1. We live in ___ Ukraine.
2. Our country is one of the biggest in ____ Europe.
3. Ukraine has a lot of places to boast of and ____ Kyiv, the capital of the country is our national pride.
4. Many tourists who visit our country can't help admiring of the beauty of ___ Carpathian Mountains.
5. It's a real challenge to climb ____ Hoverla, the highest peak of the mountains.
6. If you are a big fan of nature, you can't but visit ____ Shatski Lakes located in the North of the country.
7. ____ Lake Svytyaz attracts visitors and tourists from all over the world.
8. The south of our country is washed by ____ Black Sea.
9. ____ Sea of Azov is also very popular among Ukrainians an guests of the country.
10. The third longest river in Europe, ____ Dnipro is also worth mentioning among the Ukrainian places of incredible beauty.
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