Презентація "No War In Ukraine"

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Презентація містить інформацію про війну в Україні, про боротьбу людей за незалежність своєї Батьківщини. Може бути використана, як доповнення до уроку. Інформація корисна для учнів 10-11 класів.
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Номер слайду 1

No War In Ukraine

Номер слайду 2

February 24, 2022 forever divided the lifes of Ukrainians before and after. At five o'clock in the morning, russian troops launched a massive air attack throughout Ukraine and launched a full-scale military offensive. During the eight years of terror in Donbass and the occupation of Crimea, the cannibalistic appetite of the aggressor's country has grown.

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The russian army inflicts insidious attacks on civilian facilities, medical facilities and schools, destroys Ukrainian cities, shells green evacuation corridors, regularly disregards the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, and commits war crimes by cynically killing Ukrainians. According to the UN, at the end of March, 60% of Ukrainian children were forced to leave their homes due to military action by the russian side.

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Hoping for a quick victory, «inthreedays»the troops of the invaders encountered strong opposition from Ukrainians, who zealously defend their land, freedom and independence, despite the fact that ordinary life is collapsing before our eyes.

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The whole world watched photos and videos of the consequences of the stay of the russian occupiers in the Kyiv region. Once small towns - Irpin, Bucha and Gostomel - were associated with peace, pine tree forests and new residential complexes, but now - with the bodies of tortured and murdered people.

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Evgenia and her family stayed in the basement until March 9. Sooner or later, food and water had to run out, and the gas pipe was damaged."We received a message that there is a corridor, we need to put on white sheets and slowly drive in a column. This was our last chance," says Yevgenia. They drove for 8 hours. "During the road, we saw terrible pictures: a broken Bucha, Stoіanka, corpses of people on the side of the road. A bunch of shot cars. It was painful to look at the Zhytomyr highway: it was all in ruins. I felt like I was in a horror movie. Driving for 8 hours through a mutilated country is impossible," the woman shares her memories. The russians shot cars with the inscription "children", with red crosses, with white sheets. They had a kind of safari there," says a resident of Buchi.

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Hanna Sokil, her husband, son and 77-year-old mother lived in a new cozy apartment in Irpіn for only a few months. "When the war started, my husband was constantly reading the news, and he decided that we were in the safest place, and they wouldn't touch us," says Hanna. However, every day the war reminded more and more of itself. When the bridge was blown up in Irpіn, the glass in their apartment window cracked. And soon a column of enemy tanks came from Stoіanka, one of which rammed through a residential building for three hours. "I was at home with my family. The first shell pierced the sofa on which my son was lying two minutes ago. We grabbed the bag with the documents and crawled out into the corridor. They were lying on the floor there for some time while our house was being shot at," the woman says. In some places, houses were broken into, apartments were on fire. Later, the family miraculously descended into the basement, where 50 neighbors were already sitting. In particular, a woman with an infant. In some places, houses were broken into, apartments were on fire. Later, the family miraculously descended into the basement, where 50 neighbors were already sitting. In particular, a woman with an infant.

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The family spent several days in the basement. They ate what the neighbors managed to take from the refrigerators, cooked on barbecues under shelling, and charged their phones with the help of a solar battery."When I was sitting in the basement, I prayed to God to give me and my family only one thing - to survive. Let everything be taken from me, but I will be happy every day that I am alive and can hug my family," the woman say. Actor and volunteer Oleksiy Surovtsev, who saved his neighbors many times, lived in the same house as Hanna. This man also took dogs and cats abandoned by their owners out of the city. He was one of those who helped Hanna's family get out of Irpіn."There were corpses everywhere on the road along Universitetska and Sumska streets. It was extremely dangerous to leave the city. People tried to escape, but returned. Before leaving, we contacted the Teroborona, the Armed Forces, the mayor of the city. And they also wrote down who left, so that at least they would know their names if they died. Everyone understood that the russians were deliberately shooting at those who were evacuating," Hanna says. Finally, on March 8, we went by car. There were no hits in the direction of the convoy with people, but it flew very close

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The occupying russian troops attacked the territory of Ukraine, including the city of Mariupol. On February 27, russian troops approached the western outskirts of the city from the occupied Crimea, and already on March 2, the city was surrounded. The peculiarity of "Azovstal" is that it is a huge metallurgical complex that had a complex system of deep underground shelters and communications. "Azovstal" became a symbol of resistance to brutal russian aggression and the incredible courage of Ukrainian fighters. Almost from the start of the full-scale invasion of russian troops into Ukraine in 2022, the "Azovstal" shelters were a refuge and cape of last hope for the citizens and defenders of Mariupol for more than two months. More than 1,000 civilians — mostly women and children — came here in early March for a few days, not yet knowing that the plant would become the main outpost of the Ukrainian resistance in the city.

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After the siege of Azovstal by russian troops and the refusal of the Ukrainian defenders to lay down their arms, the occupiers stormed and "pelted" the plant with missiles from the sea, air and land for weeks. For weeks, terrified civilians did not see the sun, had neither sufficient supplies of food and water, nor access to information. For weeks, the Ukrainian military heroically defended the plant, and doctors provided assistance to the injured in unsanitary conditions without proper equipment and medicines. For weeks, the whole world watched the fate of these people and called for the opening of an evacuation corridor. In the end, it was possible to evacuate civilians and wounded from the territory of "Azovstal". And after long negotiations between the Ukrainian side and the enemy, the defenders of Mariupol received an order from the command to lay down their weapons and left the plant in mid-May. They were taken to russian-controlled territories. Every day, all of Ukraine waits with bated breath for the return of every hero of "Azovstal" home. Despite the irreversible destruction, the plant and its "steel defenders" forever became a symbol of insurmountable Ukrainian strength, indomitable human spirit and heroism, which impressed the whole world.

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On September 15, a mass burial was discovered near the Izum in Kharkiv region. The burial was found next to the cemetery, where during the occupation of the city by russian troops, people who died from shelling or died of natural causes were buried. 450 graves... This is just one of the mass burials. In the occupied territories, horror, violence, torture and mass murders reigned for months. "The torture chamber, set up in the basement, next to private houses, where demonstrations against the Ukrainian army were beaten out of women and men. It is not known why the people who completely controlled the city would do this... If someone thought that they stopped at Bucha because they were horrified by their cruelty, it is not so. The russian political and military leadership rewards war criminals, sets them as an example, and thereby spreads the practice of mass crimes against the civilian population," the ombudsman emphasized.

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Kherson was the only regional center controlled by the russian federation after the full-scale invasion. The occupiers even "joined" it to the russian federation, holding a psevdo-referendum. The city was captured at the beginning of the war. Hundreds of people went to pro-Ukrainian rallies, threw themselves at enemy tanks, drove away convoys with the letters Z without weapons. In Lilac Park, the russians shot the local security forces that tried to resist. Also, many people were arrested for their pro-Ukrainian position, some had to leave the city. On November 9, 2022, the russians announced that they were leaving Kherson, and on November 11, a Ukrainian flag appeared over the building of the Kherson Regional Government. Later, the yellow-blue flag was already flying over the police station, and soon there were shots of soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine moving through Kherson and local residents who came out to the streets to meet theirs.

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For seven months, the Ukrainian Defense Forces held Bakhmut, despite constant attacks by russian units. This fierce and bloody battle, characterized by artillery duels and close combat of infantry, has already been called the "Bakhmut meat grinder". The enemy conducts more than 200 attacks on the positions of Ukrainian military every day.russian troops announced at least eight times the date of the capture of Bakhmut. Ukraine's decision to defend Bakhmut is probably a strategically justified effort, despite the loss for Ukraine. Ukraine's defense of Bakhmut forced the kreml to use a significant part of the forces of the wagner pmc and to attract significant resources of the russian airborne forces to support the grueling advance. Тhe Ukrainian defense of Bakhmut has led to the degradation of significant russian forces and will likely create favorable conditions for a future Ukrainian counteroffensive. Bakhmut Fortress (song of band Antytila)SONG OF THE SONG OF THE

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Today, Ukrainians are united as never before. Every Ukrainian on his front is selflessly fighting for his country as a volunteer, journalist, hacker, cook, driver, artist. This unprovoked and criminal russian war against Ukraine, Europe and the democratic world must end with the cleansing of the entire Ukrainian land from russian occupation and solid guarantees of the long-term security for our state, the whole of Europe and the entire world. Let's win together!

23 лютого 2023
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