6 клас reading

Додано: 9 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 55 разів
2 запитання
Запитання 1

People all over the world are fond of sports and games.There are summer and winter sports. The most popular winter sports are skating and skiing. Some people greatly enjoy figure skating and ski-jumping. It's so nice to go to a skating rink or to a forest on a frosty sunny day.

The most popular summer sports are swimming, cycling and sailing. It's so wonderful to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy nature!

Children like to attend sport clubs and train in the gym. Athletics and gimnastics have great popularity among girls. Boys go in for boxing, football, tennis and basketball.

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варіанти відповідей

People all over the world enjoy sports and games.

The most popular winter sports are hocky and skiing.

Some people really like skating and ski-jumping.

The most popular summer sports are swimming, cycling and cricket.

People like to enjoy nature.

Boys are into boxing, football, tennis and basketball.

Запитання 2

Mag: Hey there. Do you want to go sopping with me tomorrow?

Sophia: Hi, Mag. Sorry, but I can't.

Mag: Why? What are you doing?

Sophia: It's my mum's birthday on Friday and I'm baking a cake for her.

Mag: Oh, really? Can you share a recipe with me?

Sophia: Yes, there is a cup of flour, some baking soda, 3 eggs, one cup of sugar and some solt. I will decorate it with fruit and sour cream with sugar.

Mag: It sound delicious! I want to try it!

Sophia: Let's meet on Saturday. I will save a piece for you.

Mag: Thanks!

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варіанти відповідей

It's Mag's birthday on Friday.

Sophia is baking a cake for her mum.

Mag is helping Sophia to bake a cake.

There is some cocoa in the cake.

Sophia will decorate the cake with fruit.

The girls will meet on Saturday.

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