Виховний захід у 5 класі "Tolerance"

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Виховний захід у 5 класі "Tolerance". To encourage students to focus on the possibilities rather than on problems; to find good things in any situations; to make a right choice and decision; to incorporate group work.
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Topic: “ The Lantern of Tolerance”

The aim of the lesson: to develop students’ critical  and creative thinking by learning how to be tolerant.


To encourage students to focus on the possibilities rather than on problems;

to find  good things in any situations;

to make a right choice and decision;

to incorporate group work.

Outcomes of the lesson:

At the end of the lesson students can: focus on the possibilities rather than on problems;

 find  good things in any situations;

 make a right choice and decision;

apply their knowledge in real situations.

Language Support  Resourses: pictures, posters of quotations, video.

Today we’ll talk about one of the most important things in our life – about TOLERANCE and try to light the lanterns of tolerance in your hearts.

T. Tell me, please, how should we treat people?

  - We must be kind to others.

  - We should be sharing.

  - We must be helpful.

  - We must be attentive to others.

  - We must be forgiving.

 T. Now listen to the story  A Bag of Feathers and be ready to discuss it.

A Bag of Feathers

Long ago in one country there lived a young man called WyMi who was very, very rich. He lived in a beautiful house in the country.  He had so much gold and silver that it could not even be counted. Unfortunately, he also was also very foolish and unkind.

One by one he lost all his friends. Soon he understood that there are some things that he cannot buy.

“I am so lonely,” he thought one day. “Where are all my friends?”

A little voice from deep inside his heart answered him firmly. “You have lost all your friends with your rudness.”

“Have I?” said WyMi in surprise. “How did I do that?”

“What about your cousin?” the voice said. “He is as poor as a church mouse and sometimes has nothing  to eat. But when he asked you for one piece of silver did you give it to him? No! You shouted at him.”

“Can’t you tell me what to do?” begged WyMi. “I - I’m afraid that perhaps I don’t have any conscience.

“Yes, you are right.” the voice told him. “That’s why you are listening to me now.”

“Are you my conscience?” But there was no answer.

“I know what I’ll do,” thought the young man suddenly. “I’ll go and speak to the wise old man in the next village .” He came to the wise man. He told  WyMi to take the biggest bag and fill it with feathers. Then to put one feather at the door of every person that he has hurt.

He did this and happily he went to the old man. “I’ve done what you told me. Now what must I do?

The old man looked at him and told “Now, you must go and pick every feather up.”

“But, I can’t,” he said at last. “The wind  have taken some of them. I can’t get them all back again.”

The old man nodded his head sadly. “No, you can’t,” he said gently. “And, just as you cannot gather all the feathers, so cannot take back all your unkind words that you told people. Go now and show love and kindness to all people, even to those who refuse to forgive you.”

The Bible tells us that we reap what we sow.

T: Answer the questions:

  1. Was WyMi happy?
  2. What was he like?  (He was foolish and unkind)
  3. What happened one day? (He saw that he was alone.  He understood that he had no more friends.)
  4. Who helped WyMi? ( An old wise man)
  5. What did an old wise man tell him to do? ( He told WyMi to take a bag of feathers and put  it near the door of every person he hurt)
  6. Did it help WyMi? (No, it didn’t)
  7. What lesson did an old man teach him? (We must show love and kindness to all people. We must be tolerant to each other)

T: Now let’s make a flower of tolerance. Think when you are tolerant, how do you feel.

  • We are tolerant, when we are attentive.
  • We are tolerant, when we are sharing
  • We are tolerant, when we are merciful
  • We are tolerant, when we are respectful
  • We are tolerant, when we are kind
  • We are tolerant, when we are caring
  • We are tolerant, when we are friendly
  • We are tolerant, when we are helpful
  • We are tolerant, when we are happy
  • We are tolerant, when we are truthful
  • We are tolerant, when we are forgiving
  • We are tolerant, when we are patient

T: Now let’s show how tolerant we are to each other. Write your wishes and thoughts on the papers and stick them to your jackets. After that tell us what do you want to be.

T: Let’s make a conclusion. What did you learn from our devotion?

– To be tolerant means to understand and respect other people.

 – If we are tolerant we can have more friends.

 – When we are tolerant we don’t fight with our friends because we understand them. 

– Even if we are not like everybody else, we can learn from them and have fun together.

  • Don`t critize others. 


Ohorodnichuk Lidia
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Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 5 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
31 жовтня 2022
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