Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 6 класі на тему "Shopping in Britain""

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Цікавий та насичений різними видами інтерактивної діяльності урок з використанням елементів рольової гри. Відповідає вимогам чинної програми
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Objectives of the lesson: 

  • Practical: to revise the vocabulary on the topic for expressing opinions, practice using the knowledge on the theme “Shopping in Britain” in real life situations.
  • Educational: to develop listening and reading skills with full understanding; the skills of writing, monologue and dialogical stuff on the theme "Buying different things"; increase pupils’ awareness on the theme "Shopping in Britain", practice in using some/any; ensure the practical use of the knowledge gained.
  • Developing: to improve the skills of connected speech, develop thinking, memory, attention, stimulate the independence of students, their cognitive interest in the subject.
  • Upbringing: to encourage pupils to learn a foreign language, bring pupils up to love and be friendly to their friends, relatives.

Equipment: presentation "Shopping in Britain"; cards; audio file “In the street”,  table with a task for the audience; audio files,  the song «Hippity Hop»; song “Supermarket”,  new words on the board, British money.

Type of the lesson: lesson search


Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "shopping for clothes"

                                                                         Tell me and I forget;

                                                                            Show me and I may not remember;

                                                                            Involve me and I will understand.

American saying

I. The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting

T: Good morning, boys and girls!  I’m glad to see you!

Ps: We are glad to see you, too!

T: How are you today?

P1: I’m fine, thanks.

P2: I’m not so well. Thank you.

T: Well, sit down, please. 

2. Introducing the theme and aims

T: Pupils, the subject of our today’s lesson is “Shopping in Britain”. I hope we shall work fruitfully and that’s why the motto of the lesson is American saying: “Tell me and I forget, show me and I may not remember, involve me and I will understand”.

Today we are having a little unusual lesson. It is a lesson of treasure hunt. Our treasure is in that STRANGE BOX. We are having a lot of tasks; doing the task you should find a certain English letter in each of them. Then, gather all letters together to get a key expression to our STRANGE BOX and open it, only then we can get real treasure. Believe me! 

T: I hope we'll have a wonderful time together because we are going to do the shopping. I'd like to continue our lesson with such quotation:

For some shopping is an art,

For others it's a sport,

Some like it. Some hate it.

Rarely is someone indifferent.

These words were written by one of the American shop-assistant Pamela Kafka.

How do you understand it? Will you translate it, please?

Ps: Для когось покупки – це мистецтво,

      Для когось – це спорт,

     Одним це подобається. Інші ненавидять.

     Рідко, щоб хтось відносився до цього байдуже.

3. Warming up

Game “The best Reader”

T: Let’s play a game “The best Reader” and train our tongue.

(Спочатку вчитель разом з усіма учнями читає вірш, а потім по одному учню з команди змагаються за звання “The best Reader”)

The rules: The winner is a pupil who will read the poem without any mistake; if you do the mistake you stop reading.

I‘m going to the shop

I want to buy a big lollipop.

And I want some sugar and tea

Would you like to go with me?

II. The main part of the lesson

  1. Vocabulary practice

T: Now let’s play the game “Magic box”. I’ve got a magic box.  You  should  take  a  card  from  it,  read  the  message  and  guess  what  shop  is  this.

 Game «Magic box».              

1. I can buy some milk at this shop.

2. They sell bananas at this shop.

3. Where can I buy some bread?

4. Where do they sell newspapers?

5. They sell meat at this shop.

6. Where can I buy some eggs?

7. Where can I buy some toothpaste?

8. I can buy an interesting book at this shop.

9. I can buy a nice doll at this shop.

10. I’d like two loaves of bread and a cake!

11. Can I try this pair of jeans on?

12. How much do two kilos of sausages cost?

13. I want to buy a teddy bear for my little brother.


T: Look at this list of words, write them down into 4 column.













WORDS: Medicine, sausage, jeans, bacon, shampoo, ham, toothpaste, dresses, coat, sausages, biscuits, cakes, soap, chicken, pies, trousers, bread, hats, rolls


T: Match the words with their definitions.

1) dairy

2) grocery

3) butcher’s

4) greengrocery

5) a customer

6) goods

7) a shop assistant

a) a shop where meat is bought

b) things that are sold and bought

c) a person who comes into a shop to buy something

d) a woman or a man serving in a shop

e) a shop where oil or eggs are bought

f) a shop where milk, cheese or sour cream are bought

g) a shop where they sell fruit ot vegetables


 Keys: 1f, 2e, 3a, 4g, 5c, 6b, 7d.


T: Great. And now let’s match pictures with the names of shops.



2. Grammar: some/any

T: Ми часто вживаємо займенники some та any, а ви пам`ятаєте, коли вони вживаються? ( Do you remember how to use them?) 

P: Some вживається в стверджувальних реченнях, any – в заперечних та питальних реченнях.

T: Now look at the Smartboard and put the necessary pronoun.

  1.               There is …butter in the trolley.
  2.               There aren’t ….apples in the fridge.
  3.               Is there ….juice in the pack?
  4.               There are ….pineapples in my bag.
  5.               Are  there ….doughnuts on the table?
  6.               There isn’t … ham on the plate.


T: Look at the pictures, you see different kinds of shops there. Tell about the things that you can buy there.


3. Speaking

T: Do you like shopping?

P: Yes, I do. I like shopping/No, I don’t. I don’t like shopping.

T: Do you often go shopping?

Ps: Yes, I do. I often go shopping. / No, I don't. I don't often go shopping.

T:  Who usually goes shopping in your family?

Ps: My Mum goes shopping. / My parents go shopping.

T: What day do you usually do shopping on?

P1: I usually go shopping on Saturday. This is the day when we do the shopping.

P2: We usually go shopping on Sunday. My mother often takes me with her. We usually have a long shopping list.

T: Where do you usually go first?

P1: First we go to the baker’s to get some bread.

P2: First we buy some milk, butter, sour cream and cottage cheese at the dairy.

P3: First we go to the butcher’s where we buy meat, sausages, steak, ham or bacon.

T: What is your favourite place to go?

P: My favourite place to go is our local market. It is very big and nice. You can buy everything you need there: food, clothes and toys.

T:  What do you think, what is the best place to do shopping in a big city?

P: The best places to do the shopping in a big city are supermarkets and shopping malls. People can save their time and even have fun there.

T: When did you go shopping last time?

Ps: I went shopping on Sunday (yesterday).

T: Who did you go shopping with?

Ps: I went shopping with my Mum (alone).

T: What new things did you buy?

Ps: We bought butter, sugar, apples and sausages.

Ps: We bought a sweater and a T-shirt for me.

T: Do you usually try on sweaters (shoes, jeans) before you buy them?

Ps: Yes, I do. I usually try things on.

T: Who bought this blouse (T-shirt, sweater, jacket) for you?

Ps: My Mum (sister, Dad, aunt) bought it.


T: Look at the screen. You can see two columns of words. You should match the words from these columns and make up a word combination.

  1. a box of                               a) cola
  2. a bottle of                            b) honey
  3. a loaf of                               c) mustard
  4. a bar of                                d) milk
  5. a jar of                                 e) sugar
  6. a can of                                f) sweets
  7. a tube of                              g) bread
  8. a packet of                           h) chocolate
  9. a kilo of                               i) fish

10) a tin of                                j) meat

Keys: 1 f; 2d; 3g; 4h; 5b; 6a; 7c; 8e; 9j; 10i.

T: Name the odd word out.

1) a bar of chocolate, soap, bread

2) a carton of orange juice, bacon, milk

3) a slice of bread, ham, butter, cake

4) a cup of coffee, meat, tea, hot chocolate

5) a bowl of salad, cake, soup, cereal

6) a glass of milk, wine, beer, cheese, Coke

7) a bottle of Coke, beef, water, lemonade

8) a jar of honey, jam, potatoes, mustard

9) a bag of flour, sugar, ketchup, crisps

10) a box of vinegar, chocolates, biscuits


4. Listening.

1) Pre-Listening Activity.

T: We have a lot of shops in our town. What shops are there in your street?

2) While-Listening Activity

T: Listen to the text and name the shops that are in the street where John lives.

In my street

I am John.  Let me tell you about my street. It is not very long. There are some shops in the street and a lot of trees. There is a baker’s shop with fresh bread and a greengrocer’s with fresh fruit and vegetables. I go to the supermarket every day.

It is next to my house. It is not a busy street so we ride our bikes there. Some boys play ball in the street, but it is dangerous. There are no tall buildings there, just family houses and small blocks of flats. There are a lot of cats in my street.

I have some nice neighbours.  I love my street very much.

T:  I want to give you some advises if you are going to do the shopping in the UK.

  • If you don’t know something about doing shopping, you may ask a shop assistant to help you.
  • Do not put any item in your bag or pocket until you have paid for it. Use basket or trolley if they are provided.
  • Always keep the receipt after shopping.
  • Mind that size system in Britain is different from European one.
  • Remember that security staff works in most of shops in the UK. Don’t break the laws!

T: Now you have to make a shopping list because it is important not to forget to buy what you need.

Listen to the Supermarket Song by Peter Weatherall and fill in the shopping list with the names of the food mentioned in the song. Be attentive!


                 Shopping List

  •   M _ _ _
  •   B _ _ _ _
  •   V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  •   F_ _ _ _
  •   F_ _ _ _
  •   C _ _ _ _ _ _
  •   C _ _ _
  •   I _ _ - C _ _ _ _
  •   F_ _ _ _ _    P _ _ _
  •   Y _ _ _ _ _
  •   C _ _ _ _ _
  •   O_ _
  •   R _ _ _
  •   N _ _ _ _ _ _
  •   F _ _ _
  •   M _ _ _
  •   C_ _ _ _ _ _


5. Reading

1) Pre-Reading Activity

T: What do you know about Black Friday?

2) While-Reading Activity

T: Read the text and choose the correct answer.

Black Friday

The day after Thanksgiving has become America’s biggest shopping day. Closed all day on Thursday, shopping centres open early on Friday. Some of them open at 12:01 Friday morning, while others open at 4 a.m. Some sleepyhead shopping centres don’t open their doors on Friday until 6 a.m. From Friday to the day before Christmas, this is the season when businesses make nearly 25 per cent of what they earn in a year. This season puts many businesses “in the black”, that is, they make the money they need for the year.

There are a lot of people who sleep in tents in front of the shops a day or two before the doors open on Friday. They wait to get products that are 50 per cent cheaper or more.

Not all Americans enjoy shopping. Reverend William Graham wants to change Black Friday’s name. “We want to call it Remember Jesus Friday. Christmas has become a Season of Shopping. We want to make it a Season of Giving. And we don’t mean giving material things. We mean giving your back, your mind, and your hands. Help an old lady clean up her house. Teach a kid how to read. Visit sick people in the hospital. Celebrate Christmas by remembering Jesus and forgetting Santa Claus.”

1. According to the text, the expression “sleepyhead” refers to shops that ...

a.open later than others

b.open early in the morning

c.don’t open until late in the morning

2. On these days some businesses make ... for the rest of the year.

a.half the money

b.enough money

c.nearly all the sales

3. Which of these sentences is TRUE?

a.Most products are reduced nearly half price

b.In general, most discounts in prices are quite big

c.Just a few selected products have large discounts

4. Reverend William Graham thinks shopping so much at this time of the year ...

a.is not right

b.is the right attitude

c.needs a new name

5. According to the text, Black Friday is ...

a.the Friday before Christmas

b.the beginning of a shopping period

c.an important holiday in the United States

3) Post-Reading Activity

T: When do we usually have Black Friday?


6. Relaxation

T: Children, let’s have a rest. Listen to the song «Hippity Hop» and dance a little.

T: Children, whom these phrases belong to (a shop assistant or a customer)?

1) What size?

b) Can I have ... please?

c) How much is it/are they?

d) It suits you perfectly.

e) What size?

f) Yes, I’d like …

g) A small one or a large one?

h) Can I try it/themon?


7. Speaking. Role plays

T: So let’s go! I know you want to buy something right now.


Dialogue 1  

  • Hello!
  • Can I help you?
  • I want a camera.
  • Have a look at this one.
  • How much is it?
  • It’s50 pounds.
  • I don’t like it. It’s so expensive. I want a cheaper one.
  • Have a look at this one. It’s cheaper. It’s 35 pounds.
  • OK. Here is the money. Thank you. Bye.
  • You are welcome.

Dialogue 2

  • May I help you?
  • Yes, I am looking for a sweater.
  • What colour?
  • Blue.
  • Here you are.
  • How much is it?
  • 49 pounds. Do you like it?
  • Yes, it’s perfect.
  • You can pay at the cash register.
  • Thanks.

Dialogue 3  At the greengrocer’s

  • Good morning. What can I do for you?
  • I want a kilo of carrots and a large cabbage, please.
  • Yes, certainly. Anything else?
  • Some fruit, please, six oranges and a kilo of apples.
  • Any bananas?
  • No, nothing else, thank you.

Dialogue 4

  • Hello! Can I help you?
  • I’d like a pair of trainers for my son.
  • What size do you need?
  • Size 28.
  • Try these blue trainers.
  • Good! They look the most comfortable. How much are they?
  • They are 89 pounds.
  • And they are the cheapest. Great!


Dialogue 5

  • Can we try that pink T-shirt?
  • What size do you need?
  • I think, size L
  • Oh, it’s big. Can we try a smaller size on?
  • Here you are.
  • You look great. It’s the nicest T-shirt here.
  • How much is it?
  • It’s 75 pounds.
  • Ok. We buy it.

Dialogue 6

Customer: I want a loaf of bread, please.

           Shop-assistant: Here you are.

           Customer: Thank you.

           Shop-assistant: Do you want anything else?

           Customer: Yes. I’d like a bottle of milk, a packet of sugar, three kilos of

                               apples and two cans of Cola. How much is it?

           Shop-assistant: Five pounds fifty pence, please.

           Customer: Here’s six pounds.

           Shop-assistant: That’s 50 pence change. Thank you very much. 

Dialogue 7

Buying Things 

Shop Assistant  - Good morning. Can I help you?  

Ann   -      Oh,  hello, yes, please. I am looking for something nice for my friend’s  

                 birthday party next Saturday. I don’t have a lot of money though.  

Shop Assistant  - I understand. We are having a sale at the moment. This green skirt is lovely but cheap.  Twelve pounds.  Do you like it? 

Ann   -      Yes, it’s nice but green. Have you got another  colour? 

Shop Assistant  - Let’s see. Oh, yes. Here’s a blue one. 

Ann   -        Oh, that’s my favourite colour. It matches the shoes I have. It also  

                    matches the new blouse I have. Yes, this skirt is perfect. Oh, just a  

                    minute. These shorts are nice, too.  

Shop Assistant  -  Yes, and they are half-price at the moment.  They are seventeen  


Ann   -        May I try them on? 

Shop Assistant  -  Yes, please.  …..   Do they fit all right? 

Ann   -        They are fine. Oh, no, I don’t know what to buy.  No, I want the shorts. 

Shop Assistant  -   Great. That’s seventeen pounds.  

Ann   -        Here you are. Thank you very much. 

Shop Assistant  -   Thank you, and enjoy the party.        


8. Writing station. Group work

T: Using the rope and washing clips put the words into the correct order.


1) I went shopping yesterday with Jane and my mum

2) First we went to the clothes department and bought a new dress.

3) I am going to the supermarket to buy some loaves of bread.


III. Finishing the lesson.

1. Summing up.

T: Let’s check your knowledge about shopping and do the quiz

                                                        The Quiz.

1) A person, whose job is to serve customers in the shop. (shop-assistant).

2) One of the things we do every day. (shopping).

3) A shop, that sells books. (bookshop).

4) A person in a shop, that customers pay money to. (a cashier).                                                                                                             

5) A very large shop, that sells food, drink, goods used at home.       (supermarket).

Game “Who is faster?’

T: Let's play game «Who is  faster?” I read the words, you should name a shop according to each group of words:

meat, bacon, sausage                                   (the butcher's)

carrot, onion, apple, pear, potato                 (the greengrocer's)

milk, sour-cream, yoghurt, butter               (the dairy)

fish, crab sticks, caviar  (ікра)                     (fishmonger's)

sweets, cakes,                                               (confectionery)


2. Homework. Analysis of pupils’ answers. Assessments.

T.: Your homework is to write about your last shopping. I appreciate your today’s work at the lesson, as you are very clever and imaginative pupils. It’s a pleasure to teach you, when you work like that.

You’ve got… .

Thank you very much for your work-you were very active.

It was such a pleasure to work with you/ espesially I like the way ….work today/

You GET ….. . I think you’ll go shopping with your mother or friends tomorrow because -


Shop windows are so bright!

They are coloured, they are light.

 window-shopping says, “Oh, Hi!

 Would you like to come in and buy?

















Look at this list of words; write them down into 4 column.















WORDS: Medicine, sausage, jeans, bacon, shampoo, ham, toothpaste, dresses, coat, sausages, biscuits, cakes, soap, chicken, pies, trousers, bread, hats, rolls









Match the words with their definitions.


1) dairy

2) grocery

3) butcher’s

4) greengrocery

5) a customer4

6) goods

7) a shop assistant

a) a shop where meat is bought

b) things that are sold and bought

c) a person who comes into a shop to buy something

d) a woman or a man serving in a shop

e) a shop where oil or eggs are bought

f) a shop where milk, cheese or sour cream are bought

g) a shop where they sell fruit ot vegetables




  Shopping List

  • M _ _ _
  • B _ _ _ _
  • V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • F_ _ _ _
  • F_ _ _ _
  • C _ _ _ _ _ _
  • C _ _ _
  •  I _ _ - C _ _ _ _
  • F_ _ _ _ _    P _ _ _
  • Y _ _ _ _ _
  • C _ _ _ _ _
  • O_ _
  • R _ _ _
  • N _ _ _ _ _ _
  • F _ _ _
  • M _ _ _
  • C_ _ _ _ _ _



 Black Friday

The day after Thanksgiving has become America’s biggest shopping day. Closed all day on Thursday, shopping centres open early on Friday. Some of them open at 12:01 Friday morning. Some sleepyheadshopping centres don’t open their doors on Friday until 6 a.m. From Friday to the day before Christmas, this is the season when businesses make nearly 25 per cent of what they earn in a year. This season puts many businesses “in the black”, that is, they make the money they need for the year.

There are a lot of people who sleep in tents in front of the shops a day or two before the doors open on Friday. They wait to get products that are 50 per cent cheaper or more.

Not all Americans enjoy shopping. Reverend William Graham wants to change Black Friday’s name. “We want to call it Remember Jesus Friday. Christmas has become a Season of Shopping. We want to make it a Season of Giving. And we don’t mean giving material things. We mean giving your back, your mind, and your hands. Help an old lady clean up her house. Teach a kid how to read. Visit sick people in the hospital. Celebrate Christmas by remembering Jesus and forgetting Santa Claus.”


1. According to the text (згідно з текстом), the expression “sleepyhead” refers to shops that ...

a.open later than others

b.open early in the morning

c.don’t open until late in the morning


2. On these days some businesses make ... for the rest of the year.

a.half the money

b.enough money

c.nearly all the sales


3. Which of these sentences is TRUE?

a.Most products are reduced (зменшувати) nearly half price

b.In general, most discounts in prices are quite big

c.Just a few selected (вибраний) products have large discounts


4. Reverend William Graham thinks shopping so much at this time of the year ...

a.is not right

b.is the right attitude (ставлення)

c.needs a new name


5. According to the text, Black Friday is ...

a.the Friday before Christmas

b.the beginning of a shopping period

c.an important holiday in the United States




1. There is …butter in the trolley.

2. There aren’t ….apples in the fridge.

3. Is there ….juice in the pack?

4. There are ….pineapples in my bag.

5. Are  there ….doughnuts on the table?

6. There isn’t … ham on the plate.








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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
5 лютого 2022
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