Заняття з англійської мови на тему «Феномен міграції»

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Автором розроблено орієнтовні питання до заняття з англійської мови на тему «Міграція: сутність, причини та наслідки». Усі ці питання (або ж частина з них) можуть бути використані або на звичайному уроці, або на засіданнях розмовного клубу. Використане джерело: Migration drivers. Migration data portal: The biggest picture. Last updated on 25 August 2021.
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2. Актуальні питання соціологічних наук

Maksymenko O. O.

leading sociologist at the Department of Methodology and Methods of Sociology

Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Kyiv, Ukraine


A list of questions has been drawn up in order to discuss the phenomenon of migration with high-school, college or university students, as well as adult English learners. The questions are as follows:

1.                  How would you define migration? How long do you think this phenomenonhas been around?

2.                  Can you recall the most massive migration waves that have occurredthroughout human history? In your opinion, what has caused an upsurge in migration over recent years? Is it stimulated by globalisation? If so, to what extent?

3.                  Why do you think migration is now regarded as one of the world’s biggestconcerns? Is it likely that migration flows will soon become uncontrollable?

4.                  How many types of migration do you know? What distinguishes migrationfrom displacement?

5.                  What factors contribute to voluntary migration? In your view, can migrationbe completely voluntary?

6.                  How can you explain the difference between forced and reluctant migration?

7.                  Quite a few individuals, communities and sometimes even societies as awhole may be intolerant of migrants. In your opinion, what are the most common causes of this kind of intolerance?

8.                  In 2019, the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)released a dataset on the number of international migrants [1]. How many international migrants do you think were recorded last year?

a.   1.154 billion.

b.   272 million.

c.   420 million.

(The correct answer is b).

9.                  What is the difference between a migrant and a refugee? Who are consideredinternally displaced persons? What particular challenges do people face when they are internally displaced?

10.             Which countries, according to the Migration Data Portal statistics and theGlobal Report on Internal Displacement [2, 3], had the highest number of new internal displacements induced by natural disasters in 2019?

a.   The Philippines.

b.   Mozambique.

c.   Bangladesh.

d.   The United States.

e.   Quatemala.

(In 2019, the five countries with the highest number of new disaster-related internal displacements were India (5 million), the Philippines (4.1 million), Bangladesh (4.1 million), China (4 million) and the United States (916,000). Hence, options a, c and d are correct).

11. Which countries had the highest number of new conflict-induced displacements in 2019?

a.   Somalia.

b.   The Syrian Arab Republic.

c.   Haiti.

d.   The Democratic Republic of Congo.

e.   Ukraine.

(In 2019, the five countries with the highest number of new internal displacements due to conflict and violence were the Syrian Arab Republic (1.8 million), the Democratic Republic of Congo (1.7 million), Ethiopia (1.1 million), Burkina Faso (513,000) and Afghanistan (461,000). Hence, options b and d are correct).

12. Have you ever considered moving to another country? If so, why?

13. Which countries are currently the most popular destinations for immigrants?

a.   France.

b.   The United States.

c.   Saudi Arabia.

d.   Canada.

e.   Germany.

(According to the International Migration Report 2017 [4, p. 6], the largest number of international migrants resided in the United States of America: 50 million, equal to 19 per cent of the world’s total. Saudi Arabia, Germany and the Russian Federation hosted the second, third and fourth largest numbers of migrants worldwide (around 12 million each), followed by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (nearly 9 million), and the United Arab Emirates (8 million). Hence, options b, c and e are correct).

  1  4. If you were in a position to develop an appropriate migration policy, what would it be like?

15. How would you encourage children of immigrants to become bilinqual by maintaining the original language and becoming fluent in the local language? References

1.                  The number of international migrants reaches 272 million, continuing anupward trend in all world regions, says UN.

URL:https://www.un.org/development/desa/en/news/population/internationalmigrant-stock-2019.html (accessed 12.01.2021).

2.                  Forced                  migration             or               displacement.

URL:https://migrationdataportal.org/themes/forced-migration-or-displacement (accessed 12.01.2021).

3.                  Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC). Global Report onInternal Displacement 2020. URL:https://www.internal-displacement.org/globalreport/grid2020 (accessed: 12.01.2021).

4.                  United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. International

Migration      Report      2017      (Highlights).      New    York,       NY:     2017.

URL:https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/migration/publications/mig rationreport/docs/MigrationReport2017_Highlights.pdf (accessed: 12.01.2021).

5.                  Conversation questions for the ESL/EFL classroom: A project of The Internet TESL Journal. URL:http://iteslj.org/questions (accessed: 12.01.2021).

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