
Додано: 3 квітня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 236 разів
9 запитань
Запитання 1

Do you sometimes find it really difficult to 1) .... ideas for school projects? Most of us know the problem. It 2).... to be easy when we were younger - we had great imaginations and loads of creativity. But it gets harder and harder. So, you're sitting at home trying to think of interesting things to put in an essay or a story. Or you 3)....- your brains all day, but you can't remember that great idea you had last night. You're 4).... and your mind is empty. So what do you do? You 5).....trying, of course! However, this may be entirely the wrong approach. Experts say that one of the best things to do is to Stop 6).... about the problem completely. Change the space you're in. Move into another room or go outside. Another answer is to 7)... worrying about it for a while. Go for a walk or take a shower and think about something completely different. Ideas or the answer to your problem will pop into your head like magic!

It's also important to keep your 8) and train

it to be creative! If you regularly 9).... lots of things, the mental exercise can help when you really need to access those ideas quickly.

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Запитання 2

Do you sometimes find it really difficult to 1) .... ideas for school projects? Most of us know the problem. It 2).... to be easy when we were younger - we had great imaginations and loads of creativity. But it gets harder and harder. So, you're sitting at home trying to think of interesting things to put in an essay or a story. Or you 3)....- your brains all day, but you can't remember that great idea you had last night. You're 4).... and your mind is empty. So what do you do? You 5).....trying, of course! However, this may be entirely the wrong approach. Experts say that one of the best things to do is to Stop 6).... about the problem completely. Change the space you're in. Move into another room or go outside. Another answer is to 7)... worrying about it for a while. Go for a walk or take a shower and think about something completely different. Ideas or the answer to your problem will pop into your head like magic!

It's also important to keep your 8) and train

it to be creative! If you regularly 9).... lots of things, the mental exercise can help when you really need to access those ideas quickly.

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Запитання 3

Do you sometimes find it really difficult to 1) .... ideas for school projects? Most of us know the problem. It 2).... to be easy when we were younger - we had great imaginations and loads of creativity. But it gets harder and harder. So, you're sitting at home trying to think of interesting things to put in an essay or a story. Or you 3)....- your brains all day, but you can't remember that great idea you had last night. You're 4).... and your mind is empty. So what do you do? You 5).....trying, of course! However, this may be entirely the wrong approach. Experts say that one of the best things to do is to Stop 6).... about the problem completely. Change the space you're in. Move into another room or go outside. Another answer is to 7)... worrying about it for a while. Go for a walk or take a shower and think about something completely different. Ideas or the answer to your problem will pop into your head like magic!

It's also important to keep your 8) and train

it to be creative! If you regularly 9).... lots of things, the mental exercise can help when you really need to access those ideas quickly.

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Запитання 4

Do you sometimes find it really difficult to 1) .... ideas for school projects? Most of us know the problem. It 2).... to be easy when we were younger - we had great imaginations and loads of creativity. But it gets harder and harder. So, you're sitting at home trying to think of interesting things to put in an essay or a story. Or you 3)....- your brains all day, but you can't remember that great idea you had last night. You're 4).... and your mind is empty. So what do you do? You 5).....trying, of course! However, this may be entirely the wrong approach. Experts say that one of the best things to do is to Stop 6).... about the problem completely. Change the space you're in. Move into another room or go outside. Another answer is to 7)... worrying about it for a while. Go for a walk or take a shower and think about something completely different. Ideas or the answer to your problem will pop into your head like magic!

It's also important to keep your 8) and train

it to be creative! If you regularly 9).... lots of things, the mental exercise can help when you really need to access those ideas quickly.

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Запитання 5

Do you sometimes find it really difficult to 1) .... ideas for school projects? Most of us know the problem. It 2).... to be easy when we were younger - we had great imaginations and loads of creativity. But it gets harder and harder. So, you're sitting at home trying to think of interesting things to put in an essay or a story. Or you 3)....- your brains all day, but you can't remember that great idea you had last night. You're 4).... and your mind is empty. So what do you do? You 5).....trying, of course! However, this may be entirely the wrong approach. Experts say that one of the best things to do is to Stop 6).... about the problem completely. Change the space you're in. Move into another room or go outside. Another answer is to 7)... worrying about it for a while. Go for a walk or take a shower and think about something completely different. Ideas or the answer to your problem will pop into your head like magic!

It's also important to keep your 8) and train

it to be creative! If you regularly 9).... lots of things, the mental exercise can help when you really need to access those ideas quickly.

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Запитання 6

Do you sometimes find it really difficult to 1) .... ideas for school projects? Most of us know the problem. It 2).... to be easy when we were younger - we had great imaginations and loads of creativity. But it gets harder and harder. So, you're sitting at home trying to think of interesting things to put in an essay or a story. Or you 3)....- your brains all day, but you can't remember that great idea you had last night. You're 4).... and your mind is empty. So what do you do? You 5).....trying, of course! However, this may be entirely the wrong approach. Experts say that one of the best things to do is to Stop 6).... about the problem completely. Change the space you're in. Move into another room or go outside. Another answer is to 7)... worrying about it for a while. Go for a walk or take a shower and think about something completely different. Ideas or the answer to your problem will pop into your head like magic!

It's also important to keep your 8) and train

it to be creative! If you regularly 9).... lots of things, the mental exercise can help when you really need to access those ideas quickly.

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to think


to thinking

Запитання 7

Do you sometimes find it really difficult to 1) .... ideas for school projects? Most of us know the problem. It 2).... to be easy when we were younger - we had great imaginations and loads of creativity. But it gets harder and harder. So, you're sitting at home trying to think of interesting things to put in an essay or a story. Or you 3)....- your brains all day, but you can't remember that great idea you had last night. You're 4).... and your mind is empty. So what do you do? You 5).....trying, of course! However, this may be entirely the wrong approach. Experts say that one of the best things to do is to Stop 6).... about the problem completely. Change the space you're in. Move into another room or go outside. Another answer is to 7)... worrying about it for a while. Go for a walk or take a shower and think about something completely different. Ideas or the answer to your problem will pop into your head like magic!

It's also important to keep your 8) and train

it to be creative! If you regularly 9).... lots of things, the mental exercise can help when you really need to access those ideas quickly.

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set off

hand in

catch up

put off

Запитання 8

Do you sometimes find it really difficult to 1) .... ideas for school projects? Most of us know the problem. It 2).... to be easy when we were younger - we had great imaginations and loads of creativity. But it gets harder and harder. So, you're sitting at home trying to think of interesting things to put in an essay or a story. Or you 3)....- your brains all day, but you can't remember that great idea you had last night. You're 4).... and your mind is empty. So what do you do? You 5).....trying, of course! However, this may be entirely the wrong approach. Experts say that one of the best things to do is to Stop 6).... about the problem completely. Change the space you're in. Move into another room or go outside. Another answer is to 7)... worrying about it for a while. Go for a walk or take a shower and think about something completely different. Ideas or the answer to your problem will pop into your head like magic!

It's also important to keep your 8) and train

it to be creative! If you regularly 9).... lots of things, the mental exercise can help when you really need to access those ideas quickly.

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Запитання 9

Do you sometimes find it really difficult to 1) .... ideas for school projects? Most of us know the problem. It 2).... to be easy when we were younger - we had great imaginations and loads of creativity. But it gets harder and harder. So, you're sitting at home trying to think of interesting things to put in an essay or a story. Or you 3)....- your brains all day, but you can't remember that great idea you had last night. You're 4).... and your mind is empty. So what do you do? You 5).....trying, of course! However, this may be entirely the wrong approach. Experts say that one of the best things to do is to Stop 6).... about the problem completely. Change the space you're in. Move into another room or go outside. Another answer is to 7)... worrying about it for a while. Go for a walk or take a shower and think about something completely different. Ideas or the answer to your problem will pop into your head like magic!

It's also important to keep your 8) and train

it to be creative! If you regularly 9).... lots of things, the mental exercise can help when you really need to access those ideas quickly.

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