19.06--6гр-КОНТРОЛЬНА робота за 2 семест 10 курс

Додано: 9 червня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 268 разів
21 запитання
Запитання 1

I.       Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.

1.   Pick up smth.

варіанти відповідей

Move across/down/up a web page or other document on a computer screen

Show a clear and detailed picture of smth or show smth in less detail

Put your name into a computer so that you can start using it

Connect to the Internet and access emails

Make a copy of computer information so that you do not lose it

Finish using a computer system

Get into someone else’s computer system without permission in order to look at information or do smth illegal

Запитання 2

I.       Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.

2.   Log in/on

варіанти відповідей

Move across/down/up a web page or other document on a computer screen

Show a clear and detailed picture of smth or show smth in less detail

Put your name into a computer so that you can start using it

Connect to the Internet and access emails

Make a copy of computer information so that you do not lose it

Finish using a computer system

Get into someone else’s computer system without permission in order to look at information or do smth illegal

Запитання 3

I.       Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.

3.   Log off/out

варіанти відповідей

Move across/down/up a web page or other document on a computer screen

Show a clear and detailed picture of smth or show smth in less detail

Put your name into a computer so that you can start using it

Connect to the Internet and access emails

Make a copy of computer information so that you do not lose it

Finish using a computer system

Get into someone else’s computer system without permission in order to look at information or do smth illegal

Запитання 4

I.       Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.

4.   Scroll across/down/up

варіанти відповідей

Move across/down/up a web page or other document on a computer screen

Show a clear and detailed picture of smth or show smth in less detail

Put your name into a computer so that you can start using it

Connect to the Internet and access emails

Make a copy of computer information so that you do not lose it

Finish using a computer system

Get into someone else’s computer system without permission in order to look at information or do smth illegal

Запитання 5

I.       Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.

5.   Hack into

варіанти відповідей

Move across/down/up a web page or other document on a computer screen

Show a clear and detailed picture of smth or show smth in less detail

Put your name into a computer so that you can start using it

Connect to the Internet and access emails

Make a copy of computer information so that you do not lose it

Finish using a computer system

Get into someone else’s computer system without permission in order to look at information or do smth illegal

Запитання 6

I.       Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.

6.   Back smth. up

варіанти відповідей

Move across/down/up a web page or other document on a computer screen

Show a clear and detailed picture of smth or show smth in less detail

Put your name into a computer so that you can start using it

Connect to the Internet and access emails

Make a copy of computer information so that you do not lose it

Finish using a computer system

Get into someone else’s computer system without permission in order to look at information or do smth illegal

Запитання 7

I.       Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.

7.   Zoom in/out

варіанти відповідей

Move across/down/up a web page or other document on a computer screen

Show a clear and detailed picture of smth or show smth in less detail

Put your name into a computer so that you can start using it

Connect to the Internet and access emails

Make a copy of computer information so that you do not lose it

Finish using a computer system

Get into someone else’s computer system without permission in order to look at information or do smth illegal

Запитання 8


     This summer there will probably be a lot of forest _(1) as always during the hot weather. These fires will not only … thousands of trees but could destroy homes as well. What are the … of forest fires?

варіанти відповідей









Запитання 9


     This summer there will probably be a lot of forest fires as always during the hot weather. These fires will not only __(2)__ thousands of trees but could destroy homes as well. What are the … of forest fires?

варіанти відповідей









Запитання 10


     This summer there will probably be a lot of forest fires as always during the hot weather. These fires will not only destroy thousands of trees but could destroy homes as well. What are the __(3)__ of forest fires?

варіанти відповідей









Запитання 11


     This summer there will probably be a lot of forest fires as always during the hot weather. These fires will not only destroy thousands of trees but could destroy homes as well. What are the causes of forest fires?

   Some fires will simply be the result of __(4)__ causes, particularly in hot, dry weather. But this can’t explain why fires … at other times, when the weather is not so hot. For example, when a fire starts in several different places at the same time, it can’t be an …; it must be because someone started it.

варіанти відповідей









Запитання 12


     This summer there will probably be a lot of forest fires as always during the hot weather. These fires will not only destroy thousands of trees but could destroy homes as well. What are the causes of forest fires?

   Some fires will simply be the result of natural causes, particularly in hot, dry weather. But this can’t explain why fires __(5)__ at other times, when the weather is not so hot. For example, when a fire starts in several different places at the same time, it can’t be an …; it must be because someone started it.

варіанти відповідей









Запитання 13


     This summer there will probably be a lot of forest fires as always during the hot weather. These fires will not only destroy thousands of trees but could destroy homes as well. What are the causes of forest fires?

   Some fires will simply be the result of natural causes, particularly in hot, dry weather. But this can’t explain why fires occur at other times, when the weather is not so hot. For example, when a fire starts in several different places at the same time, it can’t be an __(6)__; it must be because someone started it.

варіанти відповідей









Запитання 14


     This summer there will probably be a lot of forest fires as always during the hot weather. These fires will not only destroy thousands of trees but could destroy homes as well. What are the causes of forest fires?

   Some fires will simply be the result of natural causes, particularly in hot, dry weather. But this can’t explain why fires occur at other times, when the weather is not so hot. For example, when a fire starts in several different places at the same time, it can’t be an accident; it must be because someone started it.

We can __(7)__the number of fires by employing more people to … the forests, but this can’t be something the government can’t afford.

варіанти відповідей









Запитання 15


     This summer there will probably be a lot of forest fires as always during the hot weather. These fires will not only destroy thousands of trees but could destroy homes as well. What are the causes of forest fires?

   Some fires will simply be the result of natural causes, particularly in hot, dry weather. But this can’t explain why fires occur at other times, when the weather is not so hot. For example, when a fire starts in several different places at the same time, it can’t be an accident; it must be because someone started it.

We can reduce the number of fires by employing more people to __(8)__ the forests, but this can’t be something the government can’t afford.

варіанти відповідей









Запитання 16

IІІ.       Write sentences using the prompts. Change the form of the verbs so that one of them should be in the Past Perfect Tense.

1.   She / be / hungry / because / she / not / eat / anything / all day

варіанти відповідей

She be hungry because she not eat anything all day.

She was hungry because she hadn`t eaten anything all day.

She to be hungry because she hadn`t eaten anything all day.

She was hungry because she hadn`t to eat anything all day.

Запитання 17

IІІ.       Write sentences using the prompts. Change the form of the verbs so that one of them should be in the Past Perfect Tense.

2.   By the time / I leave / school / I / decide / to become / a painter

варіанти відповідей

By the time I leave school I decide to become a painter.

By the time I had left school, I decided to become a painter.

By the time I leave school, I decide to become a painter.

By the time I have left school, I decide to become a painter.

Запитання 18

IІІ.       Write sentences using the prompts. Change the form of the verbs so that one of them should be in the Past Perfect Tense.

3.   We / just / hear / the news / when / you / ring

варіанти відповідей

We just hear the news when you ring.

We have just hear the news when you rang.

We had just heard the news when you rang.

We are just hearing the news when you ring.

Запитання 19

IІІ.       Write sentences using the prompts. Change the form of the verbs so that one of them should be in the Past Perfect Tense.

4.   When / I / turn on / the TV / the programme / already / start

варіанти відповідей

When I turn on the TV the programme already start.

When I turned on the TV the programme had already started.

When I turn on the TV the programme had already started.

When I turned on the TV the programme already start.

Запитання 20

IІІ.       Write sentences using the prompts. Change the form of the verbs so that one of them should be in the Past Perfect Tense.

5.   I / already / think of / that / before / you / suggest / it

варіанти відповідей

 I already think of that before you suggest it.

 I had already think of that before you suggest it.

 I had already thought of that before you suggest it.

 I already thinked of that before you suggested it.

Запитання 21

IV.       Guess the words using the following definitions.

1.    … is frozen water.

2.    … is a person who acts as a judge in football.

3.    … the place people skate on.

4.    … the sports ground on which tennis is played.

5.    … the person who dances on the ice.

варіанти відповідей

An ice; The referee; A skating-rink; A court; A figure skater

An ice; The judge; A skating-rink; A court; A figure skater

An ice cream; The referee; A skating-rink; A court; A figure skater

An ice; The referee; A stadium ; A court; A figure skater

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