10 клас Карпюк впр.4 ст.42

Match the words with their definitions.

Додано: 1 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Копія з тесту: 10 клас Карпюк впр.4 ст.42
7 запитань
Запитання 1

IT skills

варіанти відповідей

a very important for doing something

 ability to work with Information Technology

 to look very hard for someone

 a business that makes money by finding jobs for people


 the achievement of passing exams for a particular job

something that is needed or asked

people who work for an organisation, especially for business 

Запитання 2


варіанти відповідей

a very important for doing something

 ability to work with Information Technology

 to look very hard for someone

 a business that makes money by finding jobs for people


 the achievement of passing exams for a particular job

something that is needed or asked

people who work for an organisation, especially for business 

Запитання 3

a requirement


варіанти відповідей

a very important for doing something

 ability to work with Information Technology

 to look very hard for someone

 a business that makes money by finding jobs for people


 the achievement of passing exams for a particular job

something that is needed or asked

people who work for an organisation, especially for business 

Запитання 4

 a qualification


варіанти відповідей

a very important for doing something

 ability to work with Information Technology

 to look very hard for someone

 a business that makes money by finding jobs for people


 the achievement of passing exams for a particular job

something that is needed or asked

people who work for an organisation, especially for business 

Запитання 5




варіанти відповідей

a very important for doing something

 ability to work with Information Technology

 to look very hard for someone

 a business that makes money by finding jobs for people


 the achievement of passing exams for a particular job

something that is needed or asked

people who work for an organisation, especially for business 

Запитання 6

 an employment agency


варіанти відповідей

a very important for doing something

 ability to work with Information Technology

 to look very hard for someone

 a business that makes money by finding jobs for people


 the achievement of passing exams for a particular job

something that is needed or asked

people who work for an organisation, especially for business 

Запитання 7

 to seek


варіанти відповідей

a very important for doing something

 ability to work with Information Technology

 to look very hard for someone

 a business that makes money by finding jobs for people


 the achievement of passing exams for a particular job

something that is needed or asked

people who work for an organisation, especially for business 

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