Урок з англійської мови для 7 класу на тему "Медицина"

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Відкритий урок з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу на тему "Медицина" з багатьма формами і видами роботи, який доцільно проводити під час систематизації та узагальненння знань.

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Підготувала вчитель англійської мови Акульшина Тетяна Станіславівна


Тема: «Медицина», 7 клас


Form:    7                                                      


Topic: Medicine. Медицина


Theme of the lesson: Good Health is Above Wealth. Здоровя дорожче за багатство



  • навчальна: повторити й  активізувати вивчену лексику по темі;

                          удосконалювати навички усного мовлення та аудіювання;

                          навички монологічного мовлення, письма;

                          техніку читання;

                          вдосконалювати фонетичні навички;

  • розвиваюча: розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, пам'ять, увагу, логічне мислення;

                             розвивати мовну здогадку, здатність порівнювати мовні явища

                             рідної та іноземної мови;

                             розвивати навички готовності до участі в іншомовному


  • виховна:  виховувати відповідальне ставлення до свого здоровя та здоровя


                        виховувати в учнів прагнення до здорового способу життя;

                             виховувати дисциплінованість, культуру спілкування;

                             виховувати почуття колективності, активності, толерантності по 

                             відношенню один до одного;

                             ціннісні орієнтації, розуміння важливості вивчення іноземної мови і 

                             потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування;

  • освітня: розширити знання учнів про культуру та традиції народу Англії через 


                     оволодіти знаннями про основні поняття медицини.


Equipment: підручник, зошит, тематичні картки, ТЗН, HOs.

Type of the lesson: Урок узагальнення і систематизації знань.


Outline План

  1. Привітання, перевірка присутніх. (4хв.)
  2. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. (4хв.)
  3. Основна частина (21хв.)
  4. Виконання пісні (2хв.)
  5. Виконання завдань в зошиті. (10хв.)
  6. Заключна частина: оголошення Д/З, підсумки уроку.(4хв.)


Procedure Хід уроку

І. The beginning of the lesson. Greeting and aim. Початок уроку. Привітання

- Good morning, dear pupils!

- I am glad to see you! 

- Are you ready for the lesson?             

- How are you feeling today?

Solving the crossword

Now let’s solve the crossword to find out what our topic is.




























































  1. A season, when children are seldom ill
  2. Illness, when ears ache 
  3. A man, who cures people 
  4. Useful liquid, which cows give
  5. Illness, when stomach ache
  6. A useful training habit happening in the morning
  7. A doctor, who cures teeth
  8. You put it on a broken arm 


- What are we going to talk about?

Today we are going to speak about health and problems with health. Don’t forget: “Good health is above wealth”


Warming up Активізація опорних знань

Pronunciation drill Фонетична розминка

  • Have a look at the screen. Repeat after me.

     [i:] feel, sneeze, disease, see, knee, wheel, bleed

    [Ә] germs, injury, hurt, temperature, nurse

    [Ʌ] drug, cut, must, cough

    [ei] pain, age, name, take

    [u:] took, moon, cook, food, school

    [k] backache, chemist, headache, earache, stomachache

Read the poem

Every time I have a headache

Mother takes me to the doctor

I have a headache - 2

I don’t want to go to bed


Every time I have a stomachache

Mother takes me to the doctor

I have a stomachache - 2

I don’t want to eat my lunch


Every time I have a toothache

Mother takes me to the dentist

I have a toothache - 2

I don’t want to clean my teeth


Matching the proverbs

There can be no doubt that health is very important for any person. There are many proverbs about health. Have a look at the cards and match two parts of every proverb, read together and give Ukrainian equivalents. There are some proverbs.

1. Health is

in a sound body

2. A sound mind

keeps a doctor away

3. An apple a day

makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

4. Early to bed and early to rise

above  wealth

Read and translate.


II. Main part.

Revising illnesses and medicine.

Look at the pictures and name the illness, starting: He has got a….

-What is this? – Pills….



Look at your papers. You have to complete the sentences in which some of the children have these problems. Do this task. You have three minutes.

Complete the sentences.

Headache, toothache, sore throat, stomachache, pain in the knee


  1. Kate ate too much ice-cream yesterday, and today she has got a ………….…
  2. Nick didn’t wash his hands before supper and now he has got a …..…………
  3. Tom doesn’t visit his dentist regularly, so he has got a …………..…
  4. Ann often has got ………………..because she watches TV from morning till night.
  5. Taras played football yesterday. He fell down and now he has got a ………….


Kinds of doctors

People in the medical profession. What do these people do? Match the words and their definitions.

1) A dentist

looks after patients in hospital

2) A pediatrician

examines and treats people’s ears

3) A nurse

looks after children and treats their illnesses

4) An ear doctor

looks after your teeth


And now let’s revise numbers. Listen to the text and correct the dates. The dates in the text are incorrect.



Let’s have a rest and sing a song “Go, go…”






Speaking. Ask and answer

  1. Is there a doctor in your school?
  2. Is there a nurse in your school?
  3. Have you been to the medical room in your school?
  4. Have you been in hospital?
  5. Did you like being in hospital?


In my opinion, you should know what to do, when you have problems with your health


It’s just a time to listen to the dialogues you’ve prepared at home.

Listen to the conversations and complete the table.


Open your copybooks and write down the date














Role-play it in pairs.

I think John is not well.

 Are you feeling all right?

 Sorry, I can’t speak much today. Today I have a sore throat and a terrible headache.

I think we should call the doctor.

 I need something hot to drink.

What’s the matter with him?

He felt ill. He sneezes and coughs and he’s got a high temperature.

I’ll be in 20 minutes. You need some aspirin

N, go to the chemist and buy some tablets of aspirin.


  • Good morning!
  • Good morning!
  • What’s the matter?
  • I’ve got a headache.
  • What is your temperature?
  • It is 37 degrees.
  • You should stay in bed. Take this medicine three times a day before meals. Take some vitamins, too.
  • Thank you very much. Good bye.
  • Good bye


  • Hello!
  • Hello!
  • What’s the matter?
  • I’ve got an awful toothache. I took different tablets, but nothing could help me.
  • Open your mouth, please. Oh, your teeth are so bad. Do you brush your teeth?
  • Oh, yes, I do.
  • How often do you brush your teeth?
  • Sometimes often, sometimes seldom.
  • You must brush your teeth 3 times a day. But now I’ll extract your tooth.
  • Oh! My God.


  • Good morning, Doctor!
  • Good morning. What’s the matter with you?
  • My arm hurts.
  • What has happened to you?
  • I was playing basketball when suddenly I fell down.
  • You should X-ray your arm.
  • Thank you, doctor.
  • Good bye.


  • Hello,    .
  • Hello,   . What was the matter with you yesterday? You weren’t in the swimming pool.
  • I was ill. I had a stomachache.
  • What did you do?
  • I took some pills.
  • Are you all right now?
  • Yes, I am.



Open the brackets and complete the sentences.

  1. If you_________(eat) fruits and vegetables, you ________(be) healthy.
  2. If they ______(have) a problem with health, they ________(visit) a doctor.
  3. If he _____(drink) cold water, he ______(have) a sore throat.
  4. You _____(fell) better, if Ann ____(give) you some pills.
  5. If you _____(eat) so many sweets, you ____(have) problems with your teeth.


Give a piece of advice



If you have

food poisoning

a cut

a bruise

a headache     

           a toothache

 a sore throat      

 an earache           

 a temperature







clean it under the running water

put a sticking plaster on it

drink some mineral water

drink some strong tea

put some pieces of ice on it

put a bandage

clean it with some soap

take some aspirin

go to the dentist

gargle it

use some drops

measure it



It is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Watch a video “10 tips for Healthy lifestyle”

Write out the sentences which were in the video. Do you…?

  • wash hands with soap;
  • eat fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • get up early in the morning;
  • avoid stress;
  • visit dentist regularly;
  • start exercising;
  • drink a lot of water;
  • play the computer;
  • sleep well.



Let’s say what we should do/ shouldn’t. Take a card.

Do morning exercises.

Eat fresh fruit and vegetables

Go in for sports.

Go to bed early.

Wash hands before meal.

Brush your teeth after each meal.

Visit dentist regularly.

Play the computer a lot.

       Eat many sweets.

       Eat hamburgers

       Watch TV late at night


Pair work

Work in pairs. Write your advice to be healthy.


III. Home assignment: Open your daybooks and write down your homework. Your homework is to read the story on p.75 “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (after Mark Twain)


     Summarizing:      You have done a great job.

                                   Thank you for your work.

                                   Our lesson comes to an end.

                                   Your marks are…..

                                   See you next time.

                                   I wish you to be healthy.



Look through the table and make up sentences.


Both ….and….





A headache







Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Sukhonos Anna
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
13 березня 2018
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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