Урок "Books are our friends"

Про матеріал

Розвиток здібності до мовної здогадки. Формування в учнів розуміння мови як засобу спілкування, здібності самостійно планувати мовлеленнєвий поступок. Виховання бережливого ставлення до книжки.

Перегляд файлу


Goals:     Организовать диалогическую и монологическую речь.

               Развивать способности к языковой догадке. Формировать у учащихся понимание языка как средства общения, способность самостоятельно планировать речевой поступок путем вовлечения учащихся в иноязычную деятельность, слуховую и зрительную память.

               Воспитывать любовь и бережное отношение к книге.

Equipment: схема “Books are my good friends and teachers”, пословицы, стихи, карточки для игры в дешифровщик, кроссворд, советы. 



T.: The topic of our lesson is “Books are our friends”.

 - Why are so many people fond of reading? The world of books is full of wonders. Reading books you can find yourself in different lands, countries, islands, seas and oceans. Together with the characters of the book you have a lot of adventures.

    1.        The solving of the puzzle.

T.: At the beginning of our lesson, I’d like you to guess what’s written here.

Books are my good friends and teachers

  1.        English proverbs about books.

T.: We know some proverbs about books. Give Russian equivalents to following English proverbs.

There is no friend so faithful as a good book. - Нет друга более верного, чем хорошая книга.                                            

Choose a writer as you choose a friend. - Выбирай писателя, как выбирай друга.                           

A room without books is a body without soul. - Комната без книги, что тело без души.                           

Wear the old coat and buy a new book. – Носи старое платье, да купи новую книгу.                

  1.        The talk.
  • Are you fond of reading?
  • What kind of books do you like to read? (fairy-tales, detective, adventurous, historical, poems, books about animals, nature)
  • Where do you get books to read?
    1.        Game “Coded message”

T.: Connect the writer with his\her book.

1 team

1 Lewis Carroll                                                A “Winnie - the - Pooh”

2 Mark Twain                                                  B “Mary Poppins”

3 A. A. Milne                                                   C “Alice in Wonderland”

4 Pamela Travers                                             D “Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

2 team

1 Daniel Defoe                                 A “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s stone”

2 Rudyard Kipling                            B “Robinson Crusoe”

3 Jonathan Swift                               C “Mowgli”

4 J. Rowling                                      D “Gulliver’s travels”

  1.        Game “ My favourite character”

T.: Who are they?

  •                   He lived in the jungle. He made good friends with animals. He was honest, brave, kind-hearted. (Mowgli)
  •                   He was very smart and intelligent. He learnt to become a wizard. He studied at school of magic. He fought heroically against the Dark Lord. He got on well with all his friends. (Harry Potter)
  •                   She was kind and modest. She was very hard-working. She spent days and nights doing things for her stepsisters and stepmother. (Cinderella)
  •                   He was silly, lazy, but kind. He didn’t want to go to school. He wanted to play all day long. He has a long nose. (Pinocchio)
  •                   She was the best nurse in the world. She likes children and children like her. She told wonderful stories. (Mary Poppins)
  •                   He was funny, kind. He liked honey very much. He had many friends. (Winnie - the - Pooh)
  1.        Crossword “Harry Potter”

T.: And now you must solve the crossword puzzle.



  •                   Who brought baby Harry to the Dursleys’ house on a motorbike? (Rubeus Hagrid)
  •                   Who studied in Slytherin (Draco Malfoy)
  •                   Who was the first in Harry’s class to perform a Wingardium Leviosa spell correctly? (Hermione Granger)
  •                   Who was Harry’s friend? (Ronald Weasley)
  •                   Who was the Hogwarts’ Headmaster? (Albus Dumbledore)
  •                   Who was transfiguration teacher? (Minerva McGonagall)
  •                   Who was the divination teacher? (Severus Snape)
  1.        Speaking about favourite characters.

- And now tell me please what your favourite character is? And tell us some words about it.

  1.        Grammar revision.

T.: Complete the sentences with the correct items.

  •                   She _____ like the story she read last week.
    •           didn’t;
    •           doesn’t;
    •           don’t
  •                   The children usually _____ books at the local library.
    •           borrow;
    •           borrowed;
    •           will borrow
  •                   Mary _____ this novel tomorrow.
    •           reads;
    •           will read;
    •           read
  •                   He usually _____ them at the bookstore.
    •           bought;
    •           buy;
    •           buys
  1.          Reading the poem “Books, look”


Since books are friends,

They need much care.

Remember, children, then:

Books are meant to read,

Not cut or colour them –

No, really her indeed.

  1.   Reading the advices.

T.: Now I’ll give you some advice about books.

Some good advice

  1.                   Love books. Books are our best friends.
  2.                   Wash your hands before reading.
  3.                   Never read when you are eating.
  4.                   Do not read books in bed. It is bad for your eyes.
  5.                   Do not make marks on pages of a library book with a pen or a pencil.
  6.                   Do not tear pages out of a book.
  7.                   Take your books to the library in due time.


    1.        The remuneration of the winners.

- The winners take honorary diploma. My congratulations. But the team taken the second place has the diploma too.




















M I N I S T R Y   OF   E D U C A T I O N   A N D   S C I E N C E   O F   U KR A I N E

















                                                                                      Ivanova O.G.

                                                                                         English teacher

                                                                                  School # 5











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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
14 квітня 2018
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