6кл c 17

Додано: 17 вересня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
4 запитання
Запитання 1

I have some difficulty when I speak English. Sometimes I don’t know the correct word to use.

варіанти відповідей

You can find the pronunciation of new words in your dictionary. Use phonetic symbols.

Remember that your English lessons are often the only time you can practise your English. You have to practise i

You don’t have to translate thoughts. You have to use the English words you know

You don’t know a word in English? You don’t have to stop speaking! Think of a word that means nearly the same (for example, ‘a small dog’ instead of 3 ‘a puppy’).

Запитання 2

I speak very slowly because I don’t think in English. I have to translate2 every word.

варіанти відповідей

You can find the pronunciation of new words in your dictionary. Use phonetic symbols.

Remember that your English lessons are often the only time you can practise your English. You have to practise it.

You don’t have to translate thoughts. You have to use the English words you know.

You don’t know a word in English? You don’t have to stop speaking! Think of a word that means nearly the same (for example, ‘a small dog’ instead of 3 ‘a puppy’).

Запитання 3

When I see a new word, I don’t know how to pronounce it

варіанти відповідей

You can find the pronunciation of new words in your dictionary. Use phonetic symbols.

Remember that your English lessons are often the only time you can practise your English. You have to practise it

You don’t have to translate thoughts. You have to use the English words you know. 

You don’t know a word in English? You don’t have to stop speaking! Think of a word that means nearly the same (for example, ‘a small dog’ instead of 3 ‘a puppy’)

Запитання 4

I feel uncomfortable when I speak English with my classmates

варіанти відповідей

You can find the pronunciation of new words in your dictionary. Use phonetic symbols

Remember that your English lessons are often the only time you can practise your English. You have to practise it

You don’t have to translate thoughts. You have to use the English words you know

You don’t know a word in English? You don’t have to stop speaking! Think of a word that means nearly the same (for example, ‘a small dog’ instead of 3 ‘a puppy’).

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