11.10 - At the clothes shop

Додано: 10 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 56 разів
20 запитань
Запитання 1

Listen to the dialogue. Tick the items that the customer buys

варіанти відповідей


Pair of jeans 


Запитання 2

Now listen again and fill in the gaps:

Shop assistant: Do you need any help there?

Customer: Yes, do you have any jumpers like these _______(1)?

Shop assistant: No, I’m afraid we’ve _______ the red ones.

Customer: Oh, that’s a shame. Do you have these jeans _______ ?

Shop assistant: Hmm...I’ll just _______ in the stock room...You’re in luck. This is the last pair.

Customer: Great! Where can I _______ ?

Shop assistant: The changing rooms are over there.

Customer: They fit fine. I _______ them. Do you have this shirt _______)?

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Would you like to _______ ?

Customer: Yes...It looks OK, but I think _______ .

Shop assistant: Fine. Are you paying cash or by credit card? Customer: Cash. Shop assistant: That’s 50 pounds, please. Customer: Here you are.

Shop assistant: Here’s your _______. Goodbye.

варіанти відповідей

in red

in blue

in pink

Запитання 3

Now listen again and fill in the gaps:

Shop assistant: Do you need any help there?

Customer: Yes, do you have any jumpers like these ... ?

Shop assistant: No, I’m afraid we’ve _______ (2) the red ones.

Customer: Oh, that’s a shame. Do you have these jeans _______ ?

Shop assistant: Hmm...I’ll just _______ in the stock room...You’re in luck. This is the last pair.

Customer: Great! Where can I _______ ?

Shop assistant: The changing rooms are over there.

Customer: They fit fine. I _______ them. Do you have this shirt _______)?

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Would you like to _______ ?

Customer: Yes...It looks OK, but I think _______ .

Shop assistant: Fine. Are you paying cash or by credit card? Customer: Cash. Shop assistant: That’s 50 pounds, please. Customer: Here you are.

Shop assistant: Here’s your _______. Goodbye.

варіанти відповідей

sold of

sold in of

sold out of

Запитання 4

Now listen again and fill in the gaps:

Shop assistant: Do you need any help there?

Customer: Yes, do you have any jumpers like these ... ?

Shop assistant: No, I’m afraid we’ve ... the red ones.

Customer: Oh, that’s a shame. Do you have these jeans _______ (3)?

Shop assistant: Hmm...I’ll just _______ in the stock room...You’re in luck. This is the last pair.

Customer: Great! Where can I _______ ?

Shop assistant: The changing rooms are over there.

Customer: They fit fine. I ______ them. Do you have this shirt ______?

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Would you like to _______ ?

Customer: Yes...It looks OK, but I think _______ .

Shop assistant: Fine. Are you paying cash or by credit card? Customer: Cash. Shop assistant: That’s 50 pounds, please. Customer: Here you are.

Shop assistant: Here’s your _______. Goodbye.

варіанти відповідей

in a 26

in a 27

in a 28

Запитання 5

Now listen again and fill in the gaps:

Shop assistant: Do you need any help there?

Customer: Yes, do you have any jumpers like these ... ?

Shop assistant: No, I’m afraid we’ve ... the red ones.

Customer: Oh, that’s a shame. Do you have these jeans ... ?

Shop assistant: Hmm...I’ll just _______ (4) in the stock room...You’re in luck. This is the last pair.

Customer: Great! Where can I _______ ?

Shop assistant: The changing rooms are over there.

Customer: They fit fine. I ______ them. Do you have this shirt ______?

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Would you like to _______ ?

Customer: Yes...It looks OK, but I think _______ .

Shop assistant: Fine. Are you paying cash or by credit card? Customer: Cash. Shop assistant: That’s 50 pounds, please. Customer: Here you are.

Shop assistant: Here’s your _______. Goodbye.

варіанти відповідей

go and pack

go and check

go and put

Запитання 6

Now listen again and fill in the gaps:

Shop assistant: Do you need any help there?

Customer: Yes, do you have any jumpers like these ... ?

Shop assistant: No, I’m afraid we’ve ... the red ones.

Customer: Oh, that’s a shame. Do you have these jeans ... ?

Shop assistant: Hmm...I’ll just ... in the stock room...You’re in luck. This is the last pair.

Customer: Great! Where can I _______ (5) ?

Shop assistant: The changing rooms are over there.

Customer: They fit fine. I ______ them. Do you have this shirt ______?

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Would you like to _______ ?

Customer: Yes...It looks OK, but I think _______ .

Shop assistant: Fine. Are you paying cash or by credit card? Customer: Cash. Shop assistant: That’s 50 pounds, please. Customer: Here you are.

Shop assistant: Here’s your _______. Goodbye.

варіанти відповідей

try them on

try them out

try them in

Запитання 7

Now listen again and fill in the gaps:

Shop assistant: Do you need any help there?

Customer: Yes, do you have any jumpers like these ... ?

Shop assistant: No, I’m afraid we’ve ... the red ones.

Customer: Oh, that’s a shame. Do you have these jeans ... ?

Shop assistant: Hmm...I’ll just ... in the stock room...You’re in luck. This is the last pair.

Customer: Great! Where can I .... ?

Shop assistant: The changing rooms are over there.

Customer: They fit fine. I ______ (6) them. Do you have this shirt ______?

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Would you like to _______ ?

Customer: Yes...It looks OK, but I think _______ .

Shop assistant: Fine. Are you paying cash or by credit card? Customer: Cash. Shop assistant: That’s 50 pounds, please. Customer: Here you are.

Shop assistant: Here’s your _______. Goodbye.

варіанти відповідей

'll put

'll give

'll take

Запитання 8

Now listen again and fill in the gaps:

Shop assistant: Do you need any help there?

Customer: Yes, do you have any jumpers like these ... ?

Shop assistant: No, I’m afraid we’ve ... the red ones.

Customer: Oh, that’s a shame. Do you have these jeans ... ?

Shop assistant: Hmm...I’ll just ... in the stock room...You’re in luck. This is the last pair.

Customer: Great! Where can I .... ?

Shop assistant: The changing rooms are over there.

Customer: They fit fine. I ... them. Do you have this shirt ______ (7)?

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Would you like to _______ ?

Customer: Yes...It looks OK, but I think _______ .

Shop assistant: Fine. Are you paying cash or by credit card? Customer: Cash. Shop assistant: That’s 50 pounds, please. Customer: Here you are.

Shop assistant: Here’s your _______. Goodbye.

варіанти відповідей

in a smaller size

in a middle size

in a bigger size

Запитання 9

Now listen again and fill in the gaps:

Shop assistant: Do you need any help there?

Customer: Yes, do you have any jumpers like these ... ?

Shop assistant: No, I’m afraid we’ve ... the red ones.

Customer: Oh, that’s a shame. Do you have these jeans ... ?

Shop assistant: Hmm...I’ll just ... in the stock room...You’re in luck. This is the last pair.

Customer: Great! Where can I .... ?

Shop assistant: The changing rooms are over there.

Customer: They fit fine. I ... them. Do you have this shirt ...?

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Would you like to _______ (8) ?

Customer: Yes...It looks OK, but I think _______ .

Shop assistant: Fine. Are you paying cash or by credit card? Customer: Cash. Shop assistant: That’s 50 pounds, please. Customer: Here you are.

Shop assistant: Here’s your _______. Goodbye.

варіанти відповідей

try his on

try it on

try them on

Запитання 10

Now listen again and fill in the gaps:

Shop assistant: Do you need any help there?

Customer: Yes, do you have any jumpers like these ... ?

Shop assistant: No, I’m afraid we’ve ... the red ones.

Customer: Oh, that’s a shame. Do you have these jeans ... ?

Shop assistant: Hmm...I’ll just ... in the stock room...You’re in luck. This is the last pair.

Customer: Great! Where can I .... ?

Shop assistant: The changing rooms are over there.

Customer: They fit fine. I ... them. Do you have this shirt ...?

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Would you like to .... ?

Customer: Yes...It looks OK, but I think _______ (9).

Shop assistant: Fine. Are you paying cash or by credit card? Customer: Cash. Shop assistant: That’s 50 pounds, please. Customer: Here you are.

Shop assistant: Here’s your _______. Goodbye.

варіанти відповідей

I'll live it

I'll leave it

I'll leve it

Запитання 11

Now listen again and fill in the gaps:

Shop assistant: Do you need any help there?

Customer: Yes, do you have any jumpers like these ... ?

Shop assistant: No, I’m afraid we’ve ... the red ones.

Customer: Oh, that’s a shame. Do you have these jeans ... ?

Shop assistant: Hmm...I’ll just ... in the stock room...You’re in luck. This is the last pair.

Customer: Great! Where can I .... ?

Shop assistant: The changing rooms are over there.

Customer: They fit fine. I ... them. Do you have this shirt ...?

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Would you like to .... ?

Customer: Yes...It looks OK, but I think...

Shop assistant: Fine. Are you paying cash or by credit card? Customer: Cash. Shop assistant: That’s 50 pounds, please. Customer: Here you are.

Shop assistant: Here’s your _______ (10). Goodbye.

варіанти відповідей

chance and receipt

change and receipt

challenge and receipt

Запитання 12

Complete the sentences below with the following words:

This jacket was on _________ when I bought it. It usually costs twice as much

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 13

Complete the sentences below with the following words:

________ clothes, such as Gucci jeans and Armani suits are usually very expensive. 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 14

Complete the sentences below with the following words:

We sell a wide variety of __________ including walking boots, high-heeled shoes and trainers. 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 15

Complete the sentences below with the following words:

They give you a 10% _________ if you buy more than three items

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 16

Complete the sentences below with the following words:

I only paid $10 for this sweater. It was a real ________

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 17

Michael didn’t like the jacket I bought for him, so I took it back and asked for a _____

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 18

Match British English word with American English equivalent

trainers -

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 19

Match British English word with American English equivalent

tights -

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 20

Match British English word with American English equivalent

shop assistant _

варіанти відповідей





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