Завдання олімпіади з англійської мови для учнів 10-го класу

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Аудіювання, 10 клас. Текст


Round I.  Listening Comprehension. Text


The Most Haunted House in England


a rectory – будинок священика

to executeстрачувати

a nun - монахиня

hauntedнаселений привидами

The peaceful village of Borley is not the sort of place you would normally think of as being associated with ghosts, yet it was the site of Borley Rectory, the most haunted house in England. The rectory was built in 1863 on the site of an ancient monastery and stories of the ghost of a crying nun were already well known to the villagers at that time. The stories told that she had fallen in love with a monk from the monastery. The two had tried to run away together but had been quickly caught. The monk was executed and the nun bricked up in the cellars of the monastery.

The first resident of Borley Rectory was Henry Bull. He loved to watch the ghost as she walked across the garden. However, the mysterious lady soon became a problem. She often frightened guests by looking at them through the windows. Once Henry's four daughters even saw the lady walking across the lawn in broad daylight. More ghosts were seen during the time Henry's son, John, owned the rectory. A ghostly coach and horses were often seen racing past the rectory.

In 1927 Eric Smith and his wife began living at the rectory. They had been told of the building's reputation and so invited the well-known ghost hunter, Harry Price, to visit. When Mr. Price arrived there was an immediate increase in the ghostly activities. Objects were smashed and stones were thrown at him. It was all too much for the Smiths so they left the house.

The next family, who lived in the house, also left quickly after several frightening events. For a time nobody wanted to live in the house and so it was empty until 1937 when Harry Price returned to investigate the ghostly happenings further. With a team of forty-eight observers he noted an amazing number of psychic phenomena. The strangest happened on 27th March 1938 when a ghostly voice warned members of the team that the rectory would catch fire that night and burn down. However, it didn't happen and Harry Price left soon after. The building was then rented to a man called Captain Gregson. He too experienced mysterious happenings, including the disappearance of his two hunting dogs. Then, exactly eleven months after the ghost's warning, an oil lamp fell over in the hall and the rectory burnt to the ground. People who helped to put out the fire said they had seen ghosts walking through the burning building.

Harry Price returned to the site again in 1943. Digging in the cellars, he discovered the bones of a young woman. Believing that they were those of the dead nun, he tried to end the hauntings by giving them a Christian burial. It didn't work. Supernatural happenings are still reported from the site of the former rectory today.






Аудіювання, 10 клас


Listening Comprehension Test.


In this Test you will carefully listen to a text read aloud twice. The text is followed by 20 tasks. You should do tasks 1 through 10 following the first reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. The text will be read a second time and you should do tasks 11 through 20 following the second reading of the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in the text. For each task you will choose from four possible answers (a, b, c, or d), or two symbols (+ or -) as specified prior to each task. Choose the best answer and mark the letter or symbol of your choice on the Answer Sheet.


Завдання 1. Task 1


Statements 1 through 10 (on your Answer Sheet put down + if the statement is true, - if it is false):


  1. The villagers told the story dealing with the nun and the monk who fell in love and ran away together.
  2. Both the monk and the nun were severely punished.
  3. Only the first resident of the rectory could see the lady ghost.
  4. The Smiths, the other residents of the house, invited the ghost hunter Harry Price.
  5. There were a lot of people who desired to live in the house.
  6. Harry Price was not very interested in this haunted house.
  7. On the 27th of  March 1938 the rectory caught fire and burnt down.
  8. Captain Gregson who was the last to rent the house experienced the mysterious happenings including the disappearance of his two dogs.
  9. The bones of a young woman were found in the rectory’s cellar.
  10. After the Christian burial of the woman’s bones the ghost has never appeared again.
























Аудіювання, 10 клас. Listening Comprehension Test.

Завдання 2. Task  2. Questions 11 through 20 (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):


  1. 11. Borley Rectory was built …

    a) near an ancient monastery. 
    b) next to an ancient monastery.
    c) in an old monastery. 
    d) where an old monastery had been.

12. The monk in the stories was executed because …

    a) he didn't love the nun. 
    b) the nun loved him.
    c) he left the monastery with the nun.
    d) he put the nun in the cellars.

13. Henry Bull …

    a) was in love with the ghostly lady. 
    b) liked the ghost to frighten his guests. 
    c) often watched the ghost. 
    d) often walked in the garden with the ghost.

14. The ghost was …

    a) only seen at night. 
    b) usually seen in the daytime.
    c) usually seen at night. 
    d) never seen in the daytime.

15. John Bull …

    a) owned a coach and horses. 
    b) liked horse racing. 
    c) often held races near the rectory. 
    d) was living in the house when other ghosts were first seen.

16. The house was unoccupied …

a) before 1937. 
b) for several years until Harry Price came back in 1937. 

    c) after 1937. 
    d) after Harry Price left in 1938.





17. Eric Smith …

    a) knew about the ghosts before he moved in. 
    b) visited Harry Price at his house. 
    c) told his wife about the house's reputation. 
    d) was first told about the ghosts by Harry Price.

18. Harry Price …

    a) was happy to live in that house . 
    b) lived in the house with some other people.
    c) saw a ghost setting fire to the rectory on the 27th March 1938. 
    d) was told that a ghost would set fire to the house.

19. Captain Gregson …

    a) had two dogs, which were killed in the fire. 
    b) had two dogs, which disappeared. 
    c) saw two ghostly dogs. 
    d) didn't see or hear any supernatural events.

20. In 1943 Harry Price …

    a) found a woman digging in the cellars. 
    b) buried the nun in the cellars. 
    c) was sure he had found the remains of the nun in the cellars. 
    d) believed he would definitely find the nun in the cellars.

Читання, 10 клас

ROUND II. Reading Comprehension Test.

Directions: In this Test you will read three texts. Each text is followed by 5 tasks. You should do the tasks following the text on the basis of what is stated or implied in that text. For each task you will choose the best possible answer from four possible answers (a, b, c, or d) or two symbols (+ or -) as specified prior to each task. Choose the best answer and write down the letter or symbol of your choice on the Answer Sheet.

Questions 1 through 5 refer to Text 1.


Text 1.            Clark Meets Clare


The first time I ever met Clare, she was working in a clothes store in Chicago. I was feeling pretty embarrassed because I had gone in to buy a scarf for my sister and there were 20 or 30 women in there and I was the only man. I was standing in the scarves, hats and gloves section feeling sorry for myself when Clare walked up to me and asked me if there was anything I needed.


She looked very beautiful and was dressed elegantly. I must admit that for a couple of seconds, I wasn't able to say anything. I just looked at her. Finally, I said, "what size scarves do you have?" and then realized that it was quite a stupid question. I left the store a few seconds later without buying anything.


Two days later, I was sitting in a coffee bar around the corner when I heard a voice behind me say, "did you ever find the scarf you were looking for?" I turned around and was amazed to see the same pretty girl from the clothes store. We laughed about it and shared a coffee together.


Two weeks later, I was brave enough to ask Clare to go to see a movie with me. You can imagine how unhappy I was when she said that she couldn't go with me. She promised to call me another time, but I didn't believe her. The next morning, my cell phone rang and I recognized her number on the screen. She said she was free and asked if I still wanted to go to the cinema. That was seven years ago and now we've been married for nearly 5 years.


Task 1: Statements (on your Answer Sheet put down + if the statement is true, - if it is false):


1. Clark felt embarrassed because he was meeting Clare for the first time.

2. Clark bought a scarf from Clare because he thought she was beautiful.

3. Clark and Clare had a coffee a couple of days after meeting for the first time.

4. Clark was a little worried about asking Clare out.

5. They got married two years after meeting for the first time.















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