Завдання до уроку за темою: "Schools in Great Britain"

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Завдання до уроку за темою: "Schools in Great Britain". Для здобувачів освіти 8-х класів. Підготувала:вчитель англійської мови ЗЗСО І-ІІІ ступенів «Художньо-естетична гімназія»Торецької міської ВЦА Павлова Ганна Вадимівна
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Lessons 22. Schools in Great Britain

Тема заняття: «Школи у Великій Британії»

Pre-school education - дошкільна освіта (для дітей до 5 років).

Primary education - початкова школа (для дітей віком 5-11 років).

Secondary education - середня школа (для дітей віком 11-16 років.

A nursery school (a kindergarten) - дитячий садочок.

A preparatory (prep) school - приватна початкова школа (для дітей віком 5-13 років).

A public school - приватна школа у Великій Британії (для дітей віком 5-18 років).

A comprehensive school - загальноосвітня школа у Великій Британії (для дітей віком 11-16 років).

An independent school - загальноосвітня школа, яка знаходиться на утриманні приватної організації.

A grammar school - школа з поглибленим вивченням шкільних предметів.

A boarding school - школа-інтернат, в якому учні проживають протягом семестру. У Великій Британії більшість приватних шкіл є школами-інтернатами.

1. Read the magazine article and name the types of schools in Great Britain.

Education in Great Britain

The system of education in Great Britain is rather complicated. It is compulsory from the age of five to sixteen. Children under 5 years old receive pre-school education. They go to a nursery school or a kindergarten.

All children receive their primary education between the ages of 5 and 11. Most primary schools are state and free. At about 11 children begin their education at a comprehensive school, or a grammar school. The comprehensive system is non-selective. It means that all children go from one school to another without taking any exams.

Those who take the examination, go to grammar schools, where they receive more academic education. Some children go to independent schools run by private organizations, for which their parents have to pay fees. Some pupils especially those who want to apply to university, stay at school for the sixth form or go to a sixth-form college.

About 10 per cent of children attend private schools: preparatory or prep, and public schools. Many prep and most public schools are boarding schools. These are schools where students live as well as study. It is very expensive for parents to send their children there.

Most primary and secondary schools offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities, including sports, music, community service and trips to places of interest.

Schools in Britain have three terms a year. Each term has got a short break in the middle. Besides, children have longer Christmas and Easter holidays.

(Taken from «Oxford Guide to British and American Culture")

2. a) Match the words from the article (1-9) to their definitions (a-h).

b) Write sentences about education in Great Britain. Use the words from the table below.

1. Education

a) difficult to understand;

2. Comprehensive schools

b) schools where students live and study;

3. Complicated

c) the process of teaching and learning usually at school, college or university;

5. Boarding schools

d) all-inclusive schools in Great Britain;

6. Compulsory

e) must be done because it is the law;

7. Public schools

f) schools run by private organizations;

8. Kindergartens

g) the most expensive private schools in Great Britain;

9. Independent schools

h) schools for children under 5 years old.

3. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions given below.

1. When do the British children start going to school?

2. What kind of education do the children under 5 years old receive?

3. How long do children stay in a primary school?

4. Where do they continue their education after that?

5. What kind of education do the children get in a grammar school?

6. What do the children do in the sixth form?

7. What do you know about public schools in Britain?

8. What kind of schools are boarding schools?

4. Look and say what types of school schoolchildren in Great Britain study at.

The School System in the UK


UK school



Nursery school, playgroup, or kindergarten (op-





Reception class

Infant school


Year 1



Year 2




Year 3

Junior school, primary school


Year 4



Year 5



Year 6



Year 7

Secondary school


Year 8



Year 9



Year 10



Year 11



Year 12

Technical college, sixth form college



5. a) Complete the text with the words from the box.

• nursery school • state school • secondary school • private school • primary school • university •

The Schools I Went to I started (1) ….. when I was five, but before then I went to a (2) ….. for a couple of years. I only stayed for three hours there from nine in the morning until twelve. At primary school we stayed until three in the afternoon. I really enjoyed primary school. I made lots of friends there. We didn’t have much homework and we played a lot. When I was eleven, I started (3) ….. and things became more difficult. We studied from nine until four every day. I went to a (4) ….. It was free. The government paid for everything. It was OK, but my parents wanted me to go to a (5) ….. It was expensive, but the school was better and the students could get better exam results and get a better job in future. I left school when I was sixteen. I want my children to study at (6) ….. !

b) Look through the text above and complete each sentence with one word.

1. I went to nursery school for a ….. of years.

2. I really ….. primary school. It was great!

3. I ….. lots of good friends at school.

4. At the age of eleven I started

5. We studied from ….. until ….. every day.

6. The students from ….. schools could get ….. exam results and get a ….. job in future.

Conversation Lab

6. Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss and compare the British and Ukrainian systems of education. Complete the table below.

Schools in Great Britain

Schools in Ukraine

Children start school at the age of 5.

Children start school at the age of 6.

Home work 7. Write a short article to your school newspaper about the educational system and schools in Great Britain.




Маршрутний лист для здобувачів освіти 8 класу

за темою: «Школи у Великій Британії»

  1. Записати та вивчити нові ЛО(лексичні одиниці) у словник або зошит.
  2. Прочитати статтю у журналі та назвати види шкіл у Великій Британії/ «Education in Great Britain».
  3. Поєднайте слова із статті (1-9) з їхніми відповідностями.

a) Match the words from the article (1-9) to their definitions (a-h).

Напишіть речення про освіту у Великій Британії. Використовуйте слова з таблиці .

b) Write sentences about education in Great Britain. Use the words from the table below.

4. Попрацюйте  в парах. Прочитайте питання та дайте відповіді на них. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions given below.

   5. Доповни текст словами за змістом . a) Complete the text with the words from the box.

6. Conversation Lab. Спілкування. Попрацюйте в парах або маленьких групах. Обговоріть та порівняйте британську та українську системи освіти. Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss and compare the British and Ukrainian systems of education. Complete the table below.

7. Home work 7. Write a short article to your school newspaper about the educational system and schools in Great Britain.

Напишіть невеличку статтю до своєї шкільної газети про систему освіти та школи Великої Британії.





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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
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