QM 4. Reading (Test)

Додано: 12 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 43 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read and choose the right variant.

This is Ben. He is thirty-five. Ben is young. He is handsome. He is fat and tall. Ben has got short, curly and blonde hair. Ben’s eyes are green. He’s got a small nose, a big mouth and big ears. Ben’s teeth are very white. He’s got a short black moustache. He hasn’t got a beard. Ben’s birthday’s in January, but his favourite month is July. It’s sunny and hot in this month. Ben can ride a bike, but he can't swim in the river. He usually eats watermelons in summer. Ben’s got a black dog, Rex. Rex is very serious. Ben always takes his dog for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays. Friday is his favourite day! He sometimes watches TV or listens to music on Fridays. He never goes to bed before nine o’clock!

варіанти відповідей

The boy is fat and short. 

The dog is fat and tall.

The boy is fat and tall.

The boy is thin and short.

Запитання 2

Read and choose the right variant.

This is Ben. He is thirty-five. Ben is young. He is handsome. He is fat and tall. Ben has got short, curly and blonde hair. Ben’s eyes are green. He’s got a small nose, a big mouth and big ears. Ben’s teeth are very white. He’s got a short black moustache. He hasn’t got a beard. Ben’s birthday’s in January, but his favourite month is July. It’s sunny and hot in this month. Ben can ride a bike, but he can't swim in the river. He usually eats watermelons in summer. Ben’s got a black dog, Rex. Rex is very serious. Ben always takes his dog for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays. Friday is his favourite day! He sometimes watches TV or listens to music on Fridays. He never goes to bed before nine o’clock!

варіанти відповідей

Rex is thirty-five.

Ben is thirty-five.

Ben is thity-five.

Ben is thirty-fife.

Запитання 3

Read and choose the right variant.

This is Ben. He is thirty-five. Ben is young. He is handsome. He is fat and tall. Ben has got short, curly and blonde hair. Ben’s eyes are green. He’s got a small nose, a big mouth and big ears. Ben’s teeth are very white. He’s got a short black moustache. He hasn’t got a beard. Ben’s birthday’s in January, but his favourite month is July. It’s sunny and hot in this month. Ben can ride a bike, but he can't swim in the river. He usually eats watermelons in summer. Ben’s got a black dog, Rex. Rex is very serious. Ben always takes his dog for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays. Friday is his favourite day! He sometimes watches TV or listens to music on Fridays. He never goes to bed before nine o’clock!

варіанти відповідей

July is his favourite month.

July is her favourite month.

July is his favourite day.

July is his favourite season.

Запитання 4

Read and choose the right variant.

This is Ben. He is thirty-five. Ben is young. He is handsome. He is fat and tall. Ben has got short, curly and blonde hair. Ben’s eyes are green. He’s got a small nose, a big mouth and big ears. Ben’s teeth are very white. He’s got a short black moustache. He hasn’t got a beard. Ben’s birthday’s in January, but his favourite month is July. It’s sunny and hot in this month. Ben can ride a bike, but he can't swim in the river. He usually eats watermelons in summer. Ben’s got a black dog, Rex. Rex is very serious. Ben always takes his dog for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays. Friday is his favourite day! He sometimes watches TV or listens to music on Fridays. He never goes to bed before nine o’clock!

варіанти відповідей

Ben is old.

Ben isn't old.

Ben isn't young.

Rex is young.

Запитання 5

Read and choose the right variant.

This is Ben. He is thirty-five. Ben is young. He is handsome. He is fat and tall. Ben has got short, curly and blonde hair. Ben’s eyes are green. He’s got a small nose, a big mouth and big ears. Ben’s teeth are very white. He’s got a short black moustache. He hasn’t got a beard. Ben’s birthday’s in January, but his favourite month is July. It’s sunny and hot in this month. Ben can ride a bike, but he can't swim in the river. He usually eats watermelons in summer. Ben’s got a black dog, Rex. Rex is very serious. Ben always takes his dog for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays. Friday is his favourite day! He sometimes watches TV or listens to music on Fridays. He never goes to bed before nine o’clock!

варіанти відповідей

Ben has got grey eyes and big ears.

Ben has got green eyes and big ears.

Ben has got green eyes and small ears.

Ben has got green ears and big eyes.

Запитання 6

Read and choose the right variant.

This is Ben. He is thirty-five. Ben is young. He is handsome. He is fat and tall. Ben has got short, curly and blonde hair. Ben’s eyes are green. He’s got a small nose, a big mouth and big ears. Ben’s teeth are very white. He’s got a short black moustache. He hasn’t got a beard. Ben’s birthday’s in January, but his favourite month is July. It’s sunny and hot in this month. Ben can ride a bike, but he can't swim in the river. He usually eats watermelons in summer. Ben’s got a black dog, Rex. Rex is very serious. Ben always takes his dog for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays. Friday is his favourite day! He sometimes watches TV or listens to music on Fridays. He never goes to bed before nine o’clock!

варіанти відповідей

His moustache is short and grey.

His beard is short and black.

His moustache is short and black.

His moustache is long and black.

Запитання 7

Read and choose the right variant.

This is Ben. He is thirty-five. Ben is young. He is handsome. He is fat and tall. Ben has got short, curly and blonde hair. Ben’s eyes are green. He’s got a small nose, a big mouth and big ears. Ben’s teeth are very white. He’s got a short black moustache. He hasn’t got a beard. Ben’s birthday’s in January, but his favourite month is July. It’s sunny and hot in this month. Ben can ride a bike, but he can't swim in the river. He usually eats watermelons in summer. Ben’s got a black dog, Rex. Rex is very serious. Ben always takes his dog for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays. Friday is his favourite day! He sometimes watches TV or listens to music on Fridays. He never goes to bed before nine o’clock!

варіанти відповідей

Ben's hair is blonde and wavy.

Ben's beard is blonde and curly.

Rex's hair is blonde and curly.

Ben's hair is blonde and curly.

Запитання 8

Read and choose the right variant.

This is Ben. He is thirty-five. Ben is young. He is handsome. He is fat and tall. Ben has got short, curly and blonde hair. Ben’s eyes are green. He’s got a small nose, a big mouth and big ears. Ben’s teeth are very white. He’s got a short black moustache. He hasn’t got a beard. Ben’s birthday’s in January. His favourite month is July. It’s sunny and hot in this month. Ben can ride a bike, but he can't swim in the river. He usually eats watermelons in summer. Ben’s got a black dog, Rex. Rex is very serious. Ben always takes his dog for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays. Friday is his favourite day! He sometimes watches TV or listens to music on Fridays. He never goes to bed before nine o’clock!

варіанти відповідей

Ben can't ride a bike, but he can swim in the river.

Ben can ride a bike and swim in the river.

Ben can't swim in the river, but he can ride a bike.

Rex can ride a bike, but he can't swim in the river.

Запитання 9

Read and choose the right variant.

This is Ben. He is thirty-five. Ben is young. He is handsome. He is fat and tall. Ben has got short, curly and blonde hair. Ben’s eyes are green. He’s got a small nose, a big mouth and big ears. Ben’s teeth are very white. He’s got a short black moustache. He hasn’t got a beard. Ben’s birthday’s in January. His favourite month is July. It’s sunny and hot in this month. Ben can ride a bike, but he can't swim in the river. He usually eats watermelons in summer. Ben’s got a black dog, Rex. Rex is very serious. Ben always takes his dog for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays. Friday is his favourite day! He sometimes watches TV or listens to music on Fridays. He never goes to bed before nine o’clock!

варіанти відповідей

Rex isn't funny.

Ben is very serious.

Rex is funny.

Ben isn't funny.

Запитання 10

Read and choose the right variant.

This is Ben. He is thirty-five. Ben is young. He is handsome. He is fat and tall. Ben has got short, curly and blonde hair. Ben’s eyes are green. He’s got a small nose, a big mouth and big ears. Ben’s teeth are very white. He’s got a short black moustache. He hasn’t got a beard. Ben’s birthday’s in January. His favourite month is July. It’s sunny and hot in this month. Ben can ride a bike, but he can't swim in the river. He usually eats watermelons in summer. Ben’s got a black dog, Rex. Rex is very serious. Ben always takes his dog for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays. Friday is his favourite day! He sometimes watches TV or listens to music on Fridays. He never goes to bed before nine o’clock!

варіанти відповідей

It isn't cold in July.

It is cold in July.

It's hot in June.

It isn't hot in July.

Запитання 11

Read and choose the right variant.

This is Ben. He is thirty-five. Ben is young. He is handsome. He is fat and tall. Ben has got short, curly and blonde hair. Ben’s eyes are green. He’s got a small nose, a big mouth and big ears. Ben’s teeth are very white. He’s got a short black moustache. He hasn’t got a beard. Ben’s birthday’s in January. His favourite month is July. It’s sunny and hot in this month. Ben can ride a bike, but he can't swim in the river. He usually eats watermelons in summer. Ben’s got a black dog, Rex. Rex is very serious. Ben always takes his dog for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays. Friday is his favourite day! He sometimes watches TV or listens to music on Fridays. He never goes to bed before nine o’clock!

варіанти відповідей

He never takes Rex for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays.

He always takes Rex for a walk at quarter to seven on Mondays.

She always takes Rex for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays.

He always takes Rex for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays.

Запитання 12

This is Ben. He is thirty-five. Ben is young. He is handsome. He is fat and tall. Ben has got short, curly and blonde hair. Ben’s eyes are green. He’s got a small nose, a big mouth and big ears. Ben’s teeth are very white. He’s got a short black moustache. He hasn’t got a beard. Ben’s birthday’s in January. His favourite month is July. It’s sunny and hot in this month. Ben can ride a bike and swim in the river. He usually eats watermelons in summer. Ben’s got a black dog, Rex. Rex is very serious. Ben always takes his dog for a walk at quarter to six on Mondays. Friday is his favourite day! He sometimes watches TV or listens to music on Fridays. He never goes to bed before nine o’clock!

варіанти відповідей

Ben never eats watermelons in summer.

Ben usually eats watermelons in summer.

Rex usually eats watermelons in summer.

Ben usually eats watermelons in winter.

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