2 Form. Test in Reading. Term II.

Додано: 16 травня 2022
Тест виконано: 64 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1


This is May. She is ten years old.She can sing and dance.She can’t swim.

 Every Monday, May reads funny books with her friends. Every Tuesday, she rides a bike to school. On Wednesdays, she plays tennis at school. On Thursdays, she sings English songs with her friends. Every Friday, she cooks pizza at home. Every Saturday, she helps her Mum. May has got a friend. Her name is Jane.

 On Sundays May and Jane go to the zoo. The girls like funny monkeys. They can jump and climb the trees.

True or False (Правда або неправда)

May reads English books.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2


This is May. She is ten years old. 

 She can sing and dance. She can’t swim.

 Every Monday, May reads funny books with her  friends. Every Tuesday, she rides a bike to school.   On Wednesdays, she plays tennis at school.

 On  Thursdays, she sings English songs with her friends.  Every Friday, she cooks pizza at home. Every Saturday, she helps her Mum. May has got a friend. Her name is Jane.

 On Sundays May and Jane go to the zoo. The girls like funny monkeys. They can jump and climb the trees.

True or False (Правда або неправда)

May rides a bike to school on Fridays.           

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3


This is May. She is ten years old. 

 She can sing and dance. She can’t swim.

 Every Monday, May reads funny books with her  friends. Every Tuesday, she rides a bike to school.   On Wednesdays, she plays tennis at school.

 On  Thursdays, she sings English songs with her friends.  Every Friday, she cooks pizza at home. Every Saturday, she helps her Mum. May has got a friend. Her name is Jane.

 On Sundays May and Jane go to the zoo. The girls like funny monkeys. They can jump and climb the trees.

True or False (Правда або неправда)

She plays football at home.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4


This is May. She is ten years old. 

 She can sing and dance. She can’t swim.

 Every Monday, May reads funny books with her  friends. Every Tuesday, she rides a bike to school.   On Wednesdays, she plays tennis at school.

 On  Thursdays, she sings English songs with her friends.  Every Friday, she cooks pizza at home. Every Saturday, she helps her Mum. May has got a friend. Her name is Jane.

 On Sundays May and Jane go to the zoo. The girls like funny monkeys. They can jump and climb the trees.

True or False (Правда або неправда)

She plays tennis at school on Wednesdays

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5


This is May. She is ten years old. 

 She can sing and dance. She can’t swim.

 Every Monday, May reads funny books with her  friends. Every Tuesday, she rides a bike to school.   On Wednesdays, she plays tennis at school.

 On  Thursdays, she sings English songs with her friends.  Every Friday, she cooks pizza at home. Every Saturday, she helps her Mum. May has got a friend. Her name is Jane.

 On Sundays May and Jane go to the zoo. The girls like funny monkeys. They can jump and climb the trees.

True or False (Правда або неправда)

She cooks pizza.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6


This is May. She is ten years old. 

 She can sing and dance. She can’t swim.

 Every Monday, May reads funny books with her  friends. Every Tuesday, she rides a bike to school.   On Wednesdays, she plays tennis at school.

 On  Thursdays, she sings English songs with her friends.  Every Friday, she cooks pizza at home. Every Saturday, she helps her Mum. May has got a friend. Her name is Jane.

 On Sundays May and Jane go to the zoo. The girls like funny monkeys. They can jump and climb the trees.

True or False (Правда або неправда)

May has got a dog.                    

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7


This is May. She is ten years old. 

 She can sing and dance. She can’t swim.

 Every Monday, May reads funny books with her  friends. Every Tuesday, she rides a bike to school.   On Wednesdays, she plays tennis at school.

 On  Thursdays, she sings English songs with her friends.  Every Friday, she cooks pizza at home. Every Saturday, she helps her Mum. May has got a friend. Her name is Jane.

 On Sundays May and Jane go to the zoo. The girls like funny monkeys. They can jump and climb the trees.

Fill in the missing words (Заповніть пропущені слова)

May is ………………………

варіанти відповідей

a cat

a boy

a girl

Запитання 8


This is May. She is ten years old. 

 She can sing and dance. She can’t swim.

 Every Monday, May reads funny books with her  friends. Every Tuesday, she rides a bike to school.   On Wednesdays, she plays tennis at school.

 On  Thursdays, she sings English songs with her friends.  Every Friday, she cooks pizza at home. Every Saturday, she helps her Mum. May has got a friend. Her name is Jane.

 On Sundays May and Jane go to the zoo. The girls like funny monkeys. They can jump and climb the trees.

Fill in the missing words (Заповніть пропущені слова)

She can………………………

варіанти відповідей

dance and swim

dance and sing

dance and jump

Запитання 9


This is May. She is ten years old. 

 She can sing and dance. She can’t swim.

 Every Monday, May reads funny books with her  friends. Every Tuesday, she rides a bike to school.   On Wednesdays, she plays tennis at school.

 On  Thursdays, she sings English songs with her friends.  Every Friday, she cooks pizza at home. Every Saturday, she helps her Mum. May has got a friend. Her name is Jane.

 On Sundays May and Jane go to the zoo. The girls like funny monkeys. They can jump and climb the trees.

Fill in the missing words (Заповніть пропущені слова)

Jane is her …………………..

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 10


This is May. She is ten years old. 

 She can sing and dance. She can’t swim.

 Every Monday, May reads funny books with her  friends. Every Tuesday, she rides a bike to school.   On Wednesdays, she plays tennis at school.

 On  Thursdays, she sings English songs with her friends.  Every Friday, she cooks pizza at home. Every Saturday, she helps her Mum. May has got a friend. Her name is Jane.

 On Sundays May and Jane go to the zoo. The girls like funny monkeys. They can jump and climb the trees.

Fill in the missing words (Заповніть пропущені слова)

…………………..  can jump and climb the trees.

варіанти відповідей

The cats

The monkeys

The girls

Запитання 11


This is May. She is ten years old. 

 She can sing and dance. She can’t swim.

 Every Monday, May reads funny books with her  friends. Every Tuesday, she rides a bike to school.   On Wednesdays, she plays tennis at school.

 On  Thursdays, she sings English songs with her friends.  Every Friday, she cooks pizza at home. Every Saturday, she helps her Mum. May has got a friend. Her name is Jane.

 On Sundays May and Jane go to the zoo. The girls like funny monkeys. They can jump and climb the trees.

Fill in the missing words (Заповніть пропущені слова)

The girls like ……………… ………

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 12


This is May. She is ten years old. 

 She can sing and dance. She can’t swim.

 Every Monday, May reads funny books with her friends. Every Tuesday, she rides a bike to school.   On Wednesdays, she plays tennis at school.

 On Thursdays, she sings English songs with her friends. Every Friday, she cooks pizza at home. Every Saturday, she helps her Mum. May has got a friend. Her name is Jane.

 On Sundays May and Jane go to the zoo. The girls like funny monkeys. They can jump and climb the trees.

Write the day (Напиши день)

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