План-конспект уроку з англійської мови у 4-ому класі на тему: «What do you know about London?»

Про матеріал

Тема: «What do you know about London?»

Мета уроку:

  • заохочувати учнів до пошуку нової інформації про країну, мову якої вони вивчають;
  • сприяти формуванню готовності учнів до міжкультурного спілкування .

Очікувані результати:

  • учні вмітимуть будувати логічні відповіді на питання, використовуючи прочитану та прослухану інформацію та будувати монологічні висловлювання по темі « London».
Перегляд файлу



План-конспект уроку

з англійської мови

у 4-ому класі на тему:


«What do you know about London?»

Пов’язане зображення 






Вчитель: Паламарчук Оксана Миколаївна

Гуманітарна гімназія №5 ім. Т. Шевченка м. Коростишів


2018 р.

Тема: «What do you know about London

Мета уроку:  - заохочувати учнів до пошуку нової інформації про країну, мову якої  

                          вони вивчають;

                         - сприяти формуванню готовності учнів до міжкультурного спілкува-

                           ння .

Очікувані результати: - учні вмітимуть будувати логічні відповіді на питання, вико-

                           ристовуючи  прочитану та прослухану інформацію та будувати

                           монологічні висловлювання по темі « London».

Тип уроку:  комбінований.

Обладнання: підручник, карта Лондону з визначними місцями, малюнки різних     

                           визначних місць Лондону,карточки з завданнями, карта вулиць 

                           Лондону, знаки.


                                                           Хід уроку.

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

* Greeting.

T. Good morning, students. I’m glad to see you here.

Ps. Good morning, dear teacher!

      Good morning, how are you?

T.  All right, thank you? And how are you?

P1. I’m very well, thank you! How’s life? (etc).

  1. Введення в іншомовне середовище.

            *Warming up.

               Фонетична зарядка.

T. In England, if two meet together

    They usually talk about the weather.

Ps. Whether the weather be fine,

       Whether the weather be not,

        Whether the weather be cold,

        Whether the weather be not, 

        But be thankful together

         Whatever the weather

         Whether we like it or not.

T. Do you know any proverbs about the weather?

Ps. There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.

       After rain or clouds comes fair weather (etc).

  1. Основна частина уроку.


T. Well, but today we are not going to talk about the weather in England( there  are some pictures of famous places in London on the board). Although the topic of our lesson is connected with England. Look at the board!



 (There are six sheets of paper on the board).

Guess this word.

The first letter is the twelfth letter of the alphabet (L)

The second letter is the fifteenth letter of the alphabet (O)

The third letter is the fourteenth letter of the alphabet (N)

The fourth letter is the fourth letter of the alphabet (D)

The fifth letter is  the fifteenth letter of the alphabet (O)

The sixth letter is the fourteenth letter of the alphabet (N).

The topic of our lesson is “LONDON”.

* Practice

  1.    Poem “The Beaches of Mexico”.

T. Now read the poem “THE BEACHES OF MEXICO” (after Caroline Graham) and answer the questions.

  •      Have you ever seen the beaches of Mexico?
  •      Have you ever walked the streets of Paris?
  •      Have you ever been to England?
  •      Have you ever been to Spain?
  •      Have you ever walked barefoot In a heavy rain?

( Ps give short answers to these questions).

  1.    “The Interview”

T. You have never been to England. BUT! Today we have a guest. Her name is Natasha. She is a pupil, and Natasha has just finished reading the first part of the book about London. She has read some interesting facts. And I told her you have known these facts, too. Now let’s play the game The Interview”

( Natasha asks the questions and pupils give answers. If they don’t know the answers, Natasha helps them).

  •    What is the capital of Great Britain?
  • Where does London stand?
  • Are there any interesting places in London?
  • How often does Big Ben strike?
  • Where does the Queen live?
  • How many rooms are there?
  • Are there any parks in London?
  • What can you see in Regents Park?
  • Is Tower of London the museum now?
  • How do Londoners call the metro?

T. OK! What new facts about London do you know now?(Pupil’s own answers).

3. Reading.

T. Now read the text “This is London” to find out more information about London and then ask the questions to each other. (Card #1.)

This is London.

   London is the biggest city in Britain. More than seven million people live and work there. London is one of the most important cities in the world. It is a centre for business and tourism.

   In London you can find some of the best theatres, cinemas and museums. There are many beautiful old churches in London. There are about 10 thousand streets in London. Most of the streets are not very wide .You can see many shops in London. Oxford Street is London's main shopping centre. You can buy clothes, shoes and toys in it. People from all over the world shop in Oxford Street.

   You can find many old and new beautiful parks in the city. The largest park in London is Hyde Park. It is one of the most popular places of Londoners on hot summer days. There are many other pleasant parks and green squares there.

the biggest найбільший

 wide – широкий

main – основний

the largest – найбільший

pleasant – приємний

( After reading Ps ask questions to each other and answer).

  • Is London the biggest city in Britain?
  • How many people live in London ?
  • How many streets are there ?
  • Are the streets wide?
  • Is Oxford Street or Hyde Pork main shopping centre?
  • What is the largest park in London?


4. Running dictation “It’s interesting to know...”

T. Well, guys. You have known interesting information about London. BUT! Do you know how many bridges and tunnels are there?

(Pair-work. One pupil has a card with missing information. He/she asks the question to a partner and the partner has to stand up and run to the sheets with information and find the answer, then comes back and tells this information. And the first pupil has to match two columns.)

(Card #2).

  1.   There are in fact 3 cities in London:
  2.   London stands on
  3.   There are 27 bridges
  4.   More than 7 million people
  5.   There are 8 tunnels
  6.   London is 46 kilometres
  7.   London is 58 kilometres



It's interesting to know...(information on the sheets)

... that London is in fact three cities: the City of London, the East End and the West End.

... that London stands on the River Thames. There are 27 bridges over the Thames and 8 tunnels under the river.

... that London is 46 kilometres from north to south and 58 kilometres from east to west.

... that London has got more than 7 million people and that's 13% of Britain's population.

5. Walking along the streets in London.

(There is a map of the central part of London on the board.

There are some pictures of famous places of London on the board ).

T. And now stand up and go to the board. We have got some pictures of famous places. Read what they are and try to find them on the map.

      (Ps choose one picture, find it on the map and put a stick next to this place.)

Well, good job! And pretend we are in London. I am on Trafalgar Square. But I need to go to Big Ben. How can I get there? (P chose a picture with Big Ben, explains the way there. After it he/she chooses next place where he/she needs to go and next pupil explains the way. We finish near Buckingham Palace).


  1. Presentation of the signs.

T. We walked along the streets in London. There are a lot of signs on the streets. Your home assignments were: think and make your own new signs. Now we will try what you want to say.

( Ps stand in the column and show their signs. One pupil goes through the column and tries to explain these signs. If he /she can’t do it, he/she stays next to the signs. Who could explain all signs is a winner).


  1. Listening.

T. Look at this picture. What do you know about Buckingham Palace? (Pupils tell some facts ).

Well. We did different tasks, got new information about London, found famous places. But what was Natasha doing? Look, what is she doing? (Natasha is sitting and reading a book).

P 1. Natasha, what are you doing?

Natasha. I am reading a very interesting article!

P 2. What is this article about?

Natasha. About Buckingham Palace.

P 3. Are there interesting facts there?

Natasha. It’s really interesting! You know that Buckingham Palace has 600 rooms. But do you know how many people work there? Now I give you cards with questions and your task is: read these questions and, while I will be reading, make notes in your cards. (‘What a World’ by Milada Broukal)

(Card #3)

  •      1. Where is Buckingham Palace?
  •      2. What floor does the queen live on?
  •      3. When does the queen have garden parties?
  •      4. How many people does she invite?
  •      5. When does the queen start her day?
  •      6. What does the queen do after lunch?

Home assignment:

Use new information about London and Buckingham Palace and information that you’ve already known and make a mind map to prepare to tell the topic “London”.

IV. Заключна частина уроку.


T. Our time together is coming to the end. You helped me very much. I want to say “thank you “ for your work and to tell some words about your results…

I think you liked our lesson. Look at the blackboard and choose a happy smile or a sad smile. (Ps put smiles on the blackboard and explain their feelings)

V. Рефлексія.

 Т.  And now let’s sing the song about London bridge (there is a picture of this bridge on the wall).

London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down,

My fair lady.

Build it up with iron bars,

Iron bars, iron bars,

Build it up with iron bars,

My fair lady.

Iron bars will bend and break,

Bend and break, bend and break,

Iron bars will bend and break,

My fair lady.

Build it up with gold and silver,

Gold and silver, gold and silver,

Build it up with gold and silver,

My fair lady.



Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Коржук Алла Іванівна
    Дякую за гарний урок
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Козін Ірина Вікторівна
    Змістовно і цікаво. Дякую !
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
4 березня 2018
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (2 відгука)
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про публікацію авторської розробки
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