Урок з англійської мови в 10 класі з теми "Особистість" підтема "Зовнішність"

Про матеріал
Урок з англійської мови в 10 класі з теми "Особистість" підтема "Зовнішність",дозволяє розвивати навички та уміння аудіювання ,говоріння,читання та письма ,як основних видів мовленнєвої діяльності.
Перегляд файлу

Розробка  уроку  у 10 класі за підручником О.Карпюк (поглиблене вивчення)

Theme:  Appearance and personality.

Objectives: to train and improve pupils` language  skills  in speaking, reading, listening  and writing; to generalize pupils` knowledge on the topic; to revise grammar and lexical material; vocabulary consolidation, team work and collaboration  with a partner; to develop good understanding of team work, the ability  to think logically; to give clear presentation of their point of  view.




І. Beginning


T: Dear students! I’m glad to see you! I feel you have a great desire to study English and get much knowledge. Our topic is “Appearance and personality”, I think it’s very interesting; it combines such topics as appearance, character, behavior, hobbies.


1. Warm up

- Lets read poem of unknown authors:

            If  there is right  in  the  soul,

            There  is  beauty in  the  person.

            If  there  is  beauty  in  the  person,

            There  will  be  harmony  in  the  home,

            If  there  will  be  harmony  in  the  home,

            There  will  be  order  in  the  nation.

            If  there  will  be  order  in  the  nation,

           There  will  be  peace  in  the  world.

- How do you understand this poem?

- It is true that beauty of person depends on the state of the soul?

- What do you think makes a personality?

- What is necessary to become a personality?

- Is it possible to tell or judge about a person as a personality looking at her or his appearance or the clothes she or he wears?

    T: So, today we will speak about appearance of personality and features of character.


1.Lexical practice

a) Vocabulary review

- Look at the screen and write down some word/word-phrases for our lesson. (PowerPoint)

- Lets translate these words.

b) Pretty and ugly features

- Divide these words on pretty and ugly characteristics of person’s appearance



c) Answer the questions from exercise 3 page 69. Use words learning today for your answer.

2.Speaking practice

a) Describe photos

- Look at the photos on screen and describe peoples depicted on them.

Картинки по запросу люди Картинки по запросу люди Картинки по запросу люди Картинки по запросу люди Картинки по запросу люди

-What we can say about these peoples?

-What you can say about their character?

- What do you think it is true that “Meet on clothes and escorted by the mind”? Why?

b) My ideal

- Now I want you, using phrases from ex.4.p.69, describe boy/girl of your dreams. (1-4 pupils read)

3.Play game “Guess who”

-Here we have some photos on our screen. I will describe persons and you must guess whom I mean.

Картинки по запросу люди злые Картинки по запросу люди злые Картинки по запросу блонди Картинки по запросу шатенка Картинки по запросу шатенка Картинки по запросу блондин с бородой


This person has an oval face, a large fleshy nose, heavy eyebrows, large dark eyes with sacks underneath them. This person has long blond hair and mustache with beard.

This person has an oval face, straight nose, smooth, a clean skin, dark eyes, full of sensitive lips. Hair is straight, short cut.

This person has square face, a large fleshy nose, dark eyes with sacks underneath them, big, full lips. Short, curly, light-brown hair and bristle.

This person has an oval face, straight nose, thin lips, a small dark eyes with sacks underneath them. The face is covered with wrinkles and spots. Hair is thin, white.

This person has an oval face, straight nose, full lips. The skin is clean, sun-tan. Eyes are big, dark. The skulls are clearly expressed. Hair is blond, straight, long.

This person has round face, straight nose, full, red lips. The skin is clean, white and smooth. An eyes is big, dark with long eyelashes. Hair is dark, straight and long.

4. Listening practice

a) Lets listen some dialogue. (ex.7.p.70)  During your listening write down characteristics of appearance from dialogue.

b) Make your own dialogue. (Work in pair)

5.Reading practice


Vocabulary: listen, repeat

scissors    owner   factory   common  pale   messy   lovable   cunning  likeable   headscarf   inventor  inventions   eventually


T:  The text “The art of transformation”, about the famous actor.

Look at the pictures… What does each person look like?






























T:  Adjectives  for  describing  personality. Sort  these  words  into  positive,  negative. Match  the words  to their  synonyms

1  shy                          a  easy to like

2  lonely                      b  timid

3  lovable                    c  crafty

4  cunning                  d  alone

5  nutty                       e   pleasant

6  brave                      f   crazy

7  intelligent                g  clever

8  sociable                   h courageous

9  charming                i  friend




       6. Writing practice

- And now I want you write some words about beauty. What is more important for you inner or physical beauty. (1-3 pupils read in class)



1.Home task

Project-work: Make up presentation on following themes:

  1. “Boy/girl of my dream”
  2. “A person whom I admire”


- Your mark is…because…

- Our lesson is over. Goodbye.














































До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
29 березня 2019
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