Завдання для семестрового оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів 9 класу за чотирма видами мовленнєвої діяльності (аудіювання, читання, письмо, говоріння)

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Завдання для оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів 9 класу за І семестр за чотирма видами мовленнєвої діяльності (аудіювання, читання, письмо, говоріння). Пропонується визначення рейтингу результативності навчання учнів за підсумками семестрових контрольних робіт. Завдання розроблені відповідно до вимог чинної програми для шкіл з вивченням іноземної мови та орієнтовані на Рекомендації Міністерства освіти і науки України щодо оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів та проведення контролю рівня сформованості їх мовленнєвих навичок.
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9 КЛАС ____________________________________________________________




    One winter evening a poor peasant sat near the fire talking with his wife about one of their neighbours who was a rich man.

"If only I had a little money myself", he said, "I should open my own shop".

"I", answered his wife, "should not be satisfied with that, I should be happy if I lived in a big house, and then, if I saw people like ourselves, I should help them and try to make everybody happy. But we are no longer in the time of fairies. If only I could meet one of them, it would not take me long to decide what to ask of her".

    Hardly had she said these words when a beautiful young lady appeared in their room and told them she was a fairy willing to grant their first three wishes. But she said they should choose carefully as she could allow them no more than three wishes. Then the beautiful lady disappeared.

    At first the husband and wife were astonished. Then they began discussing the first wish that it would be best to have. They quarreled for a long time and finally decided to wish for nothing for a while and put it off till the next day.

    The woman looked at the bright fire and said without thinking: "Oh, it would be a good thing to have a good sausage for our supper". And a long thick sausage fell on their table. The husband got very angry and began scolding his wife. "Isn't that a fine wish? You're such a stupid woman! I wish this sausage would stick to your nose!" This was hardly said when the sausage jumped up and stuck to the poor woman's face.

    The husband understood that he himself had been even more foolish than his wife, but no matter how he tried he could not tear the sausage off his wife's nose. "If you had not wished to have this beauty sausage, I should not have wished it to stick to your nose", said the husband.   

Finally they realized that they had only one wish  left. They thought for a long time and agreed to have their last wish. They wished the sausage to fall on the table, which it did.


I Listen to the text and put “+” if the sentence is right and “-” if one is false

1 One spring evening a poor peasant sat near the fire talking with his wife.

2 They were talking about one of their neighbours who was a rich man.

3 They had their own shop.

4 The woman wanted to meet a fairy.

5 A young lady appeared in their room and told them that she was their neighbour.

6 They were astonished.

7 They began to discuss their first wish and were ready to tell about it in ten minutes.

8 They wanted to have supper first of all.

9 The husband understood that he himself had been even more foolish than his wife.

10 Finally they wished to have a beautiful house.


II Choose the correct answer

1) What were they talking about near the fire?

A. about money

B. about a rich man

C. about a poor peasant

D. about winter

2) What would the peasant do, if he had money?

A. buy sausage

B. build a new house

C. open his own shop

D. help poor people

3) What is happiness for a woman?

A. to live in a big house

B. to have a rich neighbour

C. to have a shop

D. to have many wishes

4) Who could help them to become happy?

A. a rich man

B. a stranger

C. a fairy

D. relatives

5) What was a fairy willing to do?

A. to get dinner for them

B. to ask money

C. to sit near the fire

D. to realize their first three wishes

6) What does the word "astonish" mean?

A. to be pleased

B. to surprise

C. to quarrel

D. to satisfy

7) What did the husband and wife do when they heard the fairy's will?

A. they quarrelled with her

B. they decided to wish for something at once

C. decided to put it off till the next day

D. they asked her to sit near the fire

8) How did they feel when they got their first wish?

A. were happy

B. angry

C. frightened

D. hungry

9) What was their first wish?

A. bright fire

B. much money

C. a big house

D. a good sausage

10) What was their last wish?

A. to stick the sausage to the wife's nose

B. to have good appetite

C. to tear the sausage off the wife's nose

D. to fall on the table


III Complete the sentences

1 One winter evening a poor peasant sat near…

2 If only I had a little money myself I should…

3 At first the husband and wife were…

4 And a long thick sausage fell on…

5 Finally they realized that they had only one…


IV Express your attitude to the behaviour of the husband and the wife (8 – 10 sentences)


9 КЛАС ____________________________________________________________



The Lady or the Tiger?

In the very old times there lived a king, and he was a man of great fancy.

One day an idea came to his mind, and the king decided to modernize the system of court trial in his kingdom.

For this purpose there was built a big arena with galleries around it. In that arena the most important criminals were to be put on trial in public. But neither the king nor anybody of his court was to decide the fate of the accused person. It was the criminal himself who did it. On an appointed day when all the people had gathered at the galleries, and the king and his court had taken their places, the accused person stepped into the arena. On the other side of the arena there were two doors. The doors were side by side and identical. The accused person was to walk to those doors and open one of them. If he opened the one, there came out of it a hungry tiger and tore him to pieces, as a punishment for his crime. At the same time the sad bells began to clang, and the people with heavy hearts went to their homes. But if the accused opened the other door, there came out of it a beautiful lady. And to that lady he was immediately married, as a reward for his innocence. It did not matter that the accused might already have a wife and children, or a bride; the king took no notice of such trifles.

Such was the king's method of showing justice.

The king had a daughter whom he loved greatly. She was very beautiful and, at the same time, she was very conceited. It happened so that she fell in love with a young man whose social position was not as high as hers. But they were happy.

One day the king learned about their love. The young man was immediately put into prison, and a day was appointed for his trial in the king's arena.

On this occasion the most savage tiger was caught and caged behind one of the doors, and a very beautiful girl was found to stand behind the other door.

The appointed day came. A lot of people gathered at the galleries. The king and his court were in their places. Then the signal was given, and the lover of the princess walked into the arena. He bowed to the king and looked at the princess who was sitting to the right of her father. The princess had learned the secret of the doors. She knew not only in which room there was the lady, but also who that lady was. It was one of the most beautiful girls of the court, and the princess hated her. The princess was very jealous.

When the lover looked at her, he understood that she knew behind which door was the tiger, and behind which stood the lady. His eyes asked: "Which?"

The question was clear to her, and she had to answer. She raised her hand and made a slight movement towards the right door. Her lover turned and, without the slightest hesitation, went to the door on the right.

And now it is for you, dear reader, to decide: did the princess lie or didn't?

Make your decision. But remember, that, on the one hand the princess loved the young man greatly; but on the other hand she was hot-tempered and jealous.


 I Read the text and put “+” if the sentence is right and “-” if one is false

1 The king decided to modernize the system of court trial in his kingdom.

2 For this purpose there was built a stadium.

3 The accused person stepped into the gallery.

4 If the accused opened the door and a beautiful lady came out, he had immediately to sing a song for her.

5 The king’s daughter was conceited, hot-tempered and jealous.

6 The princess didn’t know the secret of the doors.

7 The princess’ lover turned and, without the slightest hesitation, went to the door on the right.


II Find the correct answer

1 What kind of man was a king?

  1.                  a man of great courage
  2.                  a man of great fancy
  3.                  a man of great mind
  4.                  a man of great wit

2 What did the king decide to modernize one day?

       a)       a political system

       b)       a system of education

       c)       a system of court trial

       d)       a system of social assistance

3 What was built for this purpose?

      a)      a big arena with galleries around it

      b)        a beautiful palace

     c)         a new market

      d)         a new highway

4 Who was to decide the fate of accused person?

   a)       the trial

    b)        the government

   c)        neither the king nor anybody of his court

   d)        the court

5 Where did the accused person step?

     a)    into the garden

b)          into the palace

   c)       into the arena

   d)       into the prison

6 What did the accused person have to open?

    a)       a box on the table

    b)       a letter in the envelope

    c)      a door of the arena

    d)        a window in the palace


III Write synonyms from the text

1 an imaginative man

2 a pretty lady


4 ill-tempered

5 envious

IV Write 10 – 15 sentences about your attitude to the story “The Lady or the Tiger?”

9 КЛАС ____________________________________________________________



I Choose the correct answer

1 If you drop the vase my mother … you.

a) punishes        b) will punish      c) would punish

2 If she … not so slowly she would enjoy the party.

a) were b) is c) will be

3 If we had a chicken we … it.

a) cooked b) would cook     c) were cooking

4 If you … my library book I will have to buy a new one.

a) will lose       b) lost c) lose

5 If she … you were in hospital she would have visited you.

a) had known   b) knew c) would have known

6 If I have a computer I … Computer Studies.

a) would learn   b) will learn         c) learn

7 If the weather had been nice we … go on excursion.

a) went b) would have gone  c) will go

8 If I … you I would visit Jane yesterday.

a) was b) had been c) were


II Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tenses

1 If he (eat) all that he will be ill.

2 If he had known the whole story he (not be) so angry.

3 If we had more rain our crops (grow) faster.

4 If you (paint) the walls white the room would be much brighter.

5 Ice (turn) the water if you heat it.

6 If she knew that it was dangerous she (not come).

7 I (take) a taxi if I had realised that it was such a long way.

8 The police (arrest) him if they catch him.

III Form the right type of the conditionals

1 If you (go) to bed earlier you (not fee) so tired.

2 If you (come) to my place I (show) you my collection.

3 If I (know) her well I (phone) her at home.

4 If she (not drive) so fast she (not crash).

5 If he (love) her he (stay) with.


IV Translate into English

1 Якщо мій друг складе іспит успішно, ми підемо у кафе.

2 Якби у мене були гроші вчора, я би купив той новий диск.

3 Якби я закінчив писати доклад завтра, я би взяв участь у конференції.

4 Якби я вчився наполегливіше, я склав би іспит без труднощів.

9 КЛАС ____________________________________________________________



I Divide shops into two groups where we buy products and goods

Confectioner’s, millinery, butcher’s, stationer’s, ironmonger’s, fishmonger’s, fruiters, hardware, florist’s, chemist’s, grocer’s, greengrocer’s, draper’s, baker’s, jeweler’s.


II Answer the questions

1 Where do you buy sour-cream?

2 What can you say if the shoes hurt you?

3 Where do you pay for your purchases?

4 Where do you go to try a suit on?

5 Can you buy a man’s cap in the millinery?


III Complete the dialogue

C: May I try on those black shoes?


C: I don’t like them. I’d like to try on those brown shoes.


C: They don’t hurt me. They are all right. How much are they?


C: Thank you!


IV Speak on one of the following topics

1 Describe your last visit to the shop.

2 Describe one of the Department Stores in your city.

3 You are shopping in the self-service shop.

13 грудня 2023
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