Урок з англійської мови для 8 класу за темою "Family and Friends", "My Friend".

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Family And Friends

Lesson 2: My friend

4. Using the provided phrases, let's talk                                                                          Interesting Fact:

about the qualities a true friend should Quality matters more than quantity: While it's possess.   great to have a large circle of friends, research suggests that the quality of your

I believe that... - Я вірю, що...                                                            friendships is more important than the

In my opinion... - На мою думку...                                                     quantity. Having a few close and trusted

From my perspective... - На мій погляд friends who you can rely on and share meaningful experiences with can bring more It seems to me that... - Мені здається, satisfaction and happiness than a large що...          network of acquaintances.

I think that... - Я вважаю, що...

I feel like... - Мені здається...                                                                                            

It's my view that... - Це моє бачення

того, що...                                                                                                                  Homework

Personally, I think... - Особисто я

вважаю...                                                                                     5. Read the text. Fill in the gaps

As far as I'm concerned... - Що           with words from the table. стосується мене...

It's clear to me that... - Мені зрозуміло,

що...                                                                                   shoulder, deepest, memories, betraying,

I have a strong feeling that... - У мене           emotions, horizons, support. сильне відчуття, що...

If you ask me... - Якщо запитати        The Qualities of a Best Friend мене...

To be honest... - Чесно кажучи...                                          A best friend is a precious gem in our lives. They are the

In my experience... - За моїм досвідом..                              ones who stand by us through thick and thin, providing

It's my understanding that... -Я          unwavering         __________,      understanding, and companionship. The qualities that make a best friend truly розумію, що...

special are numerous and priceless.

As I see it... - Я так бачу...                                                      First and foremost, a best friend should be trustworthy.

To my mind... - На мою думку... Trust forms the foundation of any strong friendship. We It's evident to me that... - Для мене confide in our best friends, sharing our ________ secrets зрозуміло, що... and vulnerabilities, knowing that they will guard them

I'm inclined to think... - Я схильний/ with utmost care. A best friend keeps our confidences, схильна думати... never __________ our trust.

imageIt's my belief that... - Я вірю, що...   Another important quality is loyalty. A best friend is someone who stands by our side, no matter what challenges or obstacles we face. They defend and support us, offering a __________ to lean on during difficult times. We can always count on them to have our back and stay true to our friendship.

    They empathize with our _________, offering comfort, encouragement, and a non-judgmental ear. A best friend understands our perspective and is always there to provide a supportive presence.     A best friend is someone with whom we share countless laughs and create lasting _________. They have a great sense of humor, brightening our days with their jokes and infectious laughter. Together, we embark on adventures, explore new ____________, and enjoy each other's company. A best friend brings joy and happiness into our lives.


5 червня 2023
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