Матеріали для Читання з англійської мови для 4 класу

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Текст для читання з завданнями з англійської мови для учнів 4го класу ( знайти зайве слово, відповісти на питання, заповнити пропуски словами, заповнити пропуски у реченнях фразами, з'єднами слова у фрази).
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Life in the Egg

Hello. I’m an ostrich. I’m from Africa. I live in a grassland . Now, I’m grown-up, but I want to start my story from the very beginning. Here is it.

 I’m sitting in an egg. It is big and I’m big too. I’m tired of sitting here. I want to get out. I hit the egg with my beak, but nothing happens. It is something light and something dark in the egg. When it is dark, I sleep. When it is light, I want to get out.

 Now it is very light. I hit the egg with my beak again. Suddenly, there is a small hole in the wall of the egg.  I take my beak out of the hole, and put my eye on it. I’m looking through the hole now. Wow! It’s great there! I can see a lot of green grass, some green trees and bushes. There are different animals. They are walking in the grass. Some animals are eating the grass, some animals are eating the leaves. I can see a cheetah.it is lying in the tall grass. It is hiding from a zebra. The cheetah looks very hungry. Oh no! It wants to eat the zebra. I look at the zebra. It is eating grass. It doesn’t see the cheetah.

 I’m very angry. I want to get out. I shake the egg. Suddenly, it stars rolling. It is rolling and rolling, and I’m rolling too. Bang! The egg hits the cheetah on the back. The cheetah jumps up, turns round and looks at me. Of course, it can’t see me. It can see only the egg.

 It looks and looks and shows me its big ugly teeth. I’m afraid.  I’m not looking at it now. I’m hiding inside the egg. I’m very quiet. The cheetah smells the egg, sneezes and walks away.

 Oh no! Somebody is rolling me back. But I know her. She is my Mum. She is big and strong. She is very tall, too.

 Now, I’m at home again. There are three eggs around me. There is my brother and two sisters inside them.

 It is dark now. I can hear my Dad. He comes home every evening. He helps my Mum a lot. He sits on the nest at night. Now Dad is sitting down on the nest. It is very dark. I’m tired, and I sleep.


Ex. 1.

Circle the odd word out.

  1. Ostrich, cheetah, elephant, zebra.
  2. Upset, tired, angry, happy.
  3. Sit, roll, hide, see.
  4. Grass, tree, flowers, bushes.
  5. Brothers, dad, cousins, sisters.

Ex. 2.

Fill in the words: at, through, with, , up, on, of, out, around.

  1. I hit the egg ________ my beak again.
  2. I can see a lot ____ green grass and trees.
  3. The egg hits the cheetah ____ the back.
  4. I’m looking ___________ the hole.
  5. The cheetah jumps ______ turns ________ and looks _____ me.




True or False?

  1. The ostrich isn’t sitting in an egg.
  2. It hits the egg with his beak.
  3. Cheetah can see the egg.
  4. Ostrich is hiding in the bushes.
  5. Zebra is eating the grass.


Answer the questions.

  1. Where is the ostrich from?
  2. What is he doing in the egg when it is dark?
  3. Why does he what to get out?
  4. What can he see through the hole in the egg?
  5. What is his mum like?
  6. Who helps his mum?


Match the words.

  1. Mouth and nose   a) smell
  2. Eyes     b) hear
  3. Ears     c) sneeze
  4. Teeth     d) see
  5. Nose     e) eat



Complete the sentences.

On the nest, in the wall, eggs around, put my eye, hits the cheetah.


  1. I take my beak out of the hole, and ________________ on it.
  2. He sits _____________ at night.
  3. Suddenly, there is a small hole ____________ of the egg.
  4. The egg ___________ on the back.
  5. There are three _____________ me.
4 червня 2023
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