09.11 Урок граматики

Додано: 9 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 202 рази
4 запитання
Запитання 1

Many people have tried 1 _______ smoking at some point in their lives, and these days many of us 2 _________to stop taking 3 _______ substance which is not cigarettes, but which 4 _________ be killing the same number of people 5 _______ tobacco, or even more. I am talking about sugar.

варіанти відповідей

1 to give up

2 are attempting

3 another

4 might

5 as

1 to put down

2 had attempted

3 other

4 is able to

5 that

1 putting down

2 attempt

3 the other

4 should

5 so

1 giving up

2 attempted

3 others

4 can

5 than

Запитання 2

When I went to the doctor five years ago, he told me that sugar 6 ________ kill me one day if I didn’t avoid 7 _________ it. My only chance of long-term survival, said the doctor, was 8 _________ all sugar from my diet. Before that day, I 9 _______ to quit anything; 10 __________ , I didn’t think it would be too difficult. “I have achieved difficult things in my life, much more difficult than that,” I thought. It wasn't true.

варіанти відповідей

6 will

7 to eating

8 cutting down

9 was never trying

10 although

6 would

7 eating

8 cutting out

9 had never tried

10 however

6 shall

7 eat

8 setting down

9 don't tried

10 so

6 was

7 to eat

8 putting out

9 have never tried

10 even though

Запитання 3

I didn't know how difficult it was to stop smoking, or drinking alcohol, because I 11 _________ addicted to anything, but when I stopped eating sugar, I realised that sugar is a very powerful drug. I think it 12 _______ easier if I had been addicted to nicotine, for example, instead of sugar. The first few weeks or months I 13 ________  that I was eating chocolate or cakes, and then I woke up in the morning and my body was crying for sugar.

варіанти відповідей

11 wasn't ever

12 must be

13 used to dreaming

11 was never

12 had been

13 was dreaming

11 had never been

12 would have been

13 used to dream

Запитання 4

It's been 3 months now, and I 14 _______ very, very little sugar in that time; only the added sugar that food manufacturers put in some of their processed products, like bread, tinned tomato, etc. I am very happy because I don't crave sweet things any more, and I feel 15 ________ healthier and energetic than a few months ago.

варіанти відповідей

14 have eaten

15 much

14 have been eating

15 many

14 ate

15 very

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