Урок з англійської мови Welcome to Ukraine!

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Розробка уроку для 5 класу Welcome to Ukraine. Віртуальна подорож по найвизначнішим містам нашої країни.
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з англійської мови

для учнів 5 класу









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підготувала вчитель англійської мови

ЗЗОШ №29 І-ІІІ ступенів

БАДЯ Оксана Русланівна




Мета: Удосконалити навики аудіювання, лексичних навиків говоріння, розширити кругозір через знайомство з історією; розвивати творчі здібності учнів, виховувати повагу та любов до рідної країни та більш глибокого осягнення своєї культури, підвищити зацікавленість учнів до англійської мови, формувати комунікативну, пізнавальну, інтелектуальну компетентності учнів.


Очікуваний результат: діти мають більше уявлення про рідну країну, бажання її досліджувати та дізнаватись про цікаві історичні факти; вміють вільно англійською мовою розповісти своїм закордонним друзям про Україну, пишаються красою свого краю; зацікавленні у подальшому вивченні англійської мови, бо «англійська – це легко!».


Обладнання: презентація, роздатковий матеріал, пісня, ноутбук.


















T: Dear boys and girls, jury! Children all over the world like playing games and taking part in different competitions. This way we decided to organize a competition and call it “Welcome to Ukraine”. You should go step by step, like tourists, from one station to another. We are glad to meet you at our competition; we think you’ll have a nice time. ( слайд1)

Вед.1 -  Ukraine is one of the beautiful country in all over the world, this country is full of culture, natural beauty and there are various places which are full of fun and entertainment. You’ll visit such stations as, Zaporozhye, Kyiv, Donetsk, Kharkov and other. The team which receives the most points will win the competition.

Вед.2 - We wish you good luck!

Команди розходяться та оголошують свої назви.

Вед.1 – Welcome to Zaporozhye!(слайд 2)

Уч.1 – Zaporozhye is one of the largest cities in Ukraine located in the south-central part of the country on the Dnieper River beyond its once impassable rapids. It is an important industrial and cultural center, mainly for the world-famous aircraft engine manufacturer, hydroelectric power station and historical heritage of Khortytsia Island.

Уч.2 – Thanks to Khortytsia Island, our city has a really special place in Ukraine’s history. Many years ago, Zaporozhye was the center of Cossack civilization and a strategic site, due to the fact that the island was strategically located (there were many rapids in the river) it was hard to get there. Therefore Cossacks – desperate and ruthless warriors – managed to build a new society free from Polish and Russian influence. Today Khortytsia Island is home to the Historical Museum of Zaporozhye Cossacks which holds a lot of Cossack artifacts found here.

Уч.3 – Another interesting wonder of the city is the Zaporozhye Oak Tree. This ancient tree has always been a symbol of Zaporozhye and historical monument of the country as a whole. The mighty tree – 36 meters tall and twenty meters in the girth – must have seen unbelievably much in its life. According to the legend it was under this oak that Cossacks wrote the world-famous letter to the Turkish sultan.

Уч.4 – Although the city of Zaporozhye is not a maritime city, there are some sandy beaches along the Dnieper River. They are mostly fairly small but very refreshing on hot summer days. One might also like to take a boat trip along the channels and inflows of the Dnieper River, go on a cruise round the island of Khortytsia or enjoy sluicing Dniprohes Dam.

Уч.5 – Zaporozhye Dniprohes Dam – a magnificent achievement of the Soviet era – was built between 1927 and 1932. It is about 700 meters long and about 62 meters high. During the Second World War, the Dam was completely destroyed, but it was rebuilt by 1949. Now it is considered to be one of the Seven Modern Wonders of Ukraine.

Уч.6 – Every year the city attracts more and more tourists interested in getting to know its culture and cuisine.  The most popular attractions here are: The Musical Fountain, a peculiar visiting card of Zaporozhye; Museum of the Ancient Navigation, opening of which is planned for 2012; Lenin Prospect, which is believed to be the longest on the territory of Ukraine and across Europe; Intercession Cathedral, built in 1778. In addition, the Preobrazhensky Bridges, Church of St. Nicholas, Arch Bridge, City Botanical Garden, the “Sorrowful Mother” monument, Alley of Love, Children’s Railway, Glinka Concert Hall, Clock of Love, and Lenin’s monument are all very internationally famous. Besides seeing these attractions, visitors can also go shopping for art pieces in the central park or enjoy traditional food in many local restaurants.

Вед.2 – А зараз перше завдання: Please, answer the questions:

  1.   What is Zaporozhye famous for?
  2.   When was Zaporozhye founded?
  3.   What does the city produce nowadays?
  4.   What theatres and museums do you know in Zaporozhye?

Вед.1 – Молодці, всі дуже гарно впорались із завданням. А тепер для того щоб отримати квиток до наступного міста ви маєте впоратись з іншим цікавим завданням:

Відгадати загадки! Now listen to the riddles and guess them.

  1.                    What teaches without talking? (a book)
  2.                    Clean, but not water,
    White, but not snow,
    Sweet, but not ice-cream,
    What is it? (sugar)
  3.                    What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years? (letter M)
  4.                    What is found over your head but under your hat?( your hair)
  5.                    What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats? (a river)
  6.                    What English word has three consecutive double letters? (bookkeeper)
  7.                    We have legs but cannot walk. (tables and chairs)
    I am purple, yellow, red, and green
    The King cannot reach me and neither can the Queen.
    I show my colors after the rain
    And only when the sun comes out again. (a rainbow)
  8.                    Look at my face and you see somebody
    Look at my back and you see nobody. (a mirror)
  9.                    All about, but cannot be seen,
    Can be captured, cannot be held,
    No throat, but can be heard. (wind)

Розгадавши усі загадки учасники отримують квитки та знов звертають увагу на екран.

Вед.1 – Welcome to Kyiv !(слайд 3)

Уч.1 – Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It's one of the oldest cities of Europe. Kyiv is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper river. The population of Kiev is about 3 million. Kyiv is a large political, industrial and cultural center. Kyiv is a seat of the higher body of state power of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada. Kyiv is a scientific centre. Kyiv's cultural life is rich and varied. There are many theatres, museums, exhibitions in Kyiv.

Уч.2 – The most important educational institutions of Ukraine are in Kyiv. The Natiuonal Ukrainian University named after Shevchenko is in the centre of the capital. Kyiv is the is in the centre of the capital. Kyiv is the Hero-City. In the park of Immortal Glory there is an obelisk in honors of those who fell in the battles of the Second World War. A lot of tourists come to Kyiv. The central street of the capital is Kreshchatic. There are many fine buildings in Kreshchatic. Kyiv is especially beautiful in spring when the famous Kyiv chestnut trees are in blossom.

Вед.2 - Аnswer the questions:

  1. What city is the largest in Ukraine?
  2. Name the most famous places in the Kyiv.

Вед.1 – А зараз увага – завдання.

Вед.2 - Are you good at grammar? Let us see. Now grammar quiz. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Граматичний конкурс. (слайд 4)

Вед.1 – Welcome to Donetsk! (на екрані з‘являється слайд 5 з фото міста)

Уч.1 – Started from a small mine settlement, Donetsk has grown into a big administrative, industrial and cultural centre. Donetsk is famous for its scientific achievements.

Donetsk was founded in 1869. Donetsk developed because of the mining and metallurgical industry, and rich stores of minerals.

Уч.2 – In the upper region of the Kalmius River there were large deposits of coal, and around the settlement of Alexandrovka, founded in 1779, first coal-mines appeared.

In 1869 John Hughes settled down on the Kalmius bank and built a smithy that became the first production line of the future metallurgical plant.

Уч.3– The settlement was named Hughsofka after the manager's name.

In 1924 Hughsofka was renamed Stalino. In 1932 the city came the capital of Donetsk region. Industry developed very rapidly.

In 1961 Stalino was renamed Donetsk.

Nowadays the city produces equipment, washing machines, refrigirators, bicycles and so on.

Уч.4 – Food industry is very well-developed in Donetsk now.

Among higher educational institutions there is well-known Donetsk Medical Institute and Donetsk Polytechnical Institute.

There are three theatres and several museums in the city, among them Donetsk Opera and Ballet Theatre and Donetsk Museum of Fine Arts.

Donetsk is known as «the city of millions of roses», and it is true. Actually Donetsk is a very green and beautiful city.

Вед.2 – А зараз увага - завдання: Please, answer the questions:

  1.                    What is Donetsk famous for?
  2.                    Who was John Hughes?
  3.                    When was Donetsk founded?
  4.                    When did the city become the capital of Donetsk region?
  5.                    What does the city produce nowadays?
  6.                    What theatres and museums do you know in Donetsk?

Вед.1 – Молодці, всі дуже гарно впорались із завданням. А тепер давайте порухаємося. Пісня “Puton your shoes”.

Вед.2 - Welcome to Kharkiv! (слайд 6)

Уч.1 – Kharkiv is the second largest city in Ukraine. With a population of 1.6 million, Kharkiv is a major industrial, cultural and educational center of Ukraine,

Originally founded in 1656 as the city grew as a trade and cultural center, and in 1765 it became the administrative center of Ukraine. With the development of the vast mineral wealth of the region in the late 19th century, Kharkiv developed into an industrial and rail transportation center.

Уч.2 – Today, Kharkiv's industrial base includes major industrial such as farm and mining machinery, electric and railroad equipment, chemicals, machine tools, and processed food. Kharkiv is the home of 23 institutions of higher education.

In addition, it is a major center for treating victims of till Chernobyl nuclear accident. In the cultural area it inoculum numerous theaters, museums, churches and cathedrals, parks and gardens.

Вед.1  - О, яке гарне місто. А зараз перевіримо, як гарно ви знаєте Харків.


Тож увага!  Let’s answer the questions:

  1. What city is the second largest in Ukraine?
  2. When was the city founded?     
  1. When did the city become the administrative center of Ukraine?
  2. When did Kyiv replace Kharkiv as a capital?
  3. How many institutions of higher education are there in Kharkiv?

Вед.2 – Гарно впорались, та ви вже мабуть, здогадались, що для подальшої подорожі потрібно пройти невеличке випробування, щоб отримати квитки.

- Next task is patters. Read them on the screen and try to pronounce them correctly(слайд 7).

Перемагає той, хто краще та чіткіше вимовить більше скоромовок.  

Вед.1 - Welcome to Crimea. (слайд 8)

Уч.1 – The best place to rest and to enjoy yourself is the Crimea. Famous Yalta faces the Black Sea on the Southern Coast of the Crimean Peninsula. Settlement on this site dates from prehistoric times, but modern Yalta developed only in the early 19th century, becoming a town in 1838. Its favorable climate with mild winters and its scenic location between sea and mountains make Yalta one of the most popular holiday resorts of Ukraine. A unique open - air museum has been established in Yalta where works by both professional and amateur artists are exhibited.

Уч.2 – It has probably always been so: the Crimea has enthralled our ancestors as well, stirring their sense of the beautiful and perfect. It’s enough to take a good look at lines of walls and towers in the Sudak Fortress. And the cliff where the Swallow’s Nest, famous Alupka lions, the breath – taking serpentine course of mountain roads, the fragrant roses in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden – nobody could claim to have become accustomed to this wonderful land full of life and surprises.

Вед.2 – Тож перейдемо до запитань! Let’s answer the questions:

  1.                    Tell about the  open - air museum in Yalta.
  2.                    Name the most famous places in the Crimea.
  3.                    What makes the Crimea one of the most beautiful places on earth?

Вед.1 – Гарно впорались!  А наступне завдання дасть нам змогу отримати квитки до іншого міста. Цікаво що за місце то буде?!

Вед.2 – Співставте англійські прислів’я та приказки з українськими аналогами: (Слайд 9)


Вед.2 - Welcome to Lviv! (слайд 10)


Уч.1 – Lviv is the historical capital of Galicia and Western Ukraine. It is a big cultural, political and religious centre of Ukraine.

Lviv was founded in the mid-13th century by Prince Dany Romanovych near Zvenyhorod which had been named after his son Lev. In 1260s, Lviv became the capital of the Principality Galicia-Volhynia.

Уч.2 – Today Lviv has an area of 155 sq km. The core is the city the 14th to 18th centuries. The core is densely built up with t stone buildings, many of them in their original style.

The most imposing part of Lviv includes Shevchenko prospect and Horodetska street, with many public buildings, hotels, cafes, stores and banks in 19th- and 20th-century styles.

Уч.3 – Lviv is a very scenic city with varied vegetation. There in a lot of picturesque parks in the city. The Lychakiv Cemetery which contains some famous monuments to noted Ukrainian and Polish residents of Lviv, and the Yaniv Cemetery with other 200 graves of fighters for Ukraine's independce  resemble parks.

The oldest monument in Lviv consists of the foundation and walls of St. Nickolas's Church, built by Prince Lev Danylovych in the 13th century. The remnants of Vysoky Zamok date back to the 13th century. There is a great number of the medieval churches built in the Byzantine Romanesque style in Lviv.

Уч.4 – Lviv is the only city in Ukraine that still has some original Renaissance architecture. The finest examples of the style are the Dormition Church and the Chapel of Three Saints and some other buildings.

The main monuments in the city are to A. Mickiewich, I. Franko, V. Stefanyk, Fedorovych. Lviv is the leading scientific and cultural centre of western Ukraine.

It has a number of research institutes with high reputation, higher educational establishments, theatres and libraries.

Вед.1 - Let’s answer the questions:

  1. When was Lviv founded?
  2. Tell about the core of the city.
  3. What does the most imposing part of Lviv include?
  4. What famous cemeteries are there in Lviv?
  5. Tell about the oldest monument in Lviv.
  6. Who are the main monuments in the city to?

Вед.2 – very good. Now let’s play the game “How much?” Can you count?

Вед.1 – Ви любите рахувати? Слухайте уважно, рахуйте та давайте правильні відповіді. Чим швидше – тим краще.

Вед.2 – 1. One apple, two apples, three apples, four

    Five apples, six apples, seven apples more

    Now tell me, little Paul, can you count them all?                        (28 apples)                 

2. How much is eight and eleven? … - answers little Evan.                    (19)

    How much is eight plus eleven? …- answers little Kate                      (19)

    How much is eight from eleven? …- answers little Evan                     (3)

    How much is eleven minus eight? …- answers little Kate.                    (3)

Вед.1 - Ось і закінчується наша захоплююча подорож. Але щоб отримати квиток додому потрібно виконати останнє завдання.

Вед.2 - Thank you very much for your work. I think our lesson was very interesting for you. You know a lot of different things. The team… is the winner. Our best congratulations! (Підведення підсумків. Нагородження переможців та активних учасників.)

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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 грудня 2020
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