P1 - P2… - Р1з.

-         Read these words (*) and make up the sentences with them. Well done!

-         The next task you have to do is to ask questions about the meaning of these words. (*)


What can you drink?

What can you eat for Breakfast?

What can you bake?

What is sweet?

What can you do with vegetable and fruit?

What is Ukrainian dish?

What can you boil and fry?

What can you eat for the second course?

What can you spread on the bread?


You have done this work well.


III.  Checking-up of homework.

-         Now let's check your homework. You have different tasks for our lesson. Some of you have made riddles, some took the interview and some found the interesting information about food we'll eat by the time we are 79.

-         Let's begin from the riddles.

-         The interviews.

-         The information.


IV.  Relaxation.


- Let's have a break. Imagine you are in the forest. The sun is shining brightly. It's very warm. You find a lot of different berries. Pick them up. Eat them. Oh, how they are tasty! Some of them are sour! What berry did you find? Is it big or small, ripe or sour? Do you enjoy your meals?


V.  Group work.

-  Now it will be the most interesting obstacle you have.

-  Let’s divided into groups and pairs. Choose the fruit you like best of all, and say why you like it.

- I like ... because it is ....

- You will have different interesting tasks. To do this task you have three minutes.


 Tasks for groups:

>       Make the healthy menu for Saturday and Monday.

>       Divide foods into two groups - healthy and harmful (junk)


Tasks for pairs:

Level II (4-6)

>       Find the odd word out and cross it out.

Carrot, melon, onion, cabbage, potato.

Grapes, apple, pear, plum, nut.

Lemonade, tea, cocoa, sugar, coffee.

Ice-cream, toast with jam, pea-soup, cake, sweet.

Bacon, turkey, chicken, garlic, pork.

>       Match the words together with translation.

To peel potatoes                 нарізати сир

To fry meat                                             готувати обід

To mix salad                                          чистити картоплю

To add salt                                              подрібнити цибулю

To chop onions                                       жарити м’ясо

To slice cheese                                       кип‘ятити воду

To boil water                                         розмішувати салат

To cook dinner

Level III (7-9)

>       Unscramble the dialogue and read or act it.

  1. cream an ice Do want you?
  2. yes, ice cream want an I.
  3. you Do chocolate want?
  4. Yes, want chocolate I.
  5. sandwich a Do want you?
  6. No, sandwich I don’t want a..
  7. want you What do eat to?
  8. eat a I want hamburger to.


>       Make the recipe from these ingredients: an orange, a banana, grapes, a pine­apple, sour-cream, nuts.

Level IV (10-12)

> Read about sandwiches and English tea to tell about it.


English Sandwiches and English Tea.


A lot of people in England eat sandwiches for their lunch. There are a lot of sandwich shops in London. You can buy all sorts of sandwiches in these shops. You can get meat sandwiches, or salad sandwiches, or meat-and-salad sandwiches. And you can get cheese, egg or fish sandwiches. You can even buy fruit sandwiches. Each sandwich has two thin slices of bread. You put butter and meat between the two slices. Lots of foreigners don't like English sandwiches. They like the kind of sandwich we call a roll. Some foreigners don't like English tea either. English tea is very strong. We make it in a teapot (чайник). The English drink a lot of tea.


> Read about British food and tell about it.


Traditional English Food


Traditional English cuisine (кухня) includes many ingredients from many different parts of the world like China, India and North America.

Traditional food from England includes a lot of cheese and bread, meats, game birds, and both freshwater and saltwater fish. One of their most traditional dishes is fish and chips, eaten traditionally with salt and vinegar and served wrapped in newspaper. Another traditional English dish is sausages and mashed potatoes with onions and gravy (соус).

Classics like the Full English Breakfast, Cornish pastry (корнуельське печиво), Black Pudding, and the Sunday Roast are all adapted in many other kitchens.



                  Represent your works.

VI.  Proverbs. Method  «Microphone».

- There are many sayings and proverbs about eating in English language.

- What kind of them do you know?

- OK, let's see the new ones and try to match them with Ukrainian equivalents.

The appetite comes with eating.                                    

After dinner sleep a while, after supper walk a mile.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Don't live to eat but eat to live!

    Апетит приходить під час їжі.

       Після обіду поспи, після вечері пройдись.

Якщо яблуко з'їдають, то хвороби


Не живи, щоб їсти, їж - щоб жити.


       -  Choose one of them and explain how you understand it.

VII. Hometask.

Make the menu for Monday or make the best recipe of youк family.


 VIII.  Summing-up.

So, we are at the top of our mountain. Do you like today's lesson? Why?

What do you like best of all? Thank you very much. Good luck.


23 листопада 2023
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