Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 6 класу на тему: "Подорож"

Про матеріал
Під час уроку учні повторюють лексичний матеріал теми "Подорож", визначаються з тим, що треба брати з собою в подорож, знайомляться з дієсловом "should", пишуть листа другові.
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Topic: Getting ready for a trip. Verb “should”

Aim: - to teach pupils to operate the topical words in speech;

         -  to introduce new words and to practice them;

         - to train pupils to make sentences and to answer Wh-questions;

         - to develop pupils’ reading, listening, writing and speaking skills;

         - to revise verb tenses and to use the verb “should” in speech .

Materials: handouts, pictures.

The procedure:

I. Greeting. Warming up.

- Good morning pupils! ­

- How are you today? Are you ready for the lesson?

 -What day is it today?

- What season is it now?

- What is the weather like today? (відповіді учнів)

II. Main part of the lesson.

1) Vocabulary Revision.

- Let’s play our  Snowball Game. I start the story and . you continue. (I like travelling….) (учні по черзі складають свої речення, повторюючи попередні)

- Now I propose you to answer some questions about travelling. (Використовується кубик з питальними словами What, When, Where, Why, How, Who. Учень кидає кубик і яке питальне слово випало,  на таке питання відповідає. Приклади питань:

- What mean of transport do you like most of all and why?

- When did you travel last time?

- Why do you like travelling?

- How can people get from one place to another?

- Where were you last summer?

-Who did you go for a trip with last time? )

2) Introducing the New Topic.

- Pupils, imagine you are going to travel to a faraway country. What will you do firstly? Well, today we are going to speak about the things we must take with us in a trip or we will pack our luggage.

3) Vocabulary Practice.

- Open your books on page 102, look at the pictures and read the words. Now say which clothes are perfect in cold weather, in hot and sunny weather, for the beach and what clothes can you wear in summer (in winter).

- …. are perfect in cold weather.

- …. are good in sunny and hot weather.

- …..are perfect for the beach.

- In winter (summer) we can wear …..(учні заповнюють речення словами)


4) Reading.

a) Pre-Reading Activity.

- Who help you to pack your luggage for a trip?

- Now look at the photo on page 103 and answer the questions. (учні читають питання і дають відповіді)

b) Reading Activity.

- Ann and her mum are getting ready for a trip. Read the dialogue and name the things they have mentioned in their conversation.

(учні читають діалог парами та називають речі, які Анна візьме з собою у подорож)

c) After-Reading Activity.

- Answer the questions of exercise 4 on page 103.

(учні відповідають на питання)

5) Grammar Revision and Practice.

- In our dialogue it is used the verb “should”. How do you think,  what does it mean? When can we use it? (учитель пояснює значення дієслова та його використання)


SHOULD = a good idea, a piece of advice (записати в зошитах з прикладами)

For example: You should take your umbrella because it is raining. It is very cold. You shouldn’t eat so much ice-cream. (Pay attention to the verb after “should”)

- I have some situations for you and your task is to give advice using the verb “should”  (pictures with situations) (учні читають картки з ситуаціями та дають поради)

6) Writing Activity.

- Imagine that your English-speaking friend is coming to Ukraine in summer. Write an email to him/her. In your email:

- say  you are glad that he/she is coming soon;

-say what clothes he/she should take with him/her;

- write what places you are going to visit.

 (разом написати листа на дошці та в зошитах)

III. Summing up.

- Did you like our lesson? What did you like most ? You have worked very well and you get good marks today. Bye! (виставити оцінки)

IV. Homework.

Вправа 6 стор. 104 (підручник)

Вправа 11,12 стор. 59 (робочий зошит)








C:\Documents and Settings\1\Рабочий стол\Новая папка (5)\скачанные файлы.jpg


C:\Documents and Settings\1\Рабочий стол\Новая папка (5)\Презентация Microsoft PowerPoint.jpg  You should…

         C:\Documents and Settings\1\Рабочий стол\Новая папка (5)\Big-Ben_i_londonskij_krasnyj_avtobus(illjustracija)-764x764.jpg


C:\Documents and Settings\1\Рабочий стол\Новая папка (5)\86139744f4a5f8a065a728d52496374a-coco-chanel-bags-chanel-chanel.jpgShe is going for a trip to London.

She should…
C:\Documents and Settings\1\Рабочий стол\Новая папка (5)\117697152_friday_afternoon_web1.jpg 

She wants to visit her granny but it is raining.

She should…

C:\Documents and Settings\1\Рабочий стол\Новая папка (5)\9-2.png

Our class is going to travel by train.          They should…

 C:\Documents and Settings\1\Рабочий стол\Новая папка (5)\depositphotos_3993928-stock-illustration-child-train-ride.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\1\Рабочий стол\Новая папка (5)\More-v-odnom-iz-ego-narjadov-risunok4.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\1\Рабочий стол\Новая папка (5)\11.jpg

My family wants go to the sea.

You should…


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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
27 лютого 2019
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