Чи знаємо ми всі традиції та звичаї англійців?
Глобальна мета проєкту – підвищення свідомості учнів та зосередження їхньої уваги на різноманітних культурних традиціях і звичаях англійців.
Пропонований проєкт стане у пригоді вчителю під час вивчення відповідних тем на уроках із предмету «Англійська мова». Також проєкт буде корисним для вчителя у межах виховної та позакласної роботи.
Під час виконання проєкту ви можете робити власні акценти, адаптувати завдання для своїх учнів, а також розширювати межі практичного використання результатів проєктної роботи.
Англійська мова (6 клас): Загальні характеристики ситуативного спілкування (особистісна та громадська сфера спілкування). Велика Британія. Харчування (традиції харчування, назви страв). Спорт (види спорту, спортивні уподобання). Мовний інвентар – граматика:
Укажіть, які ролі та функції буде виконувати кожен член вашої команди. Також конкретизуйте склад робочих груп (пошукової, аналітичної, дослідницької).
Укажіть назви інформаційних джерел, які ви збираєтеся використовувати під час роботи над проєктом.
Укажіть три найбільш цікавих факти про традиції та звичаї англійців, на які вказали вам дорослі.
1. Britain’s history is recent and not very well known.
2. British people have not had very much involvement with world development.
3. British people feel pleased and satisfied about how they have welcomed new migrants to the UK.
4. If you pass the Life in the UK test, it shows that you are very clever.
5. People living in the UK can choose if they want to respect and support the fundamental values and principles of British society.
6. In Britain, it is okay to not accept other people’s opinions, beliefs and customs.
7. People becoming UK citizens make a formal promise to live by the fundamental principles of British life.
8. As part of their pledge to become a British citizen, new citizens promise to not break the law.
9. 100 years ago, the UK was more ethnically and religiously diverse than it is today.
10. Most people live in towns and cities, but many people continue to visit the countryside for holidays, walking, camping and fishing.
11. People in Wales speak only Welsh.
12. People in the UK speak English, Welsh and Gaelic.
diversity discrimination intolerance dynamism thriving asset
1. The British population is ______________, which means that it is growing.
2. British society has a lot of _________. It includes people from many different backgrounds and with many different identities.
3. There is so much __________ in UK society – it is constantly changing and developing.
4. Every good citizen is an ___________ to the UK because they are very useful and valuable for society.
5. People who show _____________, which means they refuse to accept other people’s opinions or beliefs are not welcome in British society.
1. What is the name of British flag?
2. What is the name of the Queen of England?
3. Name of the Queen’s house in London.
4. What is the nickname of the British policeman?
5. Name of a famous clock in London.
6. What do the British call a pound?
7. What’s the name of the skirt men sometimes wear in Scotland?
1. What is the official London residence of the kings and queens of the United Kingdom?
2. Who is the Duke of Edinburgh’s wife?
3. Where does the Changing of the Guard happen?
4. Who and what the guards protect?
5. What time do the guards get ready?
6. What is a «Bearskin»?
7. What time does the ceremony begin?
1. Buckingham Palace is the home of the Queen / Prime Minister.
2. In the summer, the Changing of the Guard ceremony happens every day / every month.
3. The guards get ready at Buckingham Palace / the army barracks.
4. They wear black / white shoes and black / red jackets.
5. The guards in the band play / don’t play modern music.
1. What can you say about the English?
2. Where do the English like to spend their days off?
3. Where do they like to live?
4. What sayings do you know about the English?
5. Do they have traditions in meals?
1. «There is no place like home».
2. «The Englishman’s home is his castle».
3. «Seven cups of tea will help you wake up, nine cups will help you fall asleep».
Чи виникали у вас труднощі на етапі пошуку інформації?
The daily routine of the Queen
1. In the morning, the Queen have / has / had breakfast in the bed.
2. After breakfast, the Queen fed / feed / feeds her dogs.
3. Then she read / reading / reads the newspaper.
4. After that, she takes / took / take her dogs for a walk.
5. Next, she doing / does / do the gardening.
6. Then the Queen and her gardener eat / eats / eating lunch.
1. With whom Queen is married to?
2. Who is the first child of the Queen and the heir Apparent to the throne?
a) Charles
b) Prince Andrew
3. Who was Prince Charles’ wife?
4. What are the names of Prince Charles’ and Lady Diana’s sons?
5. The Queen will send you a birthday card when you are…
1. What foods are used to make the Full English Breakfast?
2. Which utensils are NOT needed?
3. How many rashers of bacon are needed?
4. What ingredient is added second to the fry pan?
5. Are the eggs cooked with the sausages?
6. How do you know the eggs are done?
7. Is an English Breakfast only eaten at breakfast?
8. Where is Black pudding served?
9. Are baked beans a very popular ingredient in modern day English Breakasts?
10. What’s the name of the Full English Breakfast that includes everything?
1. Who made the tradition of drinking tea at 5 o’clock?
2. When did this tradition appear?
3. Why did it appear?
4. Name 6 typical things that can be found in an English breakfast.
- змагання в умінні корчити обличчя, яке засноване на вмінні робити потворні гримаси;
- біг із сиром, що котиться
- відкриття парламенту в листопаді або жовтні
- прийоми в королівському саду
- специфічний гумор
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