My favourite book. Book review.

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Урок до теми 'Do you Need a Book?' розрахований для учнів 8-го класу, на етапі засвоєння вивченого матеріалу.

Зміст слайдів
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My favourite book!One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time. Carl Sagan

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Objectives: 1. Develop students’ability to describe their favorite book. 2. Enhance vocabulary related to books and reviews.3. Watch a video of people describing their favorite books 4. Practice writing and presenting a short book review.

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Contents. Warm - up. Speaking. Vocabulary. Writing

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1 Warm - up. Look at different book covers and guess what are hidden behind them.

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Now, look at various book covers and share your thoughts about them. Tell your classmates about the books (if you have already read them) or imagine their possible plots.adventureromvancesci-fimysterymangafantasyretellinghumor

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2 Vocabulary. New vocabulary for describing and writing reviews of books.

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Useful Language. Background: The story is set…The story takes place …This well-written/informative/fascinating book…This original first novel…The book tells the story of…The book/novel was written by…This work is based on…

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Useful Language. KEY WORDSBackground Characters. Plot Storyline. Author Summary. Favourite Dialogue. Description Opinion

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Useful Language. Main points of the plot: The book relates how.. The plot focuses on.. The story begins/concerns/ is about…The plot has an unexpected twist…The plot is (absolutely) thrilling / (rather) boring/ dull/clever/exciting

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Useful Language. Useful language: Recommendations• Don’t miss it• It is well worth reading• It will change the way you see…• I wouldn’t recommend it because• I highly/thoroughly recommend it• It is a highly entertaining read• It is certainly at the top of my list

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Useful Language. Also, don’t forget to use the unit vocabulary, book genres, and, of course, adjectives to describe your feelings.

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3 Writingwrite your own book review!

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For today, your task was to bring your favorite book with you. You are going to share your love and appreciation for it. Help your classmates step into the world of your book and show them why they should love it as much as you do.

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Before we start, let’s read and analys the following review. Read and Analyze: "My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J. K. Rowling. It is a fantasy book. The story is about a young wizard named Harry Potter who discovers his magical powers and goes to a school called Hogwarts. The setting is mainly in the magical world. I like this book because it is exciting and full of surprises. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys magic and adventure."Highlight how the vocabulary and sentence starters are used.

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Before we begin, watch this video and listen to other people describing their favorite books. DMs. A9 DAw&t=4s

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Write a short review of your favorite book (6–8 sentences). Include: title, author, genre, plot summary, main character, setting, and recommendation.

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4 Speaking. Present your book review and share your joy and love for it.

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