6 form Test in Reading

Додано: 11 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 19 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text. Then say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)

Enjoying the thrill

Most people want a peaceful job, with no danger, but not Simon Addlington. Simon is a stuntman for films. He does the dangerous things that the main actors don’t want to do. So he’s jumped off a moving train, and he’s driven a car into a deep river. He’s also run into burning buildings. ‘I don’t really get scared,’ Simon says. ‘I feel very excited when I’m going to do something dangerous. But I’m also quite careful. I think about each job carefully, and I only take risks if it’s necessary.’

Simon’s had a lot of injuries in his job. He’s broken both legs, and he’s sprained his shoulder five times. He’s also burned his arms twice. But he doesn’t mind the injuries, and he loves his job.

Simon wants a peaceful job

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Запитання 2

Read the text. Then say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)

Enjoying the thrill

Most people want a peaceful job, with no danger, but not Simon Addlington. Simon is a stuntman for films. He does the dangerous things that the main actors don’t want to do. So he’s jumped off a moving train, and he’s driven a car into a deep river. He’s also run into burning buildings. ‘I don’t really get scared,’ Simon says. ‘I feel very excited when I’m going to do something dangerous. But I’m also quite careful. I think about each job carefully, and I only take risks if it’s necessary.’

Simon’s had a lot of injuries in his job. He’s broken both legs, and he’s sprained his shoulder five times. He’s also burned his arms twice. But he doesn’t mind the injuries, and he loves his job.

Simon has done dangerous things in films.

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Запитання 3

Read the text. Then say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)

Enjoying the thrill

Most people want a peaceful job, with no danger, but not Simon Addlington. Simon is a stuntman for films. He does the dangerous things that the main actors don’t want to do. So he’s jumped off a moving train, and he’s driven a car into a deep river. He’s also run into burning buildings. ‘I don’t really get scared,’ Simon says. ‘I feel very excited when I’m going to do something dangerous. But I’m also quite careful. I think about each job carefully, and I only take risks if it’s necessary.’

Simon’s had a lot of injuries in his job. He’s broken both legs, and he’s sprained his shoulder five times. He’s also burned his arms twice. But he doesn’t mind the injuries, and he loves his job.

He has jumped off a burning building.

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Запитання 4

Read the text. Then say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)

Enjoying the thrill

Most people want a peaceful job, with no danger, but not Simon Addlington. Simon is a stuntman for films. He does the dangerous things that the main actors don’t want to do. So he’s jumped off a moving train, and he’s driven a car into a deep river. He’s also run into burning buildings. ‘I don’t really get scared,’ Simon says. ‘I feel very excited when I’m going to do something dangerous. But I’m also quite careful. I think about each job carefully, and I only take risks if it’s necessary.’

Simon’s had a lot of injuries in his job. He’s broken both legs, and he’s sprained his shoulder five times. He’s also burned his arms twice. But he doesn’t mind the injuries, and he loves his job.

Simon always feels scared at work.

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Запитання 5

Read the text. Then say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)

Enjoying the thrill

Most people want a peaceful job, with no danger, but not Simon Addlington. Simon is a stuntman for films. He does the dangerous things that the main actors don’t want to do. So he’s jumped off a moving train, and he’s driven a car into a deep river. He’s also run into burning buildings. ‘I don’t really get scared,’ Simon says. ‘I feel very excited when I’m going to do something dangerous. But I’m also quite careful. I think about each job carefully, and I only take risks if it’s necessary.’

Simon’s had a lot of injuries in his job. He’s broken both legs, and he’s sprained his shoulder five times. He’s also burned his arms twice. But he doesn’t mind the injuries, and he loves his job.

He loves taking risks. 

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Запитання 6

Read the text. Then say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)

Enjoying the thrill

Most people want a peaceful job, with no danger, but not Simon Addlington. Simon is a stuntman for films. He does the dangerous things that the main actors don’t want to do. So he’s jumped off a moving train, and he’s driven a car into a deep river. He’s also run into burning buildings. ‘I don’t really get scared,’ Simon says. ‘I feel very excited when I’m going to do something dangerous. But I’m also quite careful. I think about each job carefully, and I only take risks if it’s necessary.’

Simon’s had a lot of injuries in his job. He’s broken both legs, and he’s sprained his shoulder five times. He’s also burned his arms twice. But he doesn’t mind the injuries, and he loves his job.

He has hurt himself many times in his job.

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