Онлайн-тести з англійської мови 7 клас


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Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: Choose true or false:David went to the music festival last year.
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: My New Home  by Beverley Symons First, the good news: Mum’s starting her new job next month! She’s happy because she really wanted it. Then the sad news: we’re moving because Mum’s job is in the country. Dad doesn’t mind because he will work from home on his computer, but I’ll miss our semi-detached house in Birmingham. Some people don’t like living in semi-detached houses, but we don’t have any problems with our neighbours. My bedroom is next to their daughter’s bedroom. I can hear her sometimes and she can hear me, but it doesn’t matter. Tomorrow we’re packing our things. We aren’t taking all our furniture because our new home is a cottage and it’s smaller than this house.              Our cottage is near Harris Hall. Harris Hall was the house of a rich family. It had 64 bedrooms and lots of stairs. Now it’s a hotel. It still has lots of stairs but lifts too! There’s a restaurant on the ground floor and Mum is the new chef there! Next week we’re driving to a town near Harris Hall. We want to check it out and see what activities we can do there. My new school is in the town too. I hope we’ll be happy there. I’ll write all about it soon! 1.    Beverley has some good news and some ____ news.
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: My home. Present Perfect (affirmative)
Приклад запитання: They _____ taken a taxi to the train station
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: “It’s terrible that some children can’t enjoy books as they are never taught to read.”
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.The person who makes films is a ...
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: LISTENING 1  [WW 2 End of the year] You will hear an interview with a young professional dancer called Alicia. Deside if the sentence isTrue or False. 1   Alicia mostly dances to classical music.
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: Read texts and match it with their names.1) This is certainly a charming street in Kyiv, old and picturesque (мальовнича), filled (наповнена) with galleries, cafes and museums, including (включаючи) the house of Mikhail Bulgakow. It also has its own mu­seum, the quaintly (химерно, дивакувато) named Museum of' One Street. But the most attractive place in this street is St Andrew's Cathedral.
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: What means "to be in the situation when you don't know where you are"?
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Контроль письма
Приклад запитання: The wind ... now
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Places of Interest. Vocabulary
Приклад запитання: You can see lots of beautiful paintings there.
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Speaking. Making dialogues
Приклад запитання: Choose the correct options to complete the conversation.David: Hi, Fran! Great to see you! Welcome to London!Fran: 1 __David: Good! Sorry I couldn’t meet you at the station.
Приклад запитання: Listen to the highlighted texts and match it with their names.1) This is certainly a charming street in Kyiv, It is old and picturesque , filled with galleries, cafes and museums, including the house of Mikhail Bulgakow. But the most attractive place in this street is St Andrew's Cathedral.2)   This is the Queen's main London home. It has been the official London home place of Britain's kings and queens since 1837. Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live there.3)   This is the world's highest observation wheel, tt is also known as Millennium Wheel. It stands 135 metres high on the south bank of the River Thames between Westminster and Hungerford Bridges.4)   This is a nice park with unique and fantastic (mostly ceramic) statues pretty close to the city centre. Children love it, and adults can enjoy its beauty, peacefulness and comfort. Good place to take fun pictures with friends.
Приклад запитання: Read the highlighted texts and match it with their names.1) This is certainly a charming (чарівна) street in Kyiv, old and picturesque (мальовнича), filled (наповнена) with galleries, cafes and museums, including (включаючи) the house of Mikhail Bulgakow. It also has its own mu­seum, the quaintly (химерно, дивакувато) named Museum of' One Street. But the most attractive (найпривабливішим) place in this street is St Andrew's Cathedral.2)   This is the Queen's main London home. It has been the official London home place of Britain's kings and queens since 1837. Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live there.3)   This is the world's highest observation wheel, tt is also known as Millennium Wheel. It stands 135 metres high on the south bank of the River Thames between Westminster and Hungerford Bridges.4)   This is a nice park with unique and fantastic (mostly ceramic) statues pretty close to the city centre. Children love it, and adults can enjoy its beauty, peacefulness and comfort. Good place to take fun pictures with friends.
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: St Paul’s Cathedral is the seat of bishop in London today. 
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: Pancake DayIn the UK, people celebrate Pancake Day. This festival takes place in February, on Shrove Tuesday. This is the day before Lent. Lent is an important time in the Christian calendar. It lasts 47 days. During Lent, people traditionally stop eating delicious food, like cakes and chocolate. So on Shrove Tuesday, they must eat up all the nice food in their cupboards. So they make pancakes, and they often eat them with lemon and sugar.Many British towns hold pancake races on Shrove Tuesday. People wear fancy dresses and run down the street with a pancake in a pan. They must throw the pancake in the air and catch it in the pan as they run. It must not fall on the ground.The tradition of pancake races started in Olney, Buckinghamshire. According to a story, a housewife made pancakes on Easter Sunday in 1445. Then she heard the church bells. She was worried because she was late for church, so she ran to church with her pan and pancake in her hand! Now, Olney’s pancake race is famous. All the competitors are housewives. They must toss the pancake three times as they run to the church. Then they must serve their pancake to the bell-ringer and receive a kiss from him.Westminster School, an old boys’ school in London, has a different pancake tradition. The school cook makes a huge pancake and throws it over a five-metre high bar. The schoolboys run to take a piece of the pancake. The boy with the biggest piece of pancake wins some money!These days, few British people give up delicious food for Lent. But most people eat pancakes on Pancake Day.Decide if the statements are True or False.1.Pancake Day is the first day of Lent.
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: 7 клас Writing test (II term)
Приклад запитання: It's important to sleep a lot,...
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: There were photos of people wearing ... styles of clothes.
Приклад запитання: Where are beautiful National Parks?
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Writing test 7 v
Приклад запитання: It has a lot of magic
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: People used _____ against their enemy.
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: 7 клас Writing test (II term)
Приклад запитання: It's important to sleep a lot,...
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: What means "to be in the situation when you don't know where you are"?
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання:    Use sentences to complete gap 0 in the telephone conversation between two friends. There are three extra sentences. Tim:  Hello?Alfie: 0 .Tim:  Hi, Alfie, how are you?Alfie 1 ___Tim:  OK, what do you need advice about?Alfie: 2 ___Tim:  Well, you should get a teacher.Alfie: 3 ___Tim:  What about Mr Spratt, the music teacher from school?Alfie: 4 ___Tim:  Oh, sorry! I didn’t know that. Hmmm…Alfie: 5 ___Tim:  Why don’t you ask Jason’s brother?Alfie: 6 ___Tim:  Oh yes, I forgot! Well, how about me?Alfie: 7 ___Tim:  I think we should start the lessons soon. Alfie: 8 ___Tim:  How about tomorrow? At about 5 o’clock?Alfie: 9___Tim:  Yes, of course. See you tomorrow then.Alfie: 10 ___Tim:  You’re welcome!
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 12 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: Listen to Tina talking to a friend about food at a party (Track 1). Which food does Sandra prefer?
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 11 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: Fill in the gaps in the sentences.As a child, Joanna never saw ...
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Англійська мова. 7 клас
Приклад запитання: Що означає слово "entertainment"?
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Reading
Приклад запитання: Choose the correct answerStreet musicians are
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 11 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: There were _____ guests on the ride.
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Приклад запитання: Paul ... a shower now.
Англійська мова, 7 клас
Створено 11 травня 2022
Приклад запитання: to raise money means...