Урок з англійської мови на тему "Сміх - найкращі ліки"

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Матеріал містить розробку уроку з англійської мови з теми "Laughter is the Best Medicine" за підручником “New Headway” Intermediate (третє видання) в-во Oxford University Press
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Laughteris the best medicine

Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

Номер слайду 4

1. How did Lucy become a Theodora Clown Doctor?2. In what ways is her job extremely silly?3. What does she wear?4. Why does she like her job?5. What is she doing at the moment?6. Why is it useful to eat in the hospital cafeteria?7. What does she do after work?8. Describe Lucy’s typical working day.

Номер слайду 5

I Do you like your job?L Oh yes, I do. I enjoy my job very much. I Why do you choose your job?L Because I love working with children and making them laugh. I What do you wear in the hospital?L I wear crazy clothes. A fancy coat and stripy tights. I Who are you working with at the moment?L Well, at the moment I’m working with a very sick little girl from Bosnia. She’s had so many operations. She’s very special to me. I Does she speak English?L No, she doesn’t. We communicate through laughter. I Is your job tiring?L Yes, it is. It’s very tiring indeed. I’m exhausted at the end of each day. I Do you stay at home in the evening?L No, I don’t. I often go out with friends. I have thebest friends and the best job in the world.

Номер слайду 6

Children in hospitals are treated with a new kind of medicine.

Номер слайду 7

Clown Doctors ____________ sick children with fun and ________. Imagine being a child in hospital, away from the comfort of your ________ and feeling sad, frightened, lonely or in pain. This is where Clown Doctors can _____. Even when kids are very sick they are still kids and Clown Doctors can help them forget they are sick for a _________. Just a smile is enough for the Clown Doctors to know that they have helped. When people laugh or smile, they feel _______. Laughter can help people get better more quickly. Laughter helps the respiratory system. It ________ muscles, lessens _______ and reduces pain. Laughter can help people cope with difficult _________. Clown Doctors are specially selected, highly skilled professional performers. Clown Doctors are also _______ at magic, music, mime or puppetry. They also must be sensitive and caring.  relaxes moment treat laughter homehelp better stress situations good

Номер слайду 8

Clown Doctors treat sick children with fun and laughter. Imagine being a child in hospital, away from the comfort of your home and feeling sad, frightened, lonely or in pain. This is where Clown Doctors can help. Even when kids are very sick they are still kids and Clown Doctors can help them forget they are sick for a moment. Just a smile is enough for the Clown Doctors to know that they have helped. When people laugh or smile, they feel better. Laughter can help people get better more quickly. Laughter helps the respiratory system. It relaxes muscles, lessens stress and reduces pain. Laughter can help people cope with difficult situations. Clown Doctors are specially selected, highly skilled professional performers. Clown Doctors are also good at magic, music, mime or puppetry. They also must be sensitive and caring.  

Номер слайду 9

UKRAINIAN CLOWN DOCTOR ORGANIZATIONJoin our organization! We treat sick children with laughter because …

Номер слайду 10

What? (Who?) What kind?Where?What does it do?Why?Sick children. Lonely, frightened. In the hospital. Meet Clown Doctors. It’s fun!

Перегляд файлу

Урок англійської мови у 7 класі з теми «Сміх – найкращі ліки»


- навчати учнів висловлювати своє ставлення до лікування сміхом, використовуючи відому та невідому лексику, навчити учнів розрізняти та тренувати вживання активного та пасивного стану дієслова;

- формувати уміння ефективно співпрацювати підчас парної роботи, вчити опановувати стратегії читання та прийоми розуміння тексту; формувати уміння сприймання на слух, зорового сприймання, усного продукування, усної взаємодії, креативного письма;

- виховувати готовність до спілкування, увагу та повагу до співрозмовника, дисциплінованість у праці.

Обладнання: підручник “New Headway” Intermediate (третє видання), ноутбук, картинка клоуна для мовної гри, роздатковий матеріал.


Хід уроку

І. Початок уроку.

а) Привітання. Good morning, children! Nice to meet you.

c) Мовленнєва розминка.

You look a bit scared and I can’t see smiles on your faces. Let’s say compliments to each other. I’ll start.









Do you feel better now? Now I can see smiles on your faces.



c) Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

Look at the following pictures and guess the topic of our lesson.

Wise people say that laughter is the best medicine. This is our topic. Today we’ll investigate this problem and try to prove that laughter is really the best medicine.

II. Основна частина уроку.

a) Тренування лексики з теми за допомогою діаграми Вена

As you know all over the world children in hospitals are treated with a new kind of medicine: laughter. And these are clown doctors who bring smiles to the faces of sick children.

You can see some words on your desks. We’ve got two columns: words connected with doctors and words connected with clowns. Stick your word in the appropriate column. If your word is connected both with clowns and doctors stick it in the middle.



















(Хорове тренування слів)

Why are the words in the middle connected with both clowns and doctors?

Mind the expressions:

To my mind…

In my opinion…

As far as I know…

I think…

b) Перевірка домашнього завдання.

At home you read the article about Lucy, who works for Theodora Children’s Trust. She’s known as Dr. Looloo and she’s a clown doctor.

Answer my questions to the text.

1. How did Lucy become a Theodora Clown Doctor?

2. In what ways is her job extremely silly?

3. What does she wear?

4. Why does she like her job?

5. What is she doing at the moment?

6. Why is it useful to eat in the hospital cafeteria?

7. What does she do after work?

8. Describe Lucy’s typical working day as if  you were  Lucy.

c) Розвиток граматичних навичок і навичок письма.

Imagine that you are a reporter and you are taking an interview. You’ve got Lucy’s answers. Complete the interviewer’s questions. Work in pairs.

Let’s check the questions all together. Practise the dialogues.

d) Розвиток граматичних навичок.

Look at the sentence:

Children in hospitals are treated with a new kind of medicine.

Which voice is it: Active or Passive? When do we use Passive Voice? How do we form it?

Find examples of Passive Voice in the text. Read and translate the sentences.

e) Граматична гра.

Look at the circle on the board. What’s this?  It’s a clown’s face. Let’s complete it. Choose a part of the face, read the sentence and say  it in Passive Voice.

And only then you can stick it into the appropriate place. (Вчитель малює коло (обличчя клоуна) на дошці.  Частини обличчя (очі, щічки, ніс та рот) лежать на столі реченнями вниз. Учень обирає частину обличчя, перетворює речення із активного в пасивний стан та кріпить у відповідне місце на дошці, формуючи обличчя клоуна.

















f) Формування уміння зорового сприймання

Let us see what exactly clown doctors do. Read the following article and complete it with the words given above.

relaxes                   moment                       treat                         laughter                     home

help                        better                           stress                       situations                   good

Clown Doctors ____________ sick children with fun and ________.

Imagine being a child in hospital, away from the comfort of your ________

and feeling sad, frightened, lonely  or in pain. This is where Clown Doctors

 can _____. Even when kids are very sick they are still kids and Clown Doctors

can help them forget they are sick for a _________. Just a smile is enough for

 the Clown Doctors to know that they have helped. When people laugh or smile,

 they feel _______. Laughter can help people get better more quickly.

Laughter helps the respiratory system. It ________  muscles, lessens _______

and reduces pain. Laughter can help people cope with difficult _________.

Clown Doctors are specially selected, highly skilled professional performers.

Clown Doctors are also _______ at  magic, music, mime or puppetry.

They also must  be sensitive and caring.

Read and translate the article.

g) Формування уміння усного продукування

To make a conclusion imagine that we’re starting a “Ukrainian Clown Doctor Organization”. Work in groups. Draw a poster and make up an advertisement of your organization. Explain how you can help sick children.

h) Формування уміння креативного письма

To crown it all let’s prove that laughter is great in the form of a poem. Let’s turn back to our words and use them in the “5 W Poems”

Answer 5 questions: What (Who)/ What kind/ Where/ What does it do/ Why

Read your poems.

III. Заключна частина уроку.

а) Підведення підсумків. Релаксація.

 I think that we’ve proved that laughter is the best medicine. I want to hope that after today’s lesson you’ve become kinder, more sensitive and caring.

b) Домашнє завдання: ex.8 p.15 (in writing)

с) Виставлення оцінок.



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