Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 7 класу (3-й рік навчання) на тему "Пори року. Погода. Ступені порівняння прикметників"

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 7 класу (3-й рік навчання) на тему "Пори року. Погода. Ступені порівняння прикметників" за підручником Морська Л.І., Кучма М.О..

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Тема: Пори року. Погода. Ступені порівняння прикметників.

Мета: активізувати вживання в мовленні учнів засвоєного матеріалу за темою «Пори року. Погода»; повторити ступені порівняння прикметників; розвивати слухову пам’ять та логічне мислення учнів, мовленнєву компетенцію;  вдосконалювати навички аудіювання,читання, письма й говоріння; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; продовжувати формувати навички діалогічного мовлення; виховувати почуття взаємодопомоги та любов до природи.

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, картки для роботи в групах, тематичні картки,  карти, презентация , комп’ютер, аудіозапис .



I. Beginning of the lesson.

1. Greeting.

T: Good morning! Nice to meet you. Sit down.

Бесіда з черговим

 Who is on duty today?

 Who is absent?

 What day is it today?

  What day was yesterday?

  What date is it today?

  What is the weather like today?

  Do you like this weather? Why?

   What was the weather yesterday?


2. Aim

T. The topic of today’s lesson is “Seasons and Weather”.

Today we continue speaking about seasons of the year, months and weather. By the end of our lesson you will be able:

- to operate words and word combinations for the topic in different situations;

- to listen and understand the stories and specific information from the text;

- you’ll also practice your oral speech.

Today you are working in four groups.

Can you introduce yourself?

(Учні представляють свої команди. We are spring. I am March. I am April….)


3. Warming up Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

 T. So, let’s start our lesson.

Т. But as a rule, we’ll begin our lesson with phonetic (pronunciation) drills. Let’s train the sounds.

a) Phonetic exercise    

[ t ] – terrible, hot, melt, frost, hate, autumn;
[ d ] – dry, cold, cloud, cloudy;
[ s ] – snow, snowy, sunny, spring, season, summer;
[ w ] – weather, wet, windy, warm, winter.    

b) Answer the questions: (Вправа «Мікрофон» учні ставлять один одному запитання)

1) How many seasons are there in a year? Name them.

2) How many months are there in a year? Name them.

3) What winter months do you know?

4) What is your favourite season?

5) What season comes after autumn?

6) What season is it now?

7) What month is it now?

8) How many days have Deсember?

          9) Is it warm or cold in winter?
        10) Do you skate and ski in winter?
         11) Do you play hockey in winter?
        12) Is it sunny in spring?
         13) Do you play football in spring?
         14) Is it cold or hot in summer?

II. Follow up.

1. Listening.

Now you are listening conversation between Samy and Cathy. They are speaking about their favourite seasons.

Your task is choosing the correct word.

  1. What’s Your Favorite Season?

Samy: The summer is getting too hot this year.

Cathy: That’s right Samy. I really hate this season.

Samy: I hate it, too! What’s your favorite season?

Cathy: I like spring the most. What’s yours?

Samy: Winter is my favorite. Why do you like spring by the way?

Cathy: Everybody likes spring! It’s so full of life! Why do you like winter?

Samy: Well, I like winter because it’s cold. I like to wear heavy clothes and drink hot soups while watching a movie in my room.


What’s Your Favorite Season?

Samy: The summer is getting too hot / wet this year.

Cathy: That’s right Samy. I really like / hate this season.

Samy: I hate/like it, too! What’s your favorite season?

Cathy: I like winter/spring the most. What’s yours?

Samy: Winter/summer is my favourite. Why do you like spring/ winter by the way?

Cathy: Everybody likes autumn/spring! It’s so full of life! Why do you like winter?

Samy: Well, I like winter/spring because it’s cold. I like to wear heavy clothes and drink hot soups/coffee while watching a movie/cartoon in my room.


b) Why Is This Your Favorite Season?

Samy : Autumn is my favourite season.

Jean : Autumn? Why? I don’t like autumn because I have to rake my yard so often!

Samy : I like autumn because of pumpkins and Halloween.

Jean : What do you like the most in autumns?

Samy : Well, I like the forest in the autumn. I go out for long walks in the jungles the  with my camera. The scenery is breathtaking.


Why Is This Your Favorite Season?

Samy : Autumn/summer is my favourite season.

Jean : Autumn/summer? Why? I don’t like/like autumn because I have to rake my yard so often!

Samy : I like autumn/winter because of pumpkins and Halloween/Christmas.

Jean : What do you like the most in autumns?

Samy : Well, I like the forest/mountains in the autumn. I go out for long walks in the jungles with my camera. The scenery is breathtaking.

to rake my yard so often – часто прибирати своє подвір’я

     The scenery is breathtaking.- пейзажі захоплюють дух


2. Speaking.

And what about you?

What’s your favourite season?

Each group must prepare short stories. (Розповіді підтримуються короткими презентаціями, учні з інших груп можуть ставити додаткові запитання)


My favourite season is autumn. It’s a beautiful season. Autumn comes after summer. The leaves in the trees are red, yellow, brown and green. It is warm in September. I can go for a walk. On the first of September I am glad to see my friends at school after the long summer holidays. In autumn there are a lot of vegetables and fruit. I like sweet apples. But in October and in November it is cool. The sky is grey. It is often rains. The wind is cold.


I don’t like autumn. It’s a dull season. I don’t like when it’s rains. In October it is cold and it often rains, and we can’t go for a walk. I like summer. Summer is a bright season. The trees are green. It’s hot and I can swim in the river. I can play outdoors all day long. In summer the days are long and the nights are short. There are a lot of flowers and berries in summer. And I don’t go to school.


And my favourite season is winter. Winter is beautiful. When winter comes, the sky is dark and it is cold. It is very windy. The trees are white with snow. There is a lot of snow in the streets and in the parks. People wear warm clothes. My friends and I can play snowballs and hockey. But most of all I like to ski.

Spring I don’t like winter. It’s so cold in winter. It often snows. The sky is grey. The days are short and the nights are long. I like spring. The sun often shines, the sky is blue, birds sing songs. The weather is nice in spring. In March the snow melts. People say that the nature wakes up after the winter’s sleep.  In May the trees and grass are bright green. There are many beautiful flowers in May. And my favourite holiday is Women’s day in spring. It is on the 8th of March

3. Relaxation

(Вірш супроводжується рухами)

Today is Monday.

Yesterday was Sunday.

Tomorrow will be Tuesday.

And sunny all day long.

Today is Tuesday.

Yesterday was Monday.

Tomorrow will be Wednesday.

And cloudy all day long.

Today is Wednesday.

Yesterday was Tuesday.

Tomorrow will be Thursday.

And windy all day long.

Today is Thursday.

Yesterday was Wednesday.

Tomorrow will be Friday.

And snowy all day long.

Today is Friday.

Yesterday was Thursday.

Tomorrow will be Saturday.

And cold all day long.

4. Grammar time

a) Вправа «Склади речення»

Do you remember Degrees of comparison of the adjectives?

Make up the sentences (речення розрізані на кольорових аркушах)

  • The days in autumn are shorter than in summer
  • Winter is the coldest seasons of the year.
  • Summer is warmer than spring
  • It’s colder in winter than in spring.
  1. Writing

Look ex.3,p. 150

Compare as in the model.

A long pencil – a longer pencil – the longest pencil

A short ruler, an interesting tale, a wonderful toy…

5. Listening and speaking

Now you are listening conversation between Mark and Jane. They are speaking about their favourite seasons.

Your task is choosing true or false.


Mark: Hi, Jane. It's Mark. How are you?

Jane: Hi! I'm fine! Are you enjoying your holiday?

Mark: Oh, yes. Egypt is a fantastic place. And the hotel is just marvelous.

Jane: What's the weather like?

Mark: The weather's great! It's hot and sunny.

Jane: You lucky thing! It's cold and wet here in Manchester. So, what are you doing?

Mark: I'm just relaxing at the beach. Some people are playing volleyball and some others are sailing.

Jane: So you are having a great time.

Mark: Yes, it's fantastic. How about you?

Jane: Oh, I'm at the office. I'm working on the computer. I'm reading some e-mails.

Mark: Sorry to hear that.

Jane: That's OK. Enjoy yourself!

Mark: Thanks. Bye.






Jane is on holiday




Mark thinks the hotel is marvelous




The weather in Egypt is cloudy and cold




Mark is relaxing at the beach




It's cold and wet in Manchester




The weather in Egypt is hot and sunny




Jane's reading some e-mails



6. Work with maps

Now my dear we are going to work with maps.

You are listening to the weather forecast and complete the map with weather symbols.


       Many people think that the weather is cold and wet in Britain all the year round. But it isn't! True, it sometimes rains and even snows for days and days, but every year there are weeks of beautiful sunny weather then the British take off their sweaters and go out to sunbathe.

So today’s weather in London is sunny but windy.

The temperature in London is +12 degrees Celsius

What about Scotland?

In Edinburgh and Glasgow weather is foggy

In Wales is cloudy and cold. Yesterday there was a rain.

In the Northern Ireland is raining all day long.

III. Summary of the lesson.

1. Домашнє завдання T: Let’s open your diaries and write down your homework .

Ex.4,p.150 Read the text and answer the questions (початковий – середній рівні)

Ex.2,p.156 Using the picture and the symbols of weather conditions write the weather forecast for tomorrow in Ukraine (достатній – високий рівні)

2.              Підбиття підсумків уроку

T. And with that we are coming up to the end of our lesson. I’m pleased with your work. I’m happy to say we have done a good bit of work today.

Your marks are…

Good-bye! Enjoy your break!


(Додаткове завдання)

Робота з лексикою Writing      

T: Write down sentences, using these words.

January, spring, four, twelve, February, October, August, winter

1) A year has _____________ seasons.

2) There are _____________months in a year.

3) The first month of the year is __________________.

4) __________________ has 28 or 29 days.

5) __________________ comes after autumn.

6) Autumn months are September, ____________, November.

7) _______________ is summer month.

8) May is ________________ month.


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Англійська мова (3-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Морська Л.І., Кучма М.О.)
9 березня 2018
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