Презентація до уроку англійської мови у 5 класі з теми "Пори року. Погода. Одяг"

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Дана презентація можебути використана для проведення повноцінного уроку з теми "Пори року. Погода. Одяг". Презентація містить інтерактивні завдання на повторення лексики, граматичного матеріалу теми.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Seasons. Weather. Clothes. 12. Before the Test.

Номер слайду 2

Phonetic exercise:[əƱ] – snow, go, rainbow, coat, no, below[tʃ] – chilly, choose, changeable[ai] – dry, climate, nice, fine, high[Ɔ:] – warm, strong, stormy, thunderstorm

Номер слайду 3

Translate: Вище нуля мокрий (вогкий) кліматсильний вітертепла погодамінлива погодависока температура сухе літоморозний раноkнижче нулядощовий деньмокро і туманно. Grey clouds Chilly weathera strong wind a blue skysummer dresseswinter holidaysfrosty weathergreen trees. Snowy and slippery first flowers. To put on raincoatshot weatheryellow leavessunny, frosty, warm. Rainbowthunderstorm.

Номер слайду 4

Reading. FAVOURITE SEASONSWinter's my favourite season. It's the best of all. I play in the snow or slide on my sledge. In winter, I have a ball!*** Spring is my favourite season. It's the best of all. I plant new flowers or play in the park. In spring, I have a ball!

Номер слайду 5

Summer's my favourite season. It's the best of all. I go on a picnic or swim in the lake. In summer, I have a ball!*** Autumn is my favourite season. It's the best of all. I jump in the leaves or ride my bike. In autumn, I have a ball!

Номер слайду 6

Complete the sentences with necessary season. In ... I like to jump in the leaves. In ... I like to eat an ice cream in the park. In ... I like to plant new flowers in the garden. In ... I like to swim in the lake. In ... I like to play in the snow.

Номер слайду 7

Answer the questions: How many seasons are there in a year?What are they?How many months are there in a year?What are winter (spring / summer / autumn) months?What is the weather like in ___?It’s ____ in ____. What can you do in ___?Tell about your favourite season.

Номер слайду 8

Номер слайду 9

When it’s ____, I put on ____.

Номер слайду 10

I’m wearing ___.

Номер слайду 11

It’s going to be ___ in ___Dublin Tokyo Madrid New York Paris Milan Toronto Sidney Oslo

Номер слайду 12

Hi! I am ___. I’m from ___. It’s ___. The temperature is ___. I’m wearing a ___. I have got ___. I’m going to ___. Denmark, -11, cold

Номер слайду 13

Milan, +15, warm/dry. Hi! I am ___. I’m from ___. It’s ___. The temperature is ___. I’m wearing a ___. I have got ___. I’m going to ___.

Номер слайду 14

Hi! I am ___. I’m from ___. It’s ___. The temperature is ___. I’m wearing a ___. I have got ___. I’m going to ___. Kyiv, +8, chilly/wet

Номер слайду 15

Revise grammar!Present Simple. Past Simple. Present Continuous. Future Simple дія постійна минула дія дія в момент мовлення, зараз дія майбутня always usually often sometimes never rarely yesterday the previous day last weekend last month last year some years ago a few days ago now at this moment tomorrow the day after tomorrow next week in some days I, we, you, they + VHe, she, it + Vs_ + don’t / doesn’t + VV2 (Ved)__ + didn’t + V1am/ is/ are(not)+Ving shall / will + V shan’t / won’t

Номер слайду 16

Open the brackets in the Present Simple Tense. Don’t forget to use –S!It often ________ (to snow) in winter. The strong wind usually ___ (to blow) in autumn. The snow ___ (to cover) the ground in winter. It often ___ (to rain) in autumn. It never ___ (to thunderstorm) in winter. The trees ___ (to become) green in spring. The birds ___ (to sing) their merry songs in summer. Children ___ (to pick up) berries in summer.snows

Номер слайду 17

I _____________ (to wear) my suit now. He ___ (to walk) in the park at this moment. Tina and Paul ___ (to dive) in the sea now. Look! Polly ___ (to ride) her bicycle now. Listen! Dan and Dolly ___ (to sing) their song. My parents ___ (to have) picnic now. Open the brackets in the Present Continuous Tense. ___ am / is / are + __ingam wearing

Номер слайду 18

Put the verbs in the Past Simple Tense: Helen (to help) her mother in the kitchen yesterday. Alice (to paint) her picture last Monday. Nick (to watch) TV tonight. My parents and I (to go) to the circus last weekend. Ann (to break) a new vase last week. Kate (to come) to school ten minutes ago. It (to be) cold outside. A strong wind (to blow) yesterday.

Номер слайду 19

Put the verbs in the correct form: Snow 1. It _________________ now. 2. It ______________ last night. 3. It always ______________ in winter. 4. It _________________ tomorrow. Wear coat(s) 1. I _______________ at the moment. 2. My mother _________________ yesterday. 3. People always _____________ when it’s cold. 4. She ________________ tomorrow. Go 1. We ________________ to school now. 2. They _________ to the park before yesterday. 3. He usually ________ to the center of the city. 4. I ____________ to the cinema next weekend.is snowingsnowedsnowswill snowam wearing a coatwore a coatwear coatswill wear her coatare going wentgoeswill go

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