Урок на тему 'At the zoo'

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Конспект уроку на тему "В зоопарку" ТЕМА: AT THE ZOO. МЕТА: Ввести нові ЛО. Розвивати навички читання, говоріння, письма. Навчати дітей сприймати на слух. Повторити Present Simple Tense. Розширити уявлення учнів про країну, мова якої вивчається. Виховувати дбайливе ставлення до тварин. ОБЛАДНАННЯ: підручник, робочий зошит, картки для самостійної роботи, тематичні картки, магнітофон. ХІД УРОКУ I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення. 1. Greeting. - Good morning children! What day ( month, date ) is it today? 2. Aim. - The topic of our today’s lesson is “At the zoo”. You’ll learn about a Safari Park and find how it differs from the zoo. 3. Warming-up. 1) Jumbled words. Children have to make up words from mixed letters. mo nk ey ka ng ar oo gi ra ffe li on be ar el ep ha nt mo us e ho rs e ra bb it 2) Odd one out. Children have to cross out an odd word. 1. monkey, giraffe, nose, kangaroo. 2. father, mother, sister, pet. 3. plum, apple, banana, pizza. 4. elephant, pen, mouse, horse. II. Основна частина уроку. 1. Check on homework. P. B. Ex. 2, p.74 2. Listening. While - listening activity. a) Children listen to the sounds and guess the animal. b) The teacher reads the riddles and children guess the animal again. ( T.: Now, children, guess the riddles ) 1. I’m green, I’m small. I live in the pond. I can jump, I can croak. What am I? ( a frog ) 2. I’m white or grey. I’m small. I can jump, I can run. I can’t swim, I can’t fly. I live in the forest. What am I? ( a hare ) 3. I’m yellow. I can jump, walk, run and climb. What am I? ( a lion ) 3. Reading.ex. 2, p. 139 text “Winsdor Safari Park” 1. Pre-reading activity Children answer the teacher’s questions. T.: - Do you like to go to the zoo? Why? - What animals can you see in the zoo? - Is there a zoo in our city? 2. While-reading activity. ( Children read and translate the text. ) The new words arewritten on the blackboard. 3. Post-reading activity. True or false sentences. ( The teacher reads the sentences and children clap one time if the sentence is true. If the sentence is false they clap two times and correct it.) 1) In the Safari Park animals live in cages. - ( They live in open) 2) Visitors can be in cars inside the park. + 3) Visitors can get out of the cars and buses to watch the wild animals which live in free. – ( They can’t get out of the cars and buses.) 4) Two sections in Winsdor Safari Park are closed. + 5) In the Birdworld section you can see dolphins and lions. – ( In the Birdworld section you can see hundreds of differnt birds.) 6) In the Seaworld section you can see dolphins and lions. + 4. Speaking. ( Children describe the animals while looking at the photos.) 5. Writing. ( Children make up sentenses using the cards. T.: Let’s recall where animals live. So we must use the Present Simple Tense. How do we form the negative form of Present Simple Tense? ) Make up the sentences. 1. monkey_______ jungles. 2. giraffe________Africa. 3. lion___________pond. 4. bear___________water. 5. elephant________in the zoo. 6. kangaroo________Australia. ( A monkey lives in jungles.) 6. Pet show. ( T.: Now we’ll perform a play “ THE LONELE STRAY LAMB”.) Children act out the play. THE LONELY STRAY LAMB PIG: Who are you, little one? Why are you so sad? And why do you cry? If you tell me what’s wrong, To help you I’ll try. LAMB: I’m a poor little animal. And I’m here all alone, I haven’t got a mother, Nor even a home. PIG: I’m sorry; I’m not your mother, I’m not a sheep, I am a pig. My name is Piggy. Oh, somebody is coming here. Maybe it is your mother. Bye. BIRD: Why are you so sad? And why do you cry? If you tell me what’s wrong, To help you I’ll try. LAMB: I am a little stray lamb... BIRD: You poor little animal, Come home now with me, Just follow me to the top of this tree! LAMB: I would like to come with you And stay with you too. But climbing tall trees Is something lambs can’t do. BIRD: It’s a pity, bye. ( leaves ) FOX: Why are you so sad?.... LAMB: I am a poor little lamb.... FOX: You poor little animal, Come home with me, do, There’re plenty of rooms In my burrow for two. LAMB: I would like to come with you, But cannot you see, That the little round hole Is too narrow for me. FOX: I am sorry, bye. ( leaves ) FROG: Why are you so sad?... LAMB: I am alittle poor lamb... FROG: You poor little animal, Just jump in this pool To my home in the water So fresh and so cool! LAMB: I would like to come with you. But if I went down, I could never swim back, And I don’t want to drown. FROG: I am so sorry, bye. ( leaves ) GIRL: Why are you so sad?..... LAMB: I an a little stray lamb... GIRL: You poor little animal, I live on a farm. You will come home with me, And you’ll come to no harm. LAMB: I would like to come with you, I won’t eat much food, If you are kind to me, I’ll be happy end good. III. Заключна частина уроку. 1. Homework. Ex. 4, p. 140 ( Write a letter about your visit to the zoo) 2. Summarizing. T.: Was this lesson interesting for you? What task did you like most?
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МЕТА: Ввести нові ЛО. Розвивати навички читання, говоріння, письма. Навчати дітей сприймати на слух. Повторити Present Simple Tense. Розширити уявлення учнів про країну, мова якої вивчається.

              Виховувати дбайливе ставлення до тварин.

ОБЛАДНАННЯ: підручник, робочий зошит, картки для самостійної роботи, тематичні картки, магнітофон.


                                               ХІД УРОКУ


  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
    1. Greeting.

- Good morning children! What day ( month, date ) is it today?

                  2.   Aim.

                        - The topic of our today’s lesson is “At the zoo”. You’ll learn about a Safari Park and find how it differs from the zoo.

                  3.  Warming-up.

                        1) Jumbled words.

                            Children have to make up words from mixed letters.

                    mo       nk          ey

                    ka        ng           ar          oo

                    gi         ra           ffe

                    li          on           be             ar

                    el          ep           ha             nt

                   mo        us           e            

                   ho          rs           e        

                   ra        bb         it

  1. Odd one out.

Children have to cross out an odd word.

  1. monkey, giraffe, nose, kangaroo.
  2. father, mother, sister, pet.
  3. plum, apple, banana, pizza.
  4. elephant, pen, mouse, horse.


  1. Основна частина уроку.

1. Check on homework.

    P. B. Ex. 2, p.74

2. Listening.

    While - listening activity.

  1. Children listen to the sounds and guess the animal.
  2. The teacher reads the riddles and children guess the animal again.

    ( T.: Now, children, guess the riddles )

  1. I’m green, I’m small.

I live in the pond.

I can jump, I can croak.

What am I?

                        ( a frog )


  1. I’m white or grey.

I’m small.

I can jump, I can run.

I can’t swim, I can’t fly.

I live in the forest.

What am I?

( a hare )


  1. I’m yellow.

I can jump, walk, run and climb.

What am I?

( a lion )


  1. Reading.ex. 2, p. 139 text “Winsdor Safari Park”

1. Pre-reading activity

    Children answer the teacher’s questions.

T.: - Do you like to go to the zoo? Why?

     - What animals can you see in the zoo?

     - Is there a zoo in our city?


2. While-reading activity.

    ( Children read and translate the text. )

    The new words arewritten on the blackboard.


  1. Post-reading activity.

True or false sentences.

( The teacher reads the sentences and children clap one time if the sentence is true. If the sentence is false they clap two times and correct it.)


  1. In the Safari Park animals live in cages. - ( They live in open)
  2. Visitors can be in cars inside the park. +
  3. Visitors can get out of the cars and buses to watch the wild animals which live in free. – ( They can’t get out of the cars and buses.)
  4. Two sections in Winsdor Safari Park are closed. +
  5. In the Birdworld section you can see dolphins and lions. – ( In the Birdworld section you can see hundreds of differnt birds.)
  6. In the Seaworld section you can see dolphins and lions. +


  1. Speaking.

( Children describe the animals while looking at the photos.)


  1. Writing.              

( Children make up sentenses using the cards.

  T.: Let’s recall where animals live. So we must use the Present Simple Tense. How do we form the negative form of Present Simple Tense? )



                        Make up the sentences.


  1. monkey_______ jungles.
  2. giraffe________Africa.
  3. lion___________pond.
  4. bear___________water.
  5. elephant________in the zoo.
  6. kangaroo________Australia.

 ( A monkey lives in jungles.)


  1. Pet show.

( T.: Now we’ll perform a play “ THE LONELE STRAY LAMB”.)

Children act out the play.


                       THE LONELY STRAY LAMB

PIG:     Who are you, little one?

            Why are you so sad?

            And why do you cry?

            If you tell me what’s wrong,

            To help you I’ll try.

LAMB: I’m a poor little animal.

             And I’m here all alone,

             I haven’t got a mother,

             Nor even a home.

PIG:      I’m sorry; I’m not your mother,

             I’m not a sheep, I am a pig.

             My name is Piggy.

             Oh, somebody is coming here.

             Maybe it is your mother. Bye.

BIRD:  Why are you so sad?

             And why do you cry?

             If you tell me what’s wrong,

             To help you I’ll try.

LAMB: I am a little stray lamb...

BIRD:   You poor little animal,

              Come home now with me,

              Just follow me to the top of this tree!

LAMB:  I would like to come with you

               And stay with you too.

               But climbing tall trees

               Is something lambs can’t do.

BIRD:    It’s a pity, bye. ( leaves )

FOX:      Why are you so sad?....

LAMB:   I am a poor little lamb....

FOX:      You poor little animal,

               Come home with me, do,

               There’re plenty of rooms

               In my burrow for two.

LAMB:   I would like to come with you,

               But cannot you see,

               That the little round hole

                Is too narrow for me.

FOX:       I am sorry, bye. ( leaves )

FROG:    Why are you so sad?...

LAMB:   I am alittle poor lamb...

FROG:   You poor little animal,

                Just jump in this pool

                To my home in the water

                So fresh and so cool!

LAMB:    I would like to come with you.

                 But if I went down,

                I could never swim back,

                And I don’t want to drown.

FROG:    I am so sorry, bye. ( leaves )

GIRL:      Why are you so sad?.....

LAMB:    I an a little stray lamb...

GIRL:      You poor little animal,

                 I live on a farm.

                 You will come home with me,

                 And you’ll come to no harm.

LAMB:    I would like to come with you,

                 I won’t eat much food,

                 If you are kind to me,

                 I’ll be happy end good.


  1. Заключна частина уроку.
    1. Homework.

Ex. 4, p. 140 ( Write a letter about your visit to the zoo)

  1. Summarizing.

T.:  Was this lesson interesting for you?

       What task did you like most?



Kurmanska Oksana
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Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
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