My family. Our family relationships

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 My family.  Our family relationships

The family is very important in a person's life.  It seems to me that each of us wants to have a happy family.  Different families have their own members and family relationships. Some of them are perfect, and some are not.  My family is small.  It consists of four people: dad, mom, little sister and me.  We have quite good family relations.  We love, respect and understand each other.  All members of our family support and help each other in any situation.  Of course, as in any family, we sometimes have disputes, but we resolve the conflict quickly.  We always share victories and failures with family members and talk about our affairs.  We take care of each other and try to please with something pleasant.  Of course, it is difficult to build a good family relationship, but if you try, everything will definitely work out and you will have a happy family.

27 грудня 2021
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