"Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 6-го класу на тему" Лондон та його визначні місця. Подорож Лондоном"(за підручником А. Несвіт)

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Розробка уроку за підручником А. Несвіт на тему"Лондон та його визначні місця. Подорож Лондоном",допоможе вчителю детальніше ознайомити учнів з визначними місцями столиці Великої Британії, а також сприятиме розвитку навичок читання, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення,використовуючи ІКТ.

Перегляд файлу

Тема. Лондон та його визначні місця. Подорож Лондоном.
Цілі: практичні: 1)активізувати та закріпити вживання лексичного матеріалу в мовленні учнів;
2) поглибити знання учнів про визначні місця Лондона;
3) навчати діалогічного та монологічного мовлення за темою;
4) практикувати у вмінні аудіювати тексти, давати відповіді на запитання, з метою отримання детальної інформації;
5) практикувати у вживанні теперішнього та минулого часів .
Розвиваючі:1) розвивати вміння сприймати інформацію на слух та виконання післятекстових завдань;
2) розвивати творчу увагу;
3) розвивати готовність учнів до участі в іншомовному мовленні, до подальшої самоосвіти в оволодінні іноземною мовою.
Виховні: 1) почуття поваги до пам’яток культури в пізнанні світової культури;
2) виховувати культуру спілкування і колективної співпраці;
3) виховувати толерантність, активність, доброзичливість.
Обладнання: підручник, зошити, презентації, картки для індивідуальної та групової роботи, телевізор, ноутбук, малюнки із зображеннями визначних місць Лондона, аудіозапис та відеозапис.
Хід уроку
1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1) Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку
Good morning , children! I’m glad to see. How are you today?
So, we have spoken much about the UK and it’s people and today we’ll travel to one of the most beautiful cities of this country London. We’ll know a lot interesting information about the capital city. By the end of the lesson you should learn more about London’s places of interests, their history and features.
The motto of our lesson today:
“When a man is tired of London , he is tired of life.”
2) Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.( учні співають пісню”London Bridge.”
2. Основна частина уроку
1) Активізація лексичного матеріалу.Well, let’s remember the famous places in London. You have to unscramble words:
Rapk, Beyba, Edralcath, Werto, Trome, Aresqu, Mlunco, Ribdge, Seumum.
Now it’s time to check your answers: Park, Abbey, Cathedral, Tower, Metro, Square, Column, Bridge, Museum.
2) You are good pupils, and now your next task is match the parts of the words combinations:
1) Trafalgar                                              a) Palace
2) Buckingham                                         b) Bridge
3) St.Paul’s                                               c) Park
4) Nelson’s                                                d) Theatre
5) The Globe                                              e) Cathedral
6) Tower                                                     f) Square
7) Madam Tussaud’s                                  g) Museum
8) Regent’s                                                 h) Column
Check yourselves: look at the blackboard.
But we forgot about  our travel agents that  have some interesting information about different places  in London .So, invite them, the first it’s Big Ben and next one it’s Westminster Abbey.(the  pupil’s presentation )
3) Listening
Children, now you are going to see a video and after you’ll do some tasks. Be attentive, please.(watching video Top 10 attractions in London).
After-listening activities
a) You have cards with pictures and numbers you should put them in the logical order like you saw in video from 10 – 1.
Well done, children and meet our next travel agents with the following information London Bridge, Buckingham Palace.
4) Reading ( Dictionary and information page).
a) Read the information about some London sights and write what they are, then match the words to the pictures.(cards)
Good job children, now it’s time to do physical exercises. Stand up, please, let’ do it after me.( Stamp your feet).
Our guides we’ll tell us about the Tube and the Tower of London.
b) Now, open please your books page 128 ex. 2, read please the text “ The Tower of London”
c) After-reading activity
Say if the sentences are true or false:
1) The Tower of London served as a royal palace, a fortress, a prison.
2) Today it is a famous shopping mall.
3) Many kings lived there.
4) Black cats meet tourists there.
5) The Raven Master gives them milk every morning.
6) Beefeaters usually tell the visitors a lot of interesting things about the Tower of London.
5) Role play( the dialogues)
Your next task will be to make and to play the dialogues, but be attentive please, because the dialogues are broken and you must put the phrases into a logical order first and after play .
Dialogue 1.
- How do you like London?
- Oh, it’s beautiful.
- Yes. I think it’s one of the most interesting and unusual cities in the world.
- Oh, yesterday I saw the Houses of Parliament, heard the voice of Big Ben, and visited the famous Tower of London.
- Have you visited Westminster Abbey?
- Not yet. What is it famous for?
- It is the royal church.
- How can I get there?
- By bus or just walk.
Dialogue 2
-Where did you go yesterday?
- I went to the Tower of London.
- Oh, it’s great! I am sure you really enjoyed your visit.
- Yes. I visited all the museums. I watched the Puppet Show about old days of the Tower of London. It was funny.
- Did you see the Jewel Room?
- Yes, of course. I had watched an interesting video before I went there. It was exciting!
- Did you go to the Bloody Tower?
- Yes, I did. It’s a terrible place and I wanted to feet the black ravens with my sandwiches, but the Raven Master didn’t let me do that.
It’s time to play game “Guess what sight is it?”
You have cards that describe one of the famous place in London and pictures you should guess and label them.
1- I like this place. We can do the shopping here.
- Yes, really many shops are in …..(Oxford Street).
2- How interesting. The place has changed a lot.
- Certainly!.....(the Tower of London) used to be a prison, a tower and even a king’s zoo.
3- Tom! Look! There is the flag waving over ……..( Buckingham Palace).
- Don’t you know, when the flag is waving the Queen is in the residence.
4- This is an old church.
- I know that many outstanding people are buried in…….(Westminster Abbey).
Заключна частина уроку
1. Вікторина. Quiz.
1) Big Ben is………………………
2) Buckingham Palace is………….
3) Westminster Abbey is………….
4) The tower of London was………
5) Ravens must live ……………….
6) London stands on the river ……..
7) The Great Fire in London was in….
8) The name of architect who built St. Paul’s Cathedral is…….
9) Which of these places is Not in London?     
10) The oldest building in London is….…………………………….
2. Teacher sums up.
Our lesson is coming to the end.
It’s time to say good bye. We’ve done much at our lesson. We read, listened to the text, did exercises, sang a song, presented your projects. You were good pupils. So, your marks are…
Your home task for the next lesson is to write a letter to your pen friend about one of the places of interest in London.
Lesson is over, good- bye.

“London Bridge”

London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down

London Bridge is falling down, my Fair Lady.

Build  it up with wood and clay, wood and clay, wood and clay

Build it up with wood and clay, my Fair Lady.

Wood and clay will wash away, wash away, wash away

Wood and clay will wash away, my Fair Lady.

Build it up with iron and steel, iron and steel, iron and steel

Build it up with iron and steel, my Fair Lady.

Iron and steel will bend and bow, bend and bow, bend and bow

Iron and steel will bend and bow, my Fair Lady.

It would stand fore ever more, fore ever more, fore ever more

It would stand fore ever more, my Fair Lady.

London Bridge is standing up, standing up, standing up

London Bridge is standing up, my Fair Lady.

Unscramble the words:

Rapk, Beyba, Edralcath,  Werto, Trome, Aresqu, Mlunco, Ribdge, Seumum

Match two parts of the words combinations:
1. Trafalgar                         a) Palace

                                    2. Buckingham                               b) Bridge

                               3. St. Paul’s                                     c) Park
                                     4. Nelson’s                                       d) Theatre

                                       5. the Globe                                    e) Cathedral

                                 6. Tower                                          f) Square

                                   7. Madame Tussaud’s                       g) Museum

                                                               8. Regent’s                                          h) Column

Картинки по запросу st.Pauls cathedralКартинки по запросу london eye
Картинки по запросу buckingham palaceКартинки по запросу trafalgar squareКартинки по запросу double decker busКартинки по запросу houses of parliament
Похожее изображениеКартинки по запросу london bridge
Картинки по запросу covent gardenКартинки по запросу tower of london
Put the pictures into the order like in the video that you saw TOP 10 Attraction
1.                                   4.                                               7.                                                              
2.                                   5.                                               8.                                                              
3.                                   6.                                               9.                                    10.                      

After-reading activities.
Say if the sentences are True or False
1. The Tower of London served as a royal palace, a fortress and a prison.
2.Today it is a famous shopping mall.
3. Many kings lived in the Tower of London.
4. Black cats meet tourists there.
5. The Raven Master gives them milk only in the morning.
6. “Beefeaters” usually tell the visitors a lot of interesting things about the Tower of London.

Dialogue 1
-How do you like London?
- Oh, it’s beautiful.
- Yes. I think it’s one of the most interesting and unusual cities in the world.
- Oh, yesterday I saw the Houses of Parliament, heard the voice of Big Ben, and visited the famous Tower.
- Have you visited Westminster Abbey?
- Not yet. What is famous for?
- It is the royal church.
-How can I get there?
- By bus or just walk.

Dialogue 2
- Where did you go yesterday?
- I went to the tower of London.
- Oh, it’s great! I am sure that you really enjoyed your visit.
- Yes. I visited all the museums. I watched the Puppet Show about old days of the Tower of London. It was funny.
- Did you visit the Jewel Room?
- Yes, of course. I had watched an interesting video before I went there. It was exciting!
- Did you go to the Bloody Tower?
- Yes, I did. It’s a terrible place and I wanted to feed the black ravens with my sandwiches, but the Raven Master didn’t let me do that.

Dialogue 3

  • Mike: Martin, you have to see St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, while you’re here in London.
  • Martin: Why?
  • Mike: It’s beautiful, and the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren designed it.
  • Martin: His name is familiar.
  • Gisela: I would like to see The Globe.
  • Marie: It’s really a nice replica of where Shakespeare’s plays were performed.
  • Gisela: Martin wants to go the Imperial War Museum.
  • Marie:Or there’s the British Museum.
  • Mike: And you can visit Madame Tussaud’s.
  • Martin: What about some place outside of London?
  • Mike: You could go to Stonehenge. The stones are much bigger than you might expect.
  • Marie: Or you could go to Brighton. There’s a nice beach.

    Game” Guess what place is it?”

    1. –I like this place. We can do the shopping here.
        - Yes, really many shops are in ……………….

    2. – How interesting! The place has changed a lot !
         - Certainly! …………was used to be a prison, a tower and even king’s zoo.

    3. –Tom, look! There is the flag waving over ………..
        - Don’t you know, when the flag is waving the Queen is in the residence.

    4. – This is an old church.
        - I know that many outstanding people are buried in …………

    Quiz. (Рефлексія):

1. Big Ben is

a) a radio tone;
b) a famous clock;
c) a famous church.

2. Buckingham Palace is…

a) a home of Royal Family;
b) a place of interest;
c) a fine cathedral.

3. Westminster Abbey is a large

a) cathedral;
b) palace;
c) church.

4. The Tower of London was…

a) a prison, a church and a cathedral;
b) a fortress, a prison, a palace;
c) a tower, a prison and a palace.

5. Ravens must live in

a) Westminster Abbey;
b)The Tower of London;
c) Tower Bridge.

6. London stands on the river

a) Dnipro;

b) Severn;

c) Thames.

7. The Great fire of London was in

a) 1666;

b) 1777;

c) 1888.

8. The name of architect who built St. Paul’s Cathedral is

a) Sir Charles Barry;

b) Sir Christopher Wren;

c) Sir Christopher Harry

9. Which of these places is NOT in London?

a) The Tower;

b) Nelson’s Column;

c) Times Square

10. The oldest building in London is…

a) The Houses of Parliament;

b) The Tower of London;

  •            c) The British Museum

    Fill in the gaps
    1. London is the…………..of Britain.
    2. London is on the river……………
    3. The …………..built the first bridge over the river.
    4.There are ……………………bridges over the river.
    5. London has a population of nearly ……..million people.
    6. Madam Tussuad brought her exhibition of……. Models in …….
    7. Harrods, Covent Garden are famous places for…………..
    8…………Park, ……………Park and………….’-Pare are famous parks in London.


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19 лютого 2018
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