Відкритий захід Spring flowers parade

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Цікавий позакласний захід з англійської мови для учнів 3-4 класів з використанням ритмічних пісень,яскравих костюмів.Сприяє розвитку навичок говоріння.
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Виховний захід з англійської мови у 3 класі з теми

Spring flowers’ parade

Підготувала вчитель англійської мови Бориславського ЗЗСО I-III ст №7

Ясеницька Галина Миколаївна

Teacher: Spring has come.Look  outdoors,we can see the sun is shining,the nature wakes up. The season brings us warm days  and colourful flowers.

Звучить пісня “ It is spring time”


Pupil 1

When spring is coming,

The birds are in the air,

And meadows are smiling,

With violets so fair.

Pupil 2

Spring is dancing without rest

In a beautiful green dress.

Flowers grow under her feet,

Singing birds her coming greet.

Pupil 3

Spring is coming,

Spring is coming,

Flowers are coming too,


Now are coming too.

Pupil 4

Always in spring

We dance and sing.

We splash through showers

And gather wild flowers.

Pupil 5

Red and yellow,

White and blue.

These flowers

Are just for you!

Pupil 6

I love the spring.
For every day
There’s something new
That’s come to stay.
Another bud,
Another bird,
Another flower
That comes from the earth

Pupil 7

Good bye, snow!
Good bye, sled!
Good bye, winter!
Spring’s ahead.

Hello, sun!
Hello, swing!
Good bye, winter!
Hello, spring!


A Girl-Spring:

I always come after winter.When I come,nature awakens  from  its long sleep.I am the most beautiful season of the year,that’s why people call me”the morning of the year”


Spring is the morning of the year

It comes with snowdrops and melting snow,

With brooks following everywhere

And singing of birds you know.

Pupil 8

Spring is coming

I can feel it

How soft is the morning air!

Birds are singing,you can hear it,

Life and joy are everywhere!


Звучить пісня «All the flowers are waking» (all the children are singing)


All the flowers are  waking,
Spring has come again.
God has sent the sunshine,
God has sent the rain.

All trees are waking,
Spring has come again.
God has sent the sunshine,
God has sent the rain.

All birds are singing,
Spring has come again.
God has sent the sunshine,
God has sent the rain.



  Here comes the Queen of flowers: My dear  flowers!Spring is here.When are you coming to the gardens and fields?Who is coming first?

Snowdrop:I am first to come,I come when the snow is on the ground.I have a white dress.My name is Snowdrop.Don’t you think I am pretty?

Violet:And I come next.I don’t like snow.It is cold when the snow is on the ground.I like warm days.My dress is violet.And now you surely know that I am Violet.

Daffodil:I come next I am yellow like the sun.I like to dance in the wind.My name is Daffodil.

Tulip: I come with daffodils.I like sun and rain.I have a red or white or pink blouse.I am Tulip.

Buttercup:I am the last to come in spring.I have a pretty yellow dress to.My name is Buttercup.

Corn-flower:Blue is my colour too.I grow in the corn and make the fields beautiful!My name is Corn-flower.

Sunflower:And I am like the golden sun.You can find me in the fields as well.My name is Sunflower.

The Queen of Flowers:Thank you,dearflowers.Now you know when to come.So go to the fields and gardens and make them beautiful.

Springtime Song( all the participants are singing and dancing)


Teacher :Our party comes to the end.Enjoy spring days and holidays.

26 червня 2022
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