Reported Speech

Додано: 6 березня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
14 запитань
Запитання 1

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

'I work in a bank.' - He said ______ in a bank.

варіанти відповідей

that he had worked

he had worked

he worked

that he worked

he works

that he works

Запитання 2

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

'I work in a bank.' - He said ______ in a bank.

варіанти відповідей

he works

he worked

that he worked

that he had worked

that I work

I worked

Запитання 3

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

''I'm studying today.' - She told ________ .

варіанти відповідей

that I'm studying today

me she was studying today

me that she was studying that day

that she was studying that day

me she was studying that day

me that I was studying that day

Запитання 4

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

'Jim's been ill for a couple of weeks.' - He told me ________ for a couple of weeks.

варіанти відповідей

Jim was ill

that Jim's been ill

Jim had been ill

Jim is ill

Jim has been ill

that Jim had been ill

Запитання 5

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

'I was at the cafe all evening.' - He _______ at the cafe all evening

варіанти відповідей

ordered that he had been

told me he was

said me he had been

claimed that he had been

claimed he had been

said to me he had been

Запитання 6

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

'The meeting may start early.' - He told us that the meeting ________ early.

варіанти відповідей

would start

had to start

might start

can start

had started

Запитання 7

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

'Get out!' - She ___________.

варіанти відповідей

told him to get out

told that he get out

told to get out

asked him to get out

told him he got out

ordered him to get out

Запитання 8

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

"Will you sign the contract tomorrow?' - Monica ___________.

варіанти відповідей

told me if I would sign the contract the following day

asked me whether I'd sign the contract the next day

said if I'd sign the contract the following day

asked me if I would sign the contract the following day

wondered if I'd sign the contract the next day

wanted to know will I sign the contract the following day

Запитання 9

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

'Where did you meet ?' - Sam asked me ______.

варіанти відповідей

where I had met

where had I met

where did we meet

where we had met

if we had met

where we met

Запитання 10

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

Wendy said to her brother, «Don’t forget to meet Aunt Polly!»

Wendy _______________ to meet aunt Polly.

варіанти відповідей

asked her brother not to forget

told her brother not to forget

reminded her brother not to

said her brother not to forget

told to her brother not to forget

asked her brother don't forget

Запитання 11

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

"Peter, if we run, we'll catch the bus."

Ronald told ______________ catch the bus.

варіанти відповідей

me that if we run, we'll

Peter that if we run, we'll

Peter if they run, they'd

Peter that if they ran, they'd

Peter if they ran, they would

me that if we ran, we'd

Запитання 12

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

"What's the remote control for?"

A man ______________________.

варіанти відповідей

wanted to know what's the remote control for

wanted to know what the remote control for is

asked the shop assistant what the remote control was for

wondered for what the remote control is

wanted to know what the remote control was for

asked the shop assistant if the remote control was for

Запитання 13

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

"Does the car run on petrol?"

A woman asked ______________________ on petrol.

варіанти відповідей

if the car run

whether the car ran

if the car does ran

if the car had run

what the car ran

if the car ran

Запитання 14

Change into reported speech. Choose all the correct forms to complete the sentence below.

"Mary, can you lend me some money?"

Betty asked Mary __________ some money.

варіанти відповідей

if you could lend me

whether could she lend her

if she could lend me

if she could lend her

to lend her

whether she could lend her

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