6 form/unit 3/ Reading

Додано: 8 листопада 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 88 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the comment from a website. Are the sentences about Wendy45 (W), Cyberboy (C) or both (B)?

AskMe Forum

What unusual or cool hobbies do you have?


I like to design transport maps. I always draw them because I don’t like painting very much. At weekends I go on the bus or train. I go to see new stations and bus stops. I remember them and when I get home I draw them. Sometimes when I visit a town, the transport isn’t very good. Then I create new maps for those towns. A lot of people think it’s a strange hobby but often other people are interested. I chat with them online about my hobby and I put my designs on the Internet. I think people sometimes use them when they visit the towns.


I’m in a dinner club. We are all teenagers and we meet for dinner every week. We don’t go out to restaurants for dinner – we cook the food and eat it at home. Twelve people are in the club and we eat in a different house every Thursday. We surf the Internet for ideas then we buy the food after school on Thursday afternoon. We don’t go to the supermarket because the food isn’t very fresh. We always go to the local market


1.They make things in their free time.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 2

Read the comment from a website. Are the sentences about Wendy45 (W), Cyberboy (C) or both (B)?

AskMe Forum

What unusual or cool hobbies do you have?


I like to design transport maps. I always draw them because I don’t like painting very much. At weekends I go on the bus or train. I go to see new stations and bus stops. I remember them and when I get home I draw them. Sometimes when I visit a town, the transport isn’t very good. Then I create new maps for those towns. A lot of people think it’s a strange hobby but often other people are interested. I chat with them online about my hobby and I put my designs on the Internet. I think people sometimes use them when they visit the towns.


I’m in a dinner club. We are all teenagers and we meet for dinner every week. We don’t go out to restaurants for dinner – we cook the food and eat it at home. Twelve people are in the club and we eat in a different house every Thursday. We surf the Internet for ideas then we buy the food after school on Thursday afternoon. We don’t go to the supermarket because the food isn’t very fresh. We always go to the local market


2. They do their hobby with other people

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 3

Read the comment from a website. Are the sentences about Wendy45 (W), Cyberboy (C) or both (B)?

AskMe Forum

What unusual or cool hobbies do you have?


I like to design transport maps. I always draw them because I don’t like painting very much. At weekends I go on the bus or train. I go to see new stations and bus stops. I remember them and when I get home I draw them. Sometimes when I visit a town, the transport isn’t very good. Then I create new maps for those towns. A lot of people think it’s a strange hobby but often other people are interested. I chat with them online about my hobby and I put my designs on the Internet. I think people sometimes use them when they visit the towns.


I’m in a dinner club. We are all teenagers and we meet for dinner every week. We don’t go out to restaurants for dinner – we cook the food and eat it at home. Twelve people are in the club and we eat in a different house every Thursday. We surf the Internet for ideas then we buy the food after school on Thursday afternoon. We don’t go to the supermarket because the food isn’t very fresh. We always go to the local market


3. Memory is important for this hobby

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 4

Read the comment from a website. Are the sentences about Wendy45 (W), Cyberboy (C) or both (B)?

AskMe Forum

What unusual or cool hobbies do you have?


I like to design transport maps. I always draw them because I don’t like painting very much. At weekends I go on the bus or train. I go to see new stations and bus stops. I remember them and when I get home I draw them. Sometimes when I visit a town, the transport isn’t very good. Then I create new maps for those towns. A lot of people think it’s a strange hobby but often other people are interested. I chat with them online about my hobby and I put my designs on the Internet. I think people sometimes use them when they visit the towns.


I’m in a dinner club. We are all teenagers and we meet for dinner every week. We don’t go out to restaurants for dinner – we cook the food and eat it at home. Twelve people are in the club and we eat in a different house every Thursday. We surf the Internet for ideas then we buy the food after school on Thursday afternoon. We don’t go to the supermarket because the food isn’t very fresh. We always go to the local market


4. They visit places in town for their hobby.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 5

Read the comment from a website. Are the sentences about Wendy45 (W), Cyberboy (C) or both (B)?

AskMe Forum

What unusual or cool hobbies do you have?


I like to design transport maps. I always draw them because I don’t like painting very much. At weekends I go on the bus or train. I go to see new stations and bus stops. I remember them and when I get home I draw them. Sometimes when I visit a town, the transport isn’t very good. Then I create new maps for those towns. A lot of people think it’s a strange hobby but often other people are interested. I chat with them online about my hobby and I put my designs on the Internet. I think people sometimes use them when they visit the towns.


I’m in a dinner club. We are all teenagers and we meet for dinner every week. We don’t go out to restaurants for dinner – we cook the food and eat it at home. Twelve people are in the club and we eat in a different house every Thursday. We surf the Internet for ideas then we buy the food after school on Thursday afternoon. We don’t go to the supermarket because the food isn’t very fresh. We always go to the local market


5. They don’t do their hobby at weekends.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 6

Read the comment from a website. Are the sentences about Wendy45 (W), Cyberboy (C) or both (B)?

AskMe Forum

What unusual or cool hobbies do you have?


I like to design transport maps. I always draw them because I don’t like painting very much. At weekends I go on the bus or train. I go to see new stations and bus stops. I remember them and when I get home I draw them. Sometimes when I visit a town, the transport isn’t very good. Then I create new maps for those towns. A lot of people think it’s a strange hobby but often other people are interested. I chat with them online about my hobby and I put my designs on the Internet. I think people sometimes use them when they visit the towns.


I’m in a dinner club. We are all teenagers and we meet for dinner every week. We don’t go out to restaurants for dinner – we cook the food and eat it at home. Twelve people are in the club and we eat in a different house every Thursday. We surf the Internet for ideas then we buy the food after school on Thursday afternoon. We don’t go to the supermarket because the food isn’t very fresh. We always go to the local market


They use the Internet for their hobby.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 7

Read the comments again and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

AskMe Forum

What unusual or cool hobbies do you have?


I like to design transport maps. I always draw them because I don’t like painting very much. At weekends I go on the bus or train. I go to see new stations and bus stops. I remember them and when I get home I draw them. Sometimes when I visit a town, the transport isn’t very good. Then I create new maps for those towns. A lot of people think it’s a strange hobby but often other people are interested. I chat with them online about my hobby and I put my designs on the Internet. I think people sometimes use them when they visit the towns.


I’m in a dinner club. We are all teenagers and we meet for dinner every week. We don’t go out to restaurants for dinner – we cook the food and eat it at home. Twelve people are in the club and we eat in a different house every Thursday. We surf the Internet for ideas then we buy the food after school on Thursday afternoon. We don’t go to the supermarket because the food isn’t very fresh. We always go to the local market


1. Wendy45 doesn’t like ..

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 8

Read the comments again and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

AskMe Forum

What unusual or cool hobbies do you have?


I like to design transport maps. I always draw them because I don’t like painting very much. At weekends I go on the bus or train. I go to see new stations and bus stops. I remember them and when I get home I draw them. Sometimes when I visit a town, the transport isn’t very good. Then I create new maps for those towns. A lot of people think it’s a strange hobby but often other people are interested. I chat with them online about my hobby and I put my designs on the Internet. I think people sometimes use them when they visit the towns.


I’m in a dinner club. We are all teenagers and we meet for dinner every week. We don’t go out to restaurants for dinner – we cook the food and eat it at home. Twelve people are in the club and we eat in a different house every Thursday. We surf the Internet for ideas then we buy the food after school on Thursday afternoon. We don’t go to the supermarket because the food isn’t very fresh. We always go to the local market


2. At weekends Wendy45 ...

варіанти відповідей

chats online.

goes out with friends.

visits new stations.

Запитання 9

Read the comments again and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

AskMe Forum

What unusual or cool hobbies do you have?


I like to design transport maps. I always draw them because I don’t like painting very much. At weekends I go on the bus or train. I go to see new stations and bus stops. I remember them and when I get home I draw them. Sometimes when I visit a town, the transport isn’t very good. Then I create new maps for those towns. A lot of people think it’s a strange hobby but often other people are interested. I chat with them online about my hobby and I put my designs on the Internet. I think people sometimes use them when they visit the towns.


I’m in a dinner club. We are all teenagers and we meet for dinner every week. We don’t go out to restaurants for dinner – we cook the food and eat it at home. Twelve people are in the club and we eat in a different house every Thursday. We surf the Internet for ideas then we buy the food after school on Thursday afternoon. We don’t go to the supermarket because the food isn’t very fresh. We always go to the local market


3. Wendy45 talks about her hobby ..

варіанти відповідей


at the station.

in town

Запитання 10

Read the comments again and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

AskMe Forum

What unusual or cool hobbies do you have?


I like to design transport maps. I always draw them because I don’t like painting very much. At weekends I go on the bus or train. I go to see new stations and bus stops. I remember them and when I get home I draw them. Sometimes when I visit a town, the transport isn’t very good. Then I create new maps for those towns. A lot of people think it’s a strange hobby but often other people are interested. I chat with them online about my hobby and I put my designs on the Internet. I think people sometimes use them when they visit the towns.


I’m in a dinner club. We are all teenagers and we meet for dinner every week. We don’t go out to restaurants for dinner – we cook the food and eat it at home. Twelve people are in the club and we eat in a different house every Thursday. We surf the Internet for ideas then we buy the food after school on Thursday afternoon. We don’t go to the supermarket because the food isn’t very fresh. We always go to the local market


4.The teenagers in Cyberboy’s dinner club ..

варіанти відповідей

go out to restaurants.

cook food in restaurants.

cook meals at home.

Запитання 11

Read the comments again and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

AskMe Forum

What unusual or cool hobbies do you have?


I like to design transport maps. I always draw them because I don’t like painting very much. At weekends I go on the bus or train. I go to see new stations and bus stops. I remember them and when I get home I draw them. Sometimes when I visit a town, the transport isn’t very good. Then I create new maps for those towns. A lot of people think it’s a strange hobby but often other people are interested. I chat with them online about my hobby and I put my designs on the Internet. I think people sometimes use them when they visit the towns.


I’m in a dinner club. We are all teenagers and we meet for dinner every week. We don’t go out to restaurants for dinner – we cook the food and eat it at home. Twelve people are in the club and we eat in a different house every Thursday. We surf the Internet for ideas then we buy the food after school on Thursday afternoon. We don’t go to the supermarket because the food isn’t very fresh. We always go to the local market


5. Cyberboy and his friends meet ..

варіанти відповідей

on Thursdays.

at the supermarket.

at school.

Запитання 12

Read the comments again and choose the best answers, A, B or C.

AskMe Forum

What unusual or cool hobbies do you have?


I like to design transport maps. I always draw them because I don’t like painting very much. At weekends I go on the bus or train. I go to see new stations and bus stops. I remember them and when I get home I draw them. Sometimes when I visit a town, the transport isn’t very good. Then I create new maps for those towns. A lot of people think it’s a strange hobby but often other people are interested. I chat with them online about my hobby and I put my designs on the Internet. I think people sometimes use them when they visit the towns.


I’m in a dinner club. We are all teenagers and we meet for dinner every week. We don’t go out to restaurants for dinner – we cook the food and eat it at home. Twelve people are in the club and we eat in a different house every Thursday. We surf the Internet for ideas then we buy the food after school on Thursday afternoon. We don’t go to the supermarket because the food isn’t very fresh. We always go to the local market


6. Cyberboy and his friends buy their food ...

варіанти відповідей

at the supermarket.

at the market.

at the restaurant.

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