Урок " Їжа. Ланчбокс мого друга."

Про матеріал
Даний урок складено для учнів 1 класів. Його мета - це повторити тему "Їжа", а також навчити учнів описувати , що у них у ланчбоксах, навчити дітей розрізняти шкідливу і корисну іжу, ознайомити з їжею Великобританії, виховувати у них шану до українських звичаїв та традицій.
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Їжа. Ланч бокс мого друга

Class/group  1  grade            Date:

Topic:  Food

Microtopic:  My friend’s lunchbox.


  • To practice vocabulary.
  • To teach pupils to use possessive pronouns – his, her

Learning outcomes : By the end of the lesson  young learners will be able  to use possessive pronouns

Vocabulary:fruit, vegetables, breakfast, lunch.

Grammar items:

Materials to be used: white board, Power Point presentation, hand-outs , flashcards, worksheets


I. Introduction


T: Good morning everybody! Welcome to our lesson !.

 P: Good morning, teacher.

T: How are you?

P: I am fine.

T: Let’s  listen to a song and try to sing together.

“Hello” song

Warming  up

1)Phonetic drill

T: It is time to practice some sounds. Listen attentively and repeat after me

[h]- his, her, has, hand, head  Put your hands in front of your mouth. Do you feel the wind?

[æ]- apple, jam, carrot, salad

[з:]-her, girl, bird, learn

2) Review

T: Let’s play the game “Guess what is this ?” and  repeat the learned words.

What is this?

– It is a tomato.


II.The main part of the lesson

Presentation of new grammar items.

Teacher gives the cards to all the kids, points to the pupil with words: “his carrot/ her sandwich…”

His                                                     Her

Practice of new material

T: Look and listen to the story “The lunchbox Surprise ”

T: You can see some pictures on the board. Divide them into his/ her food in the kids’ lunchbox. E.g. her jam /his toast.




Physical activity

T: Let’s have a rest and play “Simon Says”.


T:  Now, you practice  and strengthen your writing. I give you these worksheets. They have a consistent ‘My Lunch’ theme. 


Application of new material

T: Now, I will count you on 1,2,3 and you form 4 groups. You will work in these groups and  make  your friend’s lunchbox.

(Children choose, cut and paste pictures for the friend’a lunchbox )


III. Final part of the lesson

Summing up activities

Children present their friend’s lunchboxes

My friend’s lunchbox


Evaluation of the students

T: Children, you are great, do you like the lesson?

P: Yes, we do.

T: Well, I am so thankful for your job! You were active, smart and brilliant at our lesson!.

The lesson is over.  Thank you and  bye -bye.

Reserve activities

Song “Open my lunch box”

Open my lunch box,

What can you see?

I’ve got a sandwich,

You can share with me!


I’ve got a banana,

I’ve got a pear,

And I’ve got some grapes,

       And I’m happy to share!




1. Song“Hello! - Super Simple Songs

2.  Song “Open my lunch box”; Family & Friends 1

3. The story “The lunchbox Surprise ” (read aloud)











14 листопада 2019
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