Vocabulary tests (для учнів 10 класу, за підручником О. Карп'юк)

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Ці завдання учитель може використувати на уроці узагальнення матеріалу для перевірки лексики та граматики після вивченого розділу. Кожен тест містить два варіанти.
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Vocabulary test 1 (UNIT 1) 10 form

                                                                          Variant 1

Task I. Fill in the right words:

  1. English is one of the languages of the United ___.
  2. Children learn two ___ languages at school.
  3. I really want to say something but when I speak I get ___ because I don’t know the word.
  4. Your success depends __ you.
  5. What do you ___ in common?
  6. How do you keep in ___ the rest of time?
  7. I am an ___ person because I set up high goals.
  8. Sometimes I look ___ words in the dictionary.



Task II. Fill in the sentences with the following words:

                   Feel / pronunciation /mood /  immense / appreciate / used /

                                      scanning / lyrics / competitive  /

  1. ___ is the way you pronounce the words.
  2. Knowing English is of ___ help.
  3. Reading for detailed information called ___.
  4. Yu can use English or American ___ to learn new words as well.
  5. The teacher keeps telling us to write down the sentence with a new word we have learnt but I don’t ___ like doing it.
  6. ___ people always want to win.
  7. I ___ to like eating pork but now I hate it.
  8. What qualities do you ___ in your friends?
  9. Does your ___ change very often suddenly for no reason?
  10. She always ___ me when other people criticized  me.


Task III. Answer the following questions:


  1. What makes a good friendship?
  2. What qualities do you appreciate  in people?
  3. Describe you character ( not less five qualities).


     Vocabulary test 1 (UNIT 1) 10 form

                                                                          Variant 2

Task I. Fill in the right words:

  1. English is the ___ tongue of millions of people.
  2. Learning foreign languages is very important as language is a ___ of communication.
  3. Talking to a native ___ is very useful.
  4. I have to ___ responsibility for my own learning.
  5. You should try to make the ___ of your time in the class.
  6. You can guess the ___ from the context.
  7. Has your friend ever let you ___?
  8. Do you ___  annoyed if you have to wait for anybody?


Task II. Fill in the sentences with the following words:

                                lyrics / appreciate / aggressive / spelling  / scholarship /

                         broadens / blame / used /  mistakes / fluency  / influence /

  1. ___ is the way of writing the word.
  2. Learning a foreign language ___ our minds.
  3. You have to improve your ___.
  4. There are also international ___ allowing Ukrainian students to study abroad.
  5. You can’t learn anything without making ___.
  6. Does a child’s position in the family have an ___ on his or her personality?
  7. ___ people get angry quickly and like fighting.
  8. When I lived on a farm, I ___ to ride my horse every day.
  9. I ___ friends who are understanding and honest.
  10. She also taught me that I couldn’t ___ other people for my problems.



Task III. Answer the following questions:

  1. What makes a good friendship?
  2. What qualities do you appreciate  in people?
  3. Describe you character ( not less five qualities).


Vocabulary test 2 (UNIT 2) 10 form

                                                                          Variant 1

Task I. Fill in the right words:

                       occupation / salary /  vacancies / skills / resume /

              independently / fluency / apply /    graduates / responsible

  1. A leading fashion company seeks ambitious ___ with some experience to train in merchandising.
  2. All you need is ___ in English.
  3. We require strong communication ___.
  4. They have ___ for various kinds of people, but they have to speak more than one languages.
  5. Look for an ___ suited to your abilities.
  6. What is the journalist who works in some local newspaper ___ for?
  7. We are looking for young people who can work ___.
  8. I like this job, but I can’t ___ for it.
  9. You should send your ___.
  10. If the ___ is good, I’ll apply.


Task II. Write down which jobs :

  1. … are normally done by women
  2. … are generally well-paid
  3. … are very stressful
  4. … require working night shifts

Task III. Match to make sentences:


I always have an enormous phone


university where he got a degree in economics.


She has an experience of


but I can drive


You will need $200 for


bill about $55 a month


He graduated from




This job requires driving license


with his job because it is very stressful


My dad is not satisfied


working as an interpreter for six years


Task IV. Write down about the jobs you would enjoy doing in future and the ones you would not enjoy doing (8 -10 sentences)


Vocabulary test 2 (UNIT 2) 10 form

                                                                          Variant 2

Task I. Fill in the right words:

                       trade /requires /disadvantages /  earn /commitments /

                          applicants / advancement / apply / driving / work

  1. Excellent prospects for ___ in this company.
  2. Would you like the chance to ___ up to $4000 per month?
  3. ___ license is essential.
  4. This job ___ both computer knowledge and teaching experience.
  5. The ___ for this job need a special education and good analytical abilities.
  6. Dressmaking is a useful ___.
  7. What are the ___ of working as a flight-attandant?
  8. I am going to ___ for this job.
  9. Our factory offers good ___ conditions.
  10. I don’t think I have as many financial ___ as others.


Task II. Write down which jobs :

  1. … are dangerous
  2.  … require travelling a lot
  3.  … require helping people
  4. …  have long holidays


Task III. Match to make sentences:



Inter-personal skills are desirable


hard and face challenges.


I’ll try to save


to different work conditions


We require the desire to work


but no essential


I’m going to get a


Master’s degree in psychology.


You have to adjust


money for my next trip.


Special education is





Task IV. Write down about the jobs you would enjoy doing in future and the ones you would not enjoy doing (8 -10 sentences)



                                                  Vocabulary test 3 (UNIT 3) 10 form

                                                                          Variant 1

Task I. Fill in the right words:

             qualifications / knowledge /  opportunity  / failed / studies /

                       compulsory / forward / boarding

  1. The Internet provides information and school provides __.
  2. Pupils have an ___ to take part in performances.
  3. Robert ___ to be a lawyer.
  4. ____ is a school where pupils live, eat and sleep.
  5. Pete thinks he ___ failed in some exams.
  6. I look ___ to receiving your response.
  7. Higher education gives different ___: Bachelor’s and Specialist.
  8. General secondary education is ___.


Task 2.  Make up sentences, write down and translate:

  1. considerable / friends / where / spend / with / do / you / time?
  2. students  / and / with / the Internet / both /knowledge /  school / provides .


Task 3.  Complete the sentences using conditionals:

  1. If I get my first salary, ……
  2. You’ll be late for school if …
  3. If I pass my exams well …
  4. What will you take with you if ….?


Task 4. Answer the questions:

  1. Can you imagine your life without school? Why / why not?
  2. Would you like to change anything about your school?
  3. If you were a teacher, what would you like teaching? Why?
  4. Can the Internet help in your study? Prove.




                                          Vocabulary test 3 (UNIT 3) 10 form

                                                          Variant 2

Task I. Fill in the right words:

        compulsory / provides / state / degree / certificate /

                      learning /  develop /  opportunity

  1. School ____ young people with knowledge.
  2. How long have you been ___ English?
  3. ___ is a school paid by the government which gives free education.
  4. Is primary school ___ in Ukraine?
  5. This is a good ___ to improve your English.
  6. You received a Master’s ___ in History from university.
  7. They take the national General ___ in secondary education.
  8. School provides with opportunities to ___ students’ talents.


Task 2.  Make up sentences, write down and translate:

  1. with / skills / thinking / school / students / and / social / provides  / critical.
  2.  young / from / years / 4 / children / 11 / primary / is / old / school / for / to.                


Task 3Complete the sentences using conditionals:

  1. If I don’t get into university …
  2. You will fail you exams if …
  3. I’ll have a big party if …
  4. What will you do if ….?


Task 4. Answer the questions:

  1. Would you like to change anything about your school?
  2. If you were a teacher, what would you like teaching? Why?
  3. Can the Internet help in your study? Prove.
  4. Can you imagine your life without school? Why / why not?

Vocabulary test 5 (UNIT 5) 10 form

                                                                          Variant 1

Task I. Fill in the right words:

                      attachments / users / cursor / access / vital / cyber

  1. Computers have become a ___ part of everyday  life.
  2. We can send photos to family and friends through email ___.
  3. ___ is a little arrow on the screen.
  4. What is the name of the ___ café?
  5. People use the Internet to ___ goods and services.
  6. Computers enable ___ to make notes.


Task II. Fill in the correct preposition.

                             up / into / for /  off / in / out /

  1. Somebody hacked ___ my computer.
  2. Scroll ___ to the top of the page.
  3. Don’t forget to log ___ when you have finished.
  4. You should click on this icon to print it ___.
  5. To show a clear picture of something you’d click on the icon - to zoom ___.
  6. I need to charge my phone __.
  7. You can plug it ___ the wall there.
  8. What else can you use the Internet ___?


Task III. Translate the sentences:


  1. Я зберегла повідомлення не відсилаючи його.
  2. Це пристрій не під’єднаний до інтернету.
  3. Скільки веб-сайтів було створено? - Нескінченна кількість.
  4. Ти повинен перейменувати цей файл та перемістити у іншу папку.
  5. Файли не були збережені.






Vocabulary test 5 (UNIT 5) 10 form

                                                                          Variant 2

Task I. Fill in the right words:

              connection / embedded / wordprocessing  /  hacked / download / icon

  1. There are ___ computers which are found inside other machines.
  2. In universities students use ___ programmes.
  3. ___ is a small picture or symbol.
  4. Someone ___ into the computers at work and destroyed important data.
  5. How much does the Internet ___ cost?
  6. She will not ___ all those documents.


Task II. Fill in the correct preposition.

                                               on / up / in / to / out /

  1. You can log __ using my password.
  2. Click on this icon to pick __ your emails.
  3. You should back your work ___ so that you don’t lose it.
  4. If you can’t see the detail zoom ___ by clicking on this icon.
  5. It took ages to print the whole report ___.
  6. Can you turn ___ the TV?
  7. The computer isn’t working because you haven’t switched it ___.
  8. Do you have an access ___ the Internet?


Task III. Translate the sentences:


  1. Дані (відомості) відображаються на екрані.
  2. Ми завантажуємо музику безплатно з інтернету.
  3. Я створив та зберіг  файл.
  4. Ти повинен знайти, скопіювати  та перемістити  ці файли в іншу папку.
  5. Всі файли були видалені.




Vocabulary test 5 (UNIT 6) 10 form

                                                                          Variant 1

Task I. Fill in the right words:

                       causes / reduce / led / famine / evaporates / resistant /

                                 occurred /blocked / underflooded / washed

1     Local road was ___ away and damaged.

2     Deforestation has ___ to changes in local climate.

3    Dams can ___ floods but some dams can cause them!

4    What are the ___ of forest fires?

5    The highway was ___ because of fallen trees.

6    The natural disaster ___ in Western Ukraine in 2009.

7     A lot of house were ___.

8     Drought can lead directly to ___.

9     We should build stronger, safer communities that are ____ to natural    


10   The water ___ from the warm sea.


Task II. Complete the sentences using the second condition:

  1. If we planted more trees ______________.
  2. There would not be so much rubbish if ______.
  3. What would you do if ___?


Task III. Translate the following:

  1. попередити про небезпеку
  2. вжити певних заходів
  3. забруднення повітря
  4. впливати  на навколишнє середовище



Task IV. Write down at least 10 natural disasters






Vocabulary test 5 (UNIT 6) 10 form

                                                                          Variant 2

Task I. Fill in the right words:

                             destroyed / respond / more / guard / drown /

                                causes  / lead / hazards / as / occurred

1      Natural disaster are becoming ___ frequent in our country.

2      When the floods are a surprise, many people can ___.

3     These fires have ___ thousands of trees.

 4     We can reduce the number of fires by employing more people to ___  the   


5      The basement was flooded ___ a result of heavy showers.

6      Irresponsible attitude can ___  to terrible results.

7     Many natural ___ are interrelated.

8     People should ___ effectively  when disaster strikes.

9     What natural disaster ___ in Eastern Ukraine last year?

10    What are the ___ of frequent floods in Zakarpattya?



Task II. Complete the sentences using the second condition:

  1. The cities would be less polluted if __________.
  2. If you had 1000 dollars to spend ____.
  3. That accident wouldn’t happen if ___.


Task III. Translate the following:

  1. захищати навколишнє середовище
  2. під загрозою зникнення
  3. тропічні ліси можуть зникнути
  4. екологічно чистий


Task IV. Write down at least 10 natural disasters

















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Всього відгуків: 2
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  1. Буц Юлія Василівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Afanasenko Tanya
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
22 січня 2021
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (2 відгука)
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