Урок з англійської мови для 7 класу "Охорона здоров’я."

Про матеріал
Тип: Урок формування мовленнєвих навичок і вмінь Форми організації: групова, індивідуальна, інтерактивна
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7 класс 

Тип: Урок формування мовленнєвих навичок і вмінь

Форми організації: групова, індивідуальна, інтерактивна

Тема. Охорона здоров’я.


  • вдосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання, усного та писемного мовлення з використанням тематичних лексико-граматичних структур;
  • активізувати лексичний матеріал нової теми;
  • формувати соціокультурну компетенцію;
  • вчити працювати з довідковою літературою, інтернет-ресурсами
  • розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, сприяти розвитку логічного мислення;
  •  виховувати дисциплінованість та уважність.



  1. Організація класу. Привітання.

T. Good morning! Nice to see you. I hope you are well, P1?!

P1. Yes, sure. I am fine.

T. And what about you, P2?

P2. I am all right.

T. Are you in high spirit, P3?

P3. Of course, I am. I have a nice mood.

T. Any problems, P4?

P4. No problems. Everything is OK.

T. I am glad to hear you are fine. Are you ready to start our lesson?

Ps. Yes, we are.


II. Підготовка до іноземного спілкування

Активізація лексики з теми.  Lexical training:

So, if we are ill, we go to the doctor. But, do you remember some medical specialties? Let’s play a game. Your task is to guess what medical specialty I will describe. If you know rise your hand.

– a doctor, who deals with children and their illnesses. (Pediatrician)

– a specialist in diseases of the eye. ( Oculist)

– a person whose work in filling, cleaning, taking out teeth and fitting artificial teeth. (Dentist)

– a doctor who performs medical operations. (Surgeon)

What doctor would you like to be?

III. Основна частина уроку

1.  Постановка цiлей i задач урокy.

-Today we are working on the topic which you see on the board. It is “The system of health care in Great Britain and Ukraine”.



2.   Презентація нового лексичного матеріалу. ( Учнi читають текст, роздати кожному на парту )


Health care is a system for keeping people healthy. A healthy person not only feels good physically but also enjoys life. Sometimes people can get ill (sick), they may feel pain, some part of their body may hurt, or they can get injury. Then people go to a doctor and ask for help. The doctor tries to find out what illness (disease) the person has and then starts the treatment. The patient can be treated in different ways. One of them is taking medicines (drugs). As a result the patient can be cured.

  • Match the words and word combinations with their Ukrainian equivalents. (записати в зошит)

охорона здоров’я, хвороба, захворіти, лікування, біль, лікуватися, боліти, ліки, травма, вилікуватися.

3. (Сильним учням заздалегiдь дати завдання пiдготувати короткi  повiдомлення про охорону здоров’я у Великiй Британii):

-Here are some facts and opinions about the system of health care  in Great Britain. Which of these facts and opinions characterize the health care system positively and which negatively? 

This lesson we have come to know about the medical system of Great Britain and Ukraine. I would like you to complete this chart.


      Main features

Great Britain



Health care is public and free

Health care is public and free,

have to pay for extras

is run by


 (NHS)  -

the Ministry of Health Care

Medical insurance


is not compulsory

   a private sector







P1:  Healthcare in the UK is free to all citizens, registered long term residents and members of the armed services who are serving abroad. 

It is one of the few countries, which provides a free walk in system of healthcare with very few supplementary charges.
The National Health Service (NHS) is in charge of healthcare in the UK.


P2 : If you want to see a doctor, you must ring and make an appointment. If you want to see one quickly, you can go along to a surgery and wait. You can go to a hospital, but only if it is very serious and you cannot wait to see a doctor.

Most countries have an agreement with Britain whereby it does not cost you to see a doctor. Check first!


P3: If you need medicine, the doctor will give you a prescription to take to a chemist’s. There is a charge of a few pounds for each  prescription.

If you need to go to a dentist, you will have to pay for your treatment.


P4: The UK has a relatively strong private healthcare sector, which is funded largely by private insurance contributions, but it is used only by a limited

percentage of people,  often as a top up to the basic state healthcare.


  • What can you say about the healthcare service in Ukraine from your own experience?


5. Listening.

Now, pupils, I want you to split into 3 groups according to the doctors you’ll chose to be. (учням запропонувати дістати зі скриньки картку з назвою  лiкарської професiї surgeon, pediatrician, dentist; сформованим групам роздати роздруковані всі три завдання до тексту ).


 You`ll listen to the text “Dr Brown`s surgery” and do some tasks.

Pay attention to some words and word-combinations:

Appointment  - за домовленням   (призначена зустріч)

surgery – doctor`s study, the name of the very unit, appointed hours;

provide – give;

ailment – illness;

refer – send;

operate – work;

Dr Brown`s Surgery

Dr Brown`s surgery is responsible for about seven hundred patients. It provides all kinds of services that patients need, from treating everyday ailments to referring patients to hospital for more serious illness. Patients also come for regular check-ups and to get vaccinations according to their needs. In order to improve his service, Dr Brown holds a mother-and-baby clinic on Thursday mornings. The surgery operates an appointment system, but in case of emergency you can come to ask advice or receive treatment at any time during surgery hours.

The surgery is open from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to 5.30 p.m. Monday to Friday.







Post- Listening


The pupils who are to be surgeons will say if the statements true or false.

  1. About seven hundred patients come to Dr Brown`s surgery.
  2. Dr Brown refers all patients to hospital.
  3. Patients go there for regular check-ups.
  4. Dr Brown holds a mother-and-baby clinic on Tuesday mornings.
  5. You can see Dr Brown only if you have an appointment.
  6. The surgery is open from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to 5.30 p.m. every working day.

Well, pupils who want to be pediatricians will answer the questions:

  1. How many patients is Dr Brown`s surgery responsible for?
  2. What kinds of services does the surgery provide?
  3. What do patients also go there for?
  4. What does Dr Brown do on Thursday mornings?
  5. What kind of system does the surgery operate?
  6. When is surgery open?


And the 3d group of doctors will fill in the necessary words in the text and read it.


Dr Brown`s Surgery

Dr Brown`s surgery is 1) … for about seven hundred patients. It 2) … all kinds of services that patients need, from treating everyday 3) … to referring patients to hospital for more serious 4) …. Patients also come for regular check-ups and to get 5) … according to their needs. In order to improve his service, Dr Brown holds a 6) … on Thursday mornings. The surgery operates an 7) … system, but in case of emergency you can come to ask advice or receive treatment at any time during surgery hours. The 8) …  is open from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to 5.30 p.m. Monday to Friday.


6.  Grammar: Past Perfect Simple


We wanted to remember all we had seen…

     (Past Simple)                            (Past Perfect Simple)


  • Which action happened first?

We saw things

We wanted to remember


  • Use the Past Perfect / Past Simple to show that one event happened before another one in the past.


we had seen things                 We wanted to remember              now


  • We make the Past Perfect Simple using had/ hadn’t + past participle


Exercise 1

Match the column A to the column b to make correct sentences:

                                    A                                                  B

  1. By the time the doctor came      a) she hadn’t been dressed warm.
  2. Mary caught a cold because       b) after he had eaten in a café.
  3. Ann had taken her medicine      c) the man in  green sweater had given first aid for
  4. John had a bad tummy ache          poor Tom.
  5. The doctor prescribed some       d) after he had examined him.

     medicine for his patient               e) before she started her dinner.


 Exercise 2

      Read and make up the sentences as in the example:

Max came back home from school and found out that some things had changed.

Example: Ann / clean the flat with the vacuum cleaner

              Ann had cleaned the flat with the vacuum cleaner before  Max came     back home from school.


  1. Little Fred / break his leg
  2. Father / call in the doctor
  3. Mother / give Fred some medicine
  4. Granny / cook dinner
  5. Nobody /read Fred a fairy tale


IV. Заключний етап уроку

  1. Homework.
  2. Summarizing.


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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