3 клас
Тема: Wild and domestic animals
• Основна: ознайомлення з незвичайним світом тварин, розвиток усного мовлення за темою, розвиток читання, розвиток діалогічного та монологічного мовлення;
• Практична: розвиток уміння вести бесіду у зв’язку із ситуацією,
розвиток навичок письма, узагальнення та систематизація вивчених ЛО
• Розвиваюча: розвивати культуру спілкування за темою, розвивати
мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів;
• Виховна: вчити учнів берегти тварин та допомагати друзям.
Обладнання: підручник, дошка, картки, малюнки, роздатковий матеріал, презентація.
Тип уроку: узагальнення та систематизації вивченого матеріалу.
І. Вступна частина.
T: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! How are you? Are you ready for the lesson?
P: Yes, we are ready!
T: Let’s start our work.
T: Children, tell me, please: What do you like to do best of all?
P1: I like to read best of all…(The pupils answer).And what about you? (The pupils ask the teacher.)
T: Thank you very much for your question.. As for me, I also like to read books, watch TV and listen to music, but most of all I like to play with my cat and with my parrot. I like animals very much. What about you? Do you like animals?
Ps: Yes.
T: So, our today’s topic is „The unusual and mysterious world of animals.“
T: WOW! Look! This is Winnie-the Pooh! Oh! He is crying. Why do you cry Winnie? (вчитель слухає, що їй каже Вінні Пух на вушко).
He lost his way in the forest. He wants to go to his friend Piglet, but he doesn’t know the the way. He asks us to help him. Children, lets help him.
P1: Yes, lets help him. Are you agree?
Ps: Yes!
P2: He is very poor.
T: So, we’ll have many obstacles and tasks on our way.
We have:
1) to repeat some sounds;
2) to finish the proverbs;
3) to make up the text from the sentences;
4) to make up the poems;
5) to take the interview;
6) to describe the animals;
7) to play games;
8)to guess the riddles; 9) to make up the sentences.
On our start we must repeat some sounds and the names of the animals.
(маленькі картинки тваринок, написані назви цих тваринок і звук)
/ k / / r / / o /
cat rabbit cock
cow rat dog
crocodile squirrel fox
duck parrot frog
camel crow donkey
ІІ. Основна частина.
1.Look!. I’ll give you some animals. But we don’t know what animal is it. You task will be to join the dots and then we’ll see what animal in our pictures. You also must colour them. Do it quickly. Come to the blackboard, name the animal and its colour.
2. Children, tell me please: do you know English proverbs? And what about the proverbs about animals? Lets help our Winnie to remember them. Your task will be to finish the proverbs.
1. Every bird likes… its own nest.
(Усякий птах своє гніздо хвалить.)
2. Every dog is… a lion at home.
(Кожен пес у своєму дворі лев.)
3. Every cock sings… in his own manner.
(В усякої пташки свої замашки).
4. Dog does not… eat dog.
(Собака собаку не з’їсть–Ворон воронові ока не виклює.)
5. Birds in their little… nest agree.
(Пташки у маленькому гнізді миряться. –У тісноті, але не в обіді.)
6. The bull must be… taken by the horns.
(Бери бика за роги.)
7. Don’t look a gift horse… in the mouth.
(Дарованому коневі в зуби не дивляться.)
8. Never buy a pig… in a poke.
(Не купуй кота в мішку.)
9. When the cat is away,… the mice will play.
(Кіт–за пліт, а миші в танець.)
10. Better an egg today… than a hen tomorrow.
(Краще горобець в руці, ніж півень на стрісі.)
T: Very good. Thank you. You are so clever. We can go on . And we have another task for us.
3.Children, look! Winnie-the-Pooh gave me two fairy-tails. He wanted to present them to Piglet but he fell down to the ground and he mixed all the sentences in his fairy-tails. Lets help Winnie because he is very sad.
Let’s united into 2 groups. Your task is to make up these sentences one by one and after that you will get a text. Then children, divide these sentences between yourselves, come to the blackboard stand one by one and read your text.
1. Mike drew a cock, but he did not colour it.
2. The dog said that the Cock is not beautiful.
3. The Cock went to the river to look at himself.
4. He really was not beautiful.
5. The Cock went to the paints and said: "Paints, paints, help me, please!
6. The paints coloured the Cock.
7. The Cock cried: " I am the most beautiful bird in the world."
1) A Crow once sat in a tree.
2) She had a large piece of cheese in her mouth.
3) The Fox came up to the tree and he saw the crow.
4) The Crow began to sing and the piece of cheese fell down.
5) The Fox ran up to the cheese and ate it up.
6) What a clever Fox!
(Одна група учнів читає речення біля дошки, а діти з іншої групи по черзі перекладають речення.)
3.And now we must help our friend because he doesn’t know if it true or false. Listen to my sentences very attentively and shake your heads if it is true or clap your hands if it is false.
The fox is a clever animal
4. Look at these pictures and pick the poems to them. (Підібрати віршики до даних малюнків. Малюнки і віршики роздати дітям)
1. One, one one, little dogs run.
Two, two, two, cats see you.
Three, three, three, birds on the tree.
Four, four four, rats on the floor.
2. Bear and Bunny
Have a lot of money
They go to the store
For carrot and honey.
3. It is a cat
It looks for a rat
Its name is Pete
It likes to eat.
4.My fish can swim.
My cat can sleep.
My dog can dance with me.
My parrot sits and look at us.
You all can come and see.
5. It is a snake
It lives by a lake
It is on a log
And looks at a frog.
6. This is a snake
It looks at a box
It makes a plan
To catch a hen.
Dear children look at this picture, think and say what poem is it?
Stand up , please, and lets have a relax.
Діти встають і розказують віршик, виконуючи рухи.
At the zoo I see a bear
He has brown fluffy hair
I see a line, a crocodile,
With a very toothy smile.
I see yellow long giraffe,
Funny monkeys make me laugh.
But my favourite animal at the zoo
Is the elephant–what about you?
T: Kate, tell me please. What is your favourite animal?
K: My favourite animal is a dog…
5. And now we’ll play the game ”Microphone“. Imagine that you are a journalist.
Your task is to take the interview in your classmates about their favourite animals.
Tania tell me, please, what is your favourite animal and why!
Tania: My favourite animal is a fox, because it is very clever!
(З одної команди учень ставить запитання, а з іншої відповідає, той, що відповідає–ставить запитання учневі з іншої команди.)
6. So now well play the game puzzles. I’ll give you the puzzles of the animals, your task will be to make up these puzzles and to describe the animal with the help of such plan:
1. This is a…………
2. It is a domestic (wild ) animal.
3. It is big (little).
4. It is (grey, white………)
5. The……………………lives (on the farm, at the zoo, in the forest).
6. I like this animal.
7.Open your copy-books, write down today’s date. Look at the blackboard. There you can see two columns and the words under them. Your task is to write the words in the right place. This group write down the wild animals and the second group write down the domestic animals. Begin to write.
Wild animals / Domestic animals
A monkey, a squirrel, a cow, a bare, a horse, a dog, a fox, a hen, a rabbit, a pig, a lion, a tiger, a sheep, a wolf, a crocodile, cat, a goose, an elephant, a giraffe, a duck.
8.Our Winnie is very tired and he wants to play with us.
You know that all animals are very different. They are different in their size, behavior, habits. Some animals are wild and another animals are domestic. They are also different in their colours. So lets play the game. I’ll say the colour and your task is to name all the animals of this colour that you know.
Green–a crocodile, a frog
Red–a fox, a cat
Grey–a mouse, an elephant, a hare, a wolf
Yellow–a chick, a duckling,
Pink–a pig
Brown–a bare,
9.Lets help our Winnie to guess the riddles.
1. I am in the farmyard,
Cluck, cluck, cluck,
I lay eggs, but I’m not
A duck, duck, duck. (a hen)
2. I live in the river,
I am not a fish.
I jump in the fild,
I am not a rabbit.
I have a green coat,
I am not a bird. (a frog)
Thank you . What about you? Do you know some riddles? Who knows?
3.I am in the basket,
Mew, mew, mew.
You give me milk
And then I purr
For you, you, you. (a cat)
4. It gives us milk
And butter too,
It’s very kind
And likes to moo. (a cow.)
5. It is a wild animal. It’s a big animal. It lives in the forest. It’s yellow and black. It’s an angry animal.
What animal is it? (It’s a tiger)
6. This is a domestic animal. It is a little animal. It lives in the house. It’s grey or white or black. It likes to drink milk and eat mice.
What animal is it? (It’s a cat)
7. It is a wild animal. It lives in the forest. It is nice. It is red. It is a clever animal.
What animal is it? (It’s a fox)
8. It is a domestic animal. It is big or little. It can be black, or white, or black and white. It likes to run after cats.
What animal is it? (It’s a dog)
10. Look at the blackboard! Here you can see some words that help us to describe this or that animal. Your task is to choose the words that fit to your animal.
( Дати учням малюнки тваринок . Учні підходять до дошки і знімають ті слова, які підходять до їхньої тваринки. Учні складають розповідь про тварин за поданими словами, виходять до дошки, прикріплюють тваринку і розповідають про неї.)
This is a cow. It is a domestic animal. It is big and nice. It is red and white. The cow has horns and a tail. It likes grass. The cow lives on the farm.
This is an elephant. It is a wild animal. It is big and funny. It is grey. The elephant has a long trunk. It likes bananas. The elephant lives in the zoo.
11.We’ll divide into two teams. At the blackboard you can see the farm and the forest. Here you can see the animals. One team will be wild animals, another- domestic. Your task will be to run up to the chair choose your animal and settle it in the right place.
12.And now your team will name the wild animal and yours-a domestic animal. The team that says the last will be the winner. Let’s start.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
Look we have done all the tasks and our friends are together. They are so happy and glad. They thanks for us very much, because we helped them to meet. Good-bye, our friends! See you later!
So did you like our adventure? Why?
I am very satisfied with your work. You are so clever and very good pupils and friends.
Our lesson is over. Good-bye.