Чи дійсно віртуальна подорож Лондоном така цікава та захоплююча?
Англія – країна непохитних традицій, старовинних замків, правлячої королівської династії, країна туманів та любителів чаю.
Цікаво послухати бій Біг-Бена – найбільшого із дзвонів у механізмі годинника башти Єлизавети, хоча часто Біг-Беном називають також і сам годинник, а також годинникову вежу, що є частиною архітектурного комплексу Вестмінстерського палацу, де розташовується британський парламент. Усе це і ще багато цікавинок можна побачити лише у Лондоні – столиці Великобританії!
Ні одна подорож не обходиться без відвідування музеїв. Ми завітаємо і до музею Гаррі Понтера, улюбленого музею дітей, музею Шерлока Холмса та одного з найпопулярніших – музею воскових фігур мадам Тюссо.
Мовний інвентар – граматика:
Укажіть, які ролі та функції буде виконувати кожен член вашої команди. Також укажіть, хто саме буде входити до робочих груп (пошукової, аналітичної, дослідницької).
Tommy and Sarah-Jane want to visit London. But they don’t know all the famous sites… Here is a list mentioning them. Help Tommy and Sarah-Jane recognize them!
London Tour
Tower Bridge
Crown Jewels
The Tower of London
London Eye
Buckingham Palace
Piccadilly Circus
Nelson’s Column
The Houses of Parliament
Big Ben
The River Thames
Phone booth
Black cab
Covent Garden
Trafalgar Square
Hyde Park
10, Downing Street
Madame Tussaud’s
Make up a virtual map of London and show some London’s sights on it. Remember to make a double-decker and some roads, which can show the right way. (You may use photos, pictures)
1. Where in the world is London? What do you know about it? Brainstorm in groups.
2. Which London attraction has a body part in its name? (London Eye)
3. How many tourist attractions can you name? Talk about it.
4. What is there to see and do in London?
5. What typical local food can you eat in London? Make a list.
6. What is «the Changing of the Guards» and why is it popular with tourists?
7. London is a home to several football teams. How many can you name?
Проведіть мозковий штурм та дізнайтеся, чи вдалося вам зібрати інформацію про всі визначні місця та деякі музеї Лондона. Можливо, ви забули розглянути якусь важливу проблему?
1. It’s a big clock tower. It is famous all over the world. It is part of Houses of Parliament. It is one of the symbols of London.
2. It is a very famous church in London, not far from the Houses of Parliament. The kings and queens were crowned here.
3. The house at number ten is very famous. It is the Prime Minister’s house.
4. It is a very famous bridge over the Thames. They open it when a big ship comes.
5. It was a palace and a prison. Now you can see the Crown Jewels there.
6. It is in the centre of London and there are lots of cinemas, theatres there. There are always a lot of people there, too.
Unseen London
London is famous ___ its attractions like Big Ben and the Tower ____ London. Millions ______ tourists look _____ these places, there are other interesting sights. Next time you set _____ _____ visit London, why not plan _____ go ____ some ____ the places close ____ the centre _____ the city that tourists rarely go ______? Get _____ a taxi and ask the driver _____ take you _____ Billingsgate fish market, ____ example. When you arrive _____ the market, you will be amazed _____ the sights and the sounds ____ real London. You can ask the fish sellers ______ their work – and you don’t have _____ wait _____ hours _____ get a ticket!
1. The London Eye is in the River Thames.
2. People from five countries worked on building the London Eye.
3. They finished it in 2000.
4. It is taller than the Patrov wheel.
1. When did they start building the London Eye?
2. How tall is it?
3. How many buildings in London are taller than the London Eye?
4. How far can you see from the London Eye?
Madame Tussaud’s
For 200 years, people all over the world have been attracted to Madame Tussaud’s. The people who have come have been amazed. After all, where else can you hug actors like Brad Pitt, be counted among world leaders like Nelson Mandela, or compare notes with scientists like Albert Einstein?
The current exhibition includes over 400 life-like figures, which have been carefully made using 2.400 lbs. of wax. If the wax was used for candles, it was enough for 16.000 candles!
Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum
Madame Tussaud was born in France in ________. She wasn’t from a rich family, but she became a businesswoman. She made ________ models of ________ and other important people. In ________ she came to the UK with an ________ of her wax models.
In _________ Madame Tussaud opened a _________ exhibition in London. She died in _________, but her exhibition is still very _________. Two and a half million people visit it every year. There are Madame Tussaud exhibitions in other cities too – ___________, _______, __________ and ___________.
The exhibitions have wax models of people from the present and the past. There are _________ politicians, kings, queens and _______.
1. What is Madame Tussaud’s address?
2. Was Madame Tussads’s family British?
3. How old was Madame Tussaud when she died?
4. How many people visit her museum in London every year?
5. What was Madame Tussaud’s nationality? When did she go to Britain?
1. When was he born?
2. Describe him.
3. What sort of person was he? (hobbies – likes – dislikes…)
4. What did he do from 1881 to 1904?
5. Why is Sherlock Holmes so popular?
Створіть презентацію, віртуальну екскурсію, ментальну карту, колаж або відеоролик (на вибір) про:
1) тур Лондоном;
2) одне з визначних місць Лондона;
3) музей мадам Тюссо;
4) музей Гаррі Поттера;
5) музей Шерлока Холмса;
6) будь-який інший музей Лондона.