Виховний захід "Welcome to the tale"

Про матеріал
Цікавий виховний захід для учнів початкової школи. Сприяє розвитку пізнавального інтересу учнів, прививає любов до вивчення іноземних мов, сприяє збагаченню словникового запасу учнів.
Перегляд файлу

             Welcome to the tale.

 1.Вихід ведучих (танець)


T. Hello dear children, teachers and guests. Welcome to our English party.

Are you ready? Let’s start

P1. Hello everybody! Nice to see you.

P2. Good day, children, dear guests.

P1. Today will travel to the world of tales.

P2. Today, you’ll see the characters of your favorite tales.

P1. You’ll see parts of some well known fairy tales.

P2. You’ll dance and sing a song.

P1. Oh, why is it so cold?


2.Звучить музика, виходить зима.


P1. Who are you?

W. I’m Lady Winter.

P. Who are you?

W. This is the season

      When children ski,

      And Grandfather Frost

      Bring the New Year Tree.

                                       Snow, snow all around, 

       On the trees and on the ground.

The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing.

The ground is white

All day and night.

                                        Little snowflakes came and play.

 We’ll sing a song and dance today.

3.Tанок сніжинок


W. Are you frozen? Let’s warm up! Sing A song and look at us.


4. Пісня “Jingle bell”


W. Oh, I see you have fun, dance and sing. But I shall see, if you are good actors. You will show us they fairy tale.


5.Інсценізація казки Теремок


W. Good. It’s good. It’s very good. Children, do you know rhymes about winter?



6.Читання віршів англійською.

  1. Let’s go sleighing, sleighing down.

           Let’s go sleighing, sleighing down.

It’s cold winter day.

Let’s go skating, skate around.

Let’s go skating, skate around.

It’s cold winter today.

2. Snowflakes, snowflakes falling down.

    On the trees and on the ground,

     I will build a man of snow,

     Fall black hat and eyes of coal.

     If the sun comes out today,

     I will watch you melt away.

3. This is the season, when morning is dark.

    And birds do not sing in the forest and park.

    This is the season, when children ski,

    And Santa Clause brings a Christmas tree.

W. Oh, it was so good. Thanks. Let’s sing a song.


7.Пісня німецькою мовою.

 8.Танець Ча-ча -ча

W. Thanks a lot. But I’ll want to see the fairy tale again.


 9.Казка Ріпка англійською

The Turnip

Grandpa: I think I'll plant a turnip.  Карате

Granny: Good idea.

Grandpa: Now it's time to water the turnip.

Granddaughter: I'll help you, grandpa.

Grandpa: Thank you.

Grandpa: Now the turnip is big. It's time to pull it out. One, two, three… Oh, the turnip is too big! I'll call the granny. …Granny!!!


Granny: Can I help you?
Grandpa: Yes, please! Let's pull the turnip out!

Granny: All right!

Both: One, two, three…

Granny: Oh, the turnip is too big! I'll call the granddaughter. …Granddaughter! Come here!    Акробатика

Granddaughter: Can I help you?

Granny: Yes, please! Let's pull the turnip out!

Granddaughter: All right!

All: One, two, three…

Granddaughter: Oh, the turnip is too big!  I'll call the dog. …Dog!  Come here!

Dog: Can I help you?

Granddaughter: Yes, please! Let's pull the turnip out!

Dog: All right!

All: One, two, three…

Dog: Oh, the turnip is too big!  I'll call the cat. … Cat! Come here!

Hip hop

Cat: Can I help you?

Dog: Yes, please! Let's pull the turnip out!

Cat: All right!

All: One, two, three…

Cat: Oh, the turnip is too big! I'll call the mouse. … Mouse! Come here!

Танець мишки

Mouse: Can I help you?

Cat: Yes, please! Let's pull the turnip out!

Mouse: All right!

All: One, two, three!...Hurray! We have pulled the turnip out!


 10.Танець Марата

W. We are really great you are all good actors.

Oh, it’s too warm. Help me!


P1. Spring is here, in the air

       You can smell is coming.

P2. Spring, spring, spring is almost here

       Spring, spring, spring in the time to cheer.

       Spring, spring, spring is almost here

       Spring, spring, spring 

       The sky will be to clear.

P1.  I love the spring for every day.

       There’s something new.

        That  come to stay.

        Another bud,

        Another bird,

        Another blade

        The sun has stirred.

  11.Танець Весни     

24 вересня 2019
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