6 form/unit 2/ Reading

Додано: 9 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 17 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the article. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

The connected home Welcome to the connected home. Everything here is connected and life is easy! There’s a computer which is connected to your phone. The phone sends information about you and your things to your computer. Because you use your phone to control the house, you can control the lights, radiators, and even the curtains from another town! The connected home has all of the things that you usually find in a house, like windows, doors and furniture, but there’s nothing normal about it. Many of the things are connected to the Internet to make your life more convenient. Your house knows when you’re coming home, so it opens the door for you. When you walk in, it turns the lights on and if it’s cold it turns the radiators on. When you walk around the house, the computer knows exactly where you are and it does the things it thinks you need. For example, when you are in the living room, it can turn on the TV and put on your favourite programme. Or when you are in the kitchen, it can tell you what’s in the fridge and it can recommend a meal to make with the ingredients you have.

1.  Your phone can’t control the house.

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Запитання 2

Read the article. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

The connected home Welcome to the connected home. Everything here is connected and life is easy! There’s a computer which is connected to your phone. The phone sends information about you and your things to your computer. Because you use your phone to control the house, you can control the lights, radiators, and even the curtains from another town! The connected home has all of the things that you usually find in a house, like windows, doors and furniture, but there’s nothing normal about it. Many of the things are connected to the Internet to make your life more convenient. Your house knows when you’re coming home, so it opens the door for you. When you walk in, it turns the lights on and if it’s cold it turns the radiators on. When you walk around the house, the computer knows exactly where you are and it does the things it thinks you need. For example, when you are in the living room, it can turn on the TV and put on your favourite programme. Or when you are in the kitchen, it can tell you what’s in the fridge and it can recommend a meal to make with the ingredients you have.

2 You need to be in the house to control it.

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Запитання 3

Read the article. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

The connected home Welcome to the connected home. Everything here is connected and life is easy! There’s a computer which is connected to your phone. The phone sends information about you and your things to your computer. Because you use your phone to control the house, you can control the lights, radiators, and even the curtains from another town! The connected home has all of the things that you usually find in a house, like windows, doors and furniture, but there’s nothing normal about it. Many of the things are connected to the Internet to make your life more convenient. Your house knows when you’re coming home, so it opens the door for you. When you walk in, it turns the lights on and if it’s cold it turns the radiators on. When you walk around the house, the computer knows exactly where you are and it does the things it thinks you need. For example, when you are in the living room, it can turn on the TV and put on your favourite programme. Or when you are in the kitchen, it can tell you what’s in the fridge and it can recommend a meal to make with the ingredients you have.

3 The connected house looks the same as a normal house

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Запитання 4

Read the article. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

The connected home Welcome to the connected home. Everything here is connected and life is easy! There’s a computer which is connected to your phone. The phone sends information about you and your things to your computer. Because you use your phone to control the house, you can control the lights, radiators, and even the curtains from another town! The connected home has all of the things that you usually find in a house, like windows, doors and furniture, but there’s nothing normal about it. Many of the things are connected to the Internet to make your life more convenient. Your house knows when you’re coming home, so it opens the door for you. When you walk in, it turns the lights on and if it’s cold it turns the radiators on. When you walk around the house, the computer knows exactly where you are and it does the things it thinks you need. For example, when you are in the living room, it can turn on the TV and put on your favourite programme. Or when you are in the kitchen, it can tell you what’s in the fridge and it can recommend a meal to make with the ingredients you have.

4 The house helps you when you come in.

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Запитання 5

Read the article. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

The connected home Welcome to the connected home. Everything here is connected and life is easy! There’s a computer which is connected to your phone. The phone sends information about you and your things to your computer. Because you use your phone to control the house, you can control the lights, radiators, and even the curtains from another town! The connected home has all of the things that you usually find in a house, like windows, doors and furniture, but there’s nothing normal about it. Many of the things are connected to the Internet to make your life more convenient. Your house knows when you’re coming home, so it opens the door for you. When you walk in, it turns the lights on and if it’s cold it turns the radiators on. When you walk around the house, the computer knows exactly where you are and it does the things it thinks you need. For example, when you are in the living room, it can turn on the TV and put on your favourite programme. Or when you are in the kitchen, it can tell you what’s in the fridge and it can recommend a meal to make with the ingredients you have.

5. You tell the computer where you are in the house

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Запитання 6

Read the article. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?

The connected home Welcome to the connected home. Everything here is connected and life is easy! There’s a computer which is connected to your phone. The phone sends information about you and your things to your computer. Because you use your phone to control the house, you can control the lights, radiators, and even the curtains from another town! The connected home has all of the things that you usually find in a house, like windows, doors and furniture, but there’s nothing normal about it. Many of the things are connected to the Internet to make your life more convenient. Your house knows when you’re coming home, so it opens the door for you. When you walk in, it turns the lights on and if it’s cold it turns the radiators on. When you walk around the house, the computer knows exactly where you are and it does the things it thinks you need. For example, when you are in the living room, it can turn on the TV and put on your favourite programme. Or when you are in the kitchen, it can tell you what’s in the fridge and it can recommend a meal to make with the ingredients you have.

6. The computer cooks a meal for you.

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