"Контрольні роботи з англійської мови у 9 класі" (до підручника О. Карп’юк)

Про матеріал

Матеріали контрольної роботи для оцінювання рівня навчальних досягнень учнів з англій­ської мови за 9 клас підготовлено відпо­відно до чинної навчальної Програми з іноземних мов.

Матеріали забезпечують виявлення рівня сформованості в учнів умінь за двома видами мовленнєвої діяльності та дають можливість виявити рівень володіння учнем іноземною мовою. Завдання відповідають зазначеним у державних стандартах і навчальних програмах для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів рівням: рівень А2+ для загальноосвітніх шкіл

Контрольна робота включає завдання для оцінювання лексико-граматичних навичок, а також умінь читання, писемного мовлення. До складу тесту входять: текст для читання з одним післятекстовим завданням; текст із пропущеними словами на використання мови та завдання для написання письмового повідомлення.

Зміст тестових завдань будується на автентичних зразках мовлення, прийнятих у Великій Британії та відповідає сферам і тематиці ситуативного спілкування, зазначеним у шкільній навчальній програмі.

Перегляд файлу


Form 9                                                      The First Term




  1. Imagine you are writing a letter to your American or English friend. Tell him / her  about life of youth in Ukraine, using the following plan:
  • the school life of an Ukrainian teenager;
  •  extra-school activities;
  • pastime (favourite sport, music, hobbies of young people);
  • the main activities during summer holidays;
  •  youth cultures in our country.


    2.  Write a composition “ Radio and Television in Our Life ”, using the following plan:

  • “We can’t imagine our life without radio or TV”;
  • public and commercial TV;
  • the most popular TV programmes;
  • new satellite television technology;
  • “Radio, television, satellite and Web technologies have become a natural way of modern civilization”.


  1. Write a composition “ The most Important Inventions and Discoveries of the

Mankind ”, using the following plan:

  •  the role of inventions in our life;
  • “I think that … is the most important invention / discovery”;
  • from the history of invention;
  • some facts about the inventor;
  • “If I choose a scientific career, I would like to became…”.








Form 9                                                         The Second Term


Text “ Foreign Movies – “ What Did He Say “

( page 46 )


The problem with foreign films is that they are in foreign languages. People often want to see a movie in a language they don’t know, but they can’t understand what the actors are saying. There are two ways for movie makers to solve this problem – subtitles and dubbing. Neither method is perfect. The disadvantages of subtitles are that they are not accurate or are too short.  That is, the actor’s words are not translated correctly, or only part of what he says is translated. In older films, especially, the subtitles are hard to read because the words are the same colour as the background.


Dubbing means that the original sound track in the foreign language is replaced or “dubbed” by one of the language of the audience. This method has problems because the movement of the actor’s mouth and the words do not always agree with each other. Also, the distinctive voices of the original actors are lost, and very often the picture and the words seem strange together, such as when American cowboys speak French.


In the early 1990’s Japan first started showing movies from the West. Films were silent then, and the Japanese created their own method of presenting foreign films. They used a character from the kabuki theatre to serve as a guide to the movie. This guide was called a benshi. 


The benshi enjoyed performing, so, rather than using a prepared script, he made up his own comments. People would come back just to see a benshi’s performance, and they became very popular. A good benshi was often more important to a movie tnan the stars or the director.









Task 1

Fill in the gaps and complete the sentences

1. People often want to see a movie in a language they don’t know, but they can’t understand what the actors________.

a) are playing,       b) are saying,           c) are doing.

 2. The disadvantages ________are that they are not accurate or are too short.

a) of subtitles,       b) of dubbing,           c) of acting.

3. The _______are hard to read because the words are the same colour as the background.

a) dubbing,       b) subtitles,           c) sript.

4. The words seem strange together, such as when _________cowboys speak French.

a) Ukrainian,       b) British,           c) American

5. In the early 1990’s________ first started showing movies from the West.

a) Ukraine,       b) Japan,           c) America

6. People would come back just to see a benshi’s________, and they became very popular.

a) performance,       b) film,           c) theatre.


Task 2

Find the English equivalents in the text

a)  іноземна мова,                            g)  фон,

b)  актори,                                        e)  вирішити цю проблему, 

c)  субтитри та дублювання,          g)  недоліки,

d)  звукова доріжка,                        h)  глядачі,

e)  характерні голоси,                     i)  презентація зарубіжного фільму,

f)  сценарій,                                      j)  режисер.


Task 3

Answer the questions

1. What are the disadvantages of subtitles?

2. What are the disadvantages of dubbling?

3. Why did the benshi become so popular?

4. Do you prefer dubbed movies, or movies with subtitles?



Form 9                                                Listening   ( the Second Term )

Text The Future of School Leavers”

            "What shall I be?" "What will my occupation be?" — such are the usual questions of youth. Indeed, it's very important to have work to your liking. An occupation must be chosen with great care. You must think of something that inter­ests you most of all. Everybody should choose a profession according to his ability.

There is a good tradition in our country called "Open Doors Day". One day in spring, all universities, institutes and secondary special technical schools open their doors wide to senior schoolchildren, inviting them to come and to choose a profession. The schoolchildren meet professors and students there, they see different laboratories and lecture rooms where students study. Any profession, be it that of a doctor, an artist, a teacher, an architect, a chemist, an economist, a programist, or a journalist requires special education and train­ing. That is why most of students' time is spent in learning.

My friend wants to be a radio-engineer. He took up radio engineering when he was in the ninth form. He wants to study at the radio-engineering depart­ment of the Polytechnic University. He thinks that radio is his calling.

One of my classmates decided to become a welder. His father and elder brother are welders by trade. The boy wants to be a welder like his relatives. There are other good trades such as a turner, a joiner, a driver, a carpenter, a shoemaker, a dressmaker and a tailor, a hairdresser and a barber, but he finds the work of the welder the most interesting. His twin-sister dreams is of becoming a doctor. She thinks it is the noblest of all occupations.




an ability – здібність;                                 noble – видатний;    

a calling  - покликання, професія,              to require – вимагати;

a welder – зварювальник;                            сare – турбота.


Task 1

Fill in the gaps


  1. "What will my ________ be?" -  such are the usual questions of youth.
  1. future;                b) occupation;                 c) studying;                    d) exams.        


  1. An occupation must be__________with great care.

a) studied;                b) known;                 c) chosen;                    d) written.        


  1. One day in spring, all universities, institutes and secondary special technical schools open their doors

            wide to senior_________, inviting them to come and to choose a profession

  1. parents;                b) students;                 c) teachers;                    d) schoolchildren.        


  1. Most of students' time is spent in__________.
  1. doing nothing;                b) learning;                 c) studying;                    d) playing.        


  1. The friend of the author’s composition  wants to study at the radio-engineering depart­ment of the ___________University.
  1. Polytechnic;                b) Pedagogical;                 c) Technical;                    d) Medical.        


  1. His classmate wants to be a welder like his___________.
  1. parents;                b) classmates;                 c) relatives;                    d) neighbours.        


Task 2

Give short answers to the following questions

  1. Is it very important to have work to your liking?
  2. Should everybody choose a profession according to his / her ability?
  3. Does any profession require special education and train­ing?
  4. Does the friend of the author’s composition  think that radio is his calling?
  5. Did one of his classmates decide to become a shoemaker?
  6. Does his twin-sister think a doctor is the noblest of all occupations?

























Form 9                                                      The  Second  Term




1.  Write a letter to your penfriend about the problems of the environment in the world, using the following plan:

  • “ Think about our planet”;
  • pollution danger;
  • animals and plants which are in danger of becoming extinct ;
  • health problems;
  • some advices how to save the Earth;
  • “The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth (Chief Seattle)”


2. Write a composition “Choosing a Career”, using the following plan:

  • hundreds jobs to choose;
  • “Changes in the world will affect the jobs available”;
  • “Different jobs require different things”;
  • “Choosing a career is not easy”;
  • person’s interests, natural abilities and talents;
  • different skills of people;
  • your future career.


3.   Write a letter to your penfriend to tell about the professions that you like the most, using the following plan:

  • different people – different jobs;
  • what do you prefer / don’t like to do;
  • “I am good at … that’s why I ‘d like to choose a career of …”;
  • good / bad things about your favourite profession;
  •  some advices how to be a good worker.






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До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
15 березня 2018
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