What is the main purpose of education ?
State schools provide the pupils with all the necessary _____ for their studies.
Choose some correct variants: When do children start primary school ?
What do children do at primary school ?
Choose the only correct variant:
Choose the wrong variant: What scale of evaluation exists in the system of education in Ukraine (including higher education)?
What is the scale of evaluation in Ukrainian schools ? What do you know about grading system in Ukrainian schools ?
Choose some correct variants: What does the scale of evaluation in the system of education in Ukraine help to see and demonstrate?
Choose the wrong variant: Which educational institutions are there in Ukraine?
How long does primary education last ?
How long does a compulsory level of education last ?
Choose some correct variants: What level of education is optional ?
Do any vocational schools and colleges require additional fee for education ?
Choose some wrong variants: What do you know about postgraduate education ?
Choose the synonyms for the word-combination: ‘postgraduate school’:
oтримати ступень Магістра або Спеціалиста:
Choose the synonym for ‘postgraduate school’
Choose some correct synonyms for ‘refresher courses’
Choose some correct synonyms for ‘безкоштовне навчання’
Choose some correct variants: What kind of universities are there in the country ?
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